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Old 06-25-2016, 04:41 PM   #21
Join Date: May 2010
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korag082007 is on a distinguished road

I don't think removing aura buffs is as hard, just a matter of logic (but that's not our issue), if MS Is going to have a duration, we can make it to no allow any foreign buff on the player, thing is it will make it work like darkness, but for a small duration, but kind of opposite of darkness,

in darkness we cant buff but we can protect allies,

considering MS against barbs, barbs might have lot of problem with it, so may be we can allow heals in MS duration?
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Old 07-22-2016, 06:50 PM   #22
Ad Speciosum Puer
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The ENTIRE point of Darkness, Confuse & Mind Squasher is: MS can strip the buffs away that make many knights & conjs nigh-unkillable. MS is also the ONLY working solution to a charging UM-ed/DI-ed barb. Darkness & Confuse then follow on to keep the buffs from coming back (or, from going up in the 1st place). Neither is a death sentence in itself. They only kill you if you are too stubborn to retreat & wait out the short durations. That said tho, once you are fully committed offensively & deeply in harm's way, then yes, a well-timed MS/Dark/Conf can greatly increase the odds that you will die behind enemy lines. Hey, YOU chose charge-on-in-balls-to-the-wall, rolled the dice, took your chances, now pay the price (or perhaps not, & just reap your rewards).

For those warriors insisting MS is TOO powerful, remember: YOU can also skill it. For those who truly want all 3 spells just 'gone', consider, then a lot else must be done for the sake of overall balance: DI removed as well; barb-damage (& maybe UM) nerf; knight aura-%, def stan-%, & Ao1-% nerfs; steel skin (& maybe kar mir) nerfs, etc, etc, etc, ad naseum. Better to just leave the 3 as is in game really. Less work. RO is RvR game, not PvP. The 3 serve a purpose. Don't 'fix' (remove) what is not broken.

As to the spells themselves, imho the durations are wonky for no good reason. Darkness & Confuse both should have 8 sec @ lvl 1, 12 @ 2, 16 @ 3, 20 @ 4, & 24 sec @ 5.

MS is now a once-in-1-min only spell, not nearly as formidable in overall RvR impact as it was when it could be cast every 10-20 sec (like way back in the day; & like a 2-3k damage SC every 10 secs still has; ah, yet Rip has 30 sec cd; I smell rank favoritism in these mechanics). Thus, MS needs a boost to 20% @ lvl 1, 30 @ 2, 40 @ 3, 50 @ 4, & 60% @ 5 (or maybe SC quite rightly needs a 20-30 sec cd now?).

Also, since MS canNOT be spammed anymore, endgame knight-only blunt weapons should rightly be made into warrior-only. ALL endgame-level one-handed pierce & slash hand-weapons are already warrior-only (& always were), & NONE restricted to knights alone, so why are the endgame one-handed blunts still UNusable for barbs? (Originally, this was a reduced-damage decision of balance for Blunt-Tree-Users, back when MS could be cast as often as South Cross, but those days are long gone, & this now-bogus weapon restriction should be long gone too).

Last edited by Ad Speciosum Puer; 07-22-2016 at 07:23 PM.
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Old 07-23-2016, 01:58 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Ad Speciosum Puer View Post
The ENTIRE point of Darkness, Confuse & Mind Squasher is: MS can strip the buffs away that make many knights & conjs nigh-unkillable. MS is also the ONLY working solution to a charging UM-ed/DI-ed barb. Darkness & Confuse then follow on to keep the buffs from coming back (or, from going up in the 1st place). Neither is a death sentence in itself. They only kill you if you are too stubborn to retreat & wait out the short durations. That said tho, once you are fully committed offensively & deeply in harm's way, then yes, a well-timed MS/Dark/Conf can greatly increase the odds that you will die behind enemy lines. Hey, YOU chose charge-on-in-balls-to-the-wall, rolled the dice, took your chances, now pay the price (or perhaps not, & just reap your rewards).

For those warriors insisting MS is TOO powerful, remember: YOU can also skill it. For those who truly want all 3 spells just 'gone', consider, then a lot else must be done for the sake of overall balance: DI removed as well; barb-damage (& maybe UM) nerf; knight aura-%, def stan-%, & Ao1-% nerfs; steel skin (& maybe kar mir) nerfs, etc, etc, etc, ad naseum. Better to just leave the 3 as is in game really. Less work. RO is RvR game, not PvP. The 3 serve a purpose. Don't 'fix' (remove) what is not broken.

As to the spells themselves, imho the durations are wonky for no good reason. Darkness & Confuse both should have 8 sec @ lvl 1, 12 @ 2, 16 @ 3, 20 @ 4, & 24 sec @ 5.

MS is now a once-in-1-min only spell, not nearly as formidable in overall RvR impact as it was when it could be cast every 10-20 sec (like way back in the day; & like a 2-3k damage SC every 10 secs still has; ah, yet Rip has 30 sec cd; I smell rank favoritism in these mechanics). Thus, MS needs a boost to 20% @ lvl 1, 30 @ 2, 40 @ 3, 50 @ 4, & 60% @ 5 (or maybe SC quite rightly needs a 20-30 sec cd now?).

Also, since MS canNOT be spammed anymore, endgame knight-only blunt weapons should rightly be made into warrior-only. ALL endgame-level one-handed pierce & slash hand-weapons are already warrior-only (& always were), & NONE restricted to knights alone, so why are the endgame one-handed blunts still UNusable for barbs? (Originally, this was a reduced-damage decision of balance for Blunt-Tree-Users, back when MS could be cast as often as South Cross, but those days are long gone, & this now-bogus weapon restriction should be long gone too).

since u consider that this is RvR and not PVP. in that case still "confuse and MS r not at all required" confuse for 22 seconds the target cannot buff, allies buff self, which actually finishes the role if it cast on conju, and 22 sec r enough, to finish the group, with no buffs, and confused conju in the whole RvR war. All that hunter needs to do is to spam confuse?? MS too does the same job, if u wanna kill the target that is without his own buffs, go play game other than RPG, darkness i m fine with, but in every group i see if 1 person fails MS 2nd is ready with his MS, 2nd fails 3rd 1 comes, so in my opinion, confuse and MS r killing the meaning of "RPG", and you must be 1 that relies totally on MS
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Old 07-23-2016, 03:59 AM   #24
Ad Speciosum Puer
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Originally Posted by korag082007 View Post
since u consider that this is RvR and not PVP. in that case still "confuse and MS r not at all required" confuse for 22 seconds the target cannot buff, allies buff self, which actually finishes the role if it cast on conju, and 22 sec r enough, to finish the group, with no buffs, and confused conju in the whole RvR war. All that hunter needs to do is to spam confuse?? MS too does the same job, if u wanna kill the target that is without his own buffs, go play game other than RPG, darkness i m fine with, but in every group i see if 1 person fails MS 2nd is ready with his MS, 2nd fails 3rd 1 comes, so in my opinion, confuse and MS r killing the meaning of "RPG", and you must be 1 that relies totally on MS
Uh, who was it that ever said that the only remedy to enemies in RO from doing what they do is DEATH, & death alone. You actually want to reduce RO down to that, just that, & nothing more? Then it's nothing but a DPS contest, & thus barbs & jeweled marks would be even more the undisputed kings of RvR than they ALREADY are, while all others are nothing but support for the REAL fighters or mere cannon fodder. Hey, even hunters & locks need something to do in RvR besides dying or cremating the dead. If MS is so over-the-top OP, then skill it ffs. Besides, you seem to be entirely judging the roles of these spells only from a low-population Haven perspective, where in small unit combats, they do indeed have additional RvR impact (some of the quite little that a hunter or lock can actually have). Ah, & yes, I skill & use MS on every uberbuffed barb, conj & knight that I can....because, it's about the only thing that really works (50% of the time anyhoo').

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Old 07-23-2016, 12:50 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Ad Speciosum Puer View Post
Uh, who was it that ever said that the only remedy to enemies in RO from doing what they do is DEATH, & death alone. You actually want to reduce RO down to that, just that, & nothing more? Then it's nothing but a DPS contest, & thus barbs & jeweled marks would be even more the undisputed kings of RvR than they ALREADY are, while all others are nothing but support for the REAL fighters or mere cannon fodder. Hey, even hunters & locks need something to do in RvR besides dying or cremating the dead. If MS is so over-the-top OP, then skill it ffs. Besides, you seem to be entirely judging the roles of these spells only from a low-population Haven perspective, where in small unit combats, they do indeed have additional RvR impact (some of the quite little that a hunter or lock can actually have). Ah, & yes, I skill & use MS on every uberbuffed barb, conj & knight that I can....because, it's about the only thing that really works (50% of the time anyhoo').

you really need to reconsider what I said, I don't think you understand what I said, don't be mad at removing MS, tell me any other game that uses MS, there r other RVR games too
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Old 07-23-2016, 01:31 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by halvdan View Post

MS should stay as it is, just mana cost should be doubled. Players should consider if they are going to spam it and end with little mana for more important spells.
Exactly... Mana cost should be heavy. Sorta like UM or area mana if you ask me! I don't mind MS because it makes it a challenge when I'm on barb. My only problem are barbs running to me balls deep casting Ms & running away if it doesn't work. Hilarious. Only way they'll fight me.

Also please stop saying all you guys cast MS only on DI/buffed barbs. You spam it like everyone else. Doesn't matter who it is.
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Old 07-23-2016, 02:06 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Pery3000 View Post
Exactly... Mana cost should be heavy. Sorta like UM or area mana if you ask me! I don't mind MS because it makes it a challenge when I'm on barb. My only problem are barbs running to me balls deep casting Ms & running away if it doesn't work. Hilarious. Only way they'll fight me.

Also please stop saying all you guys cast MS only on DI/buffed barbs. You spam it like everyone else. Doesn't matter who it is.

in that case the group will have 2 knights, whose jobs will be to cast MS, others will do damaging in the group, since you really want so it may be allowed to remove foreign buffs like conju's buffs or others, increasing mana cost wont do any harm, conju will give mana easily, but self buffs should stay
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Old 07-23-2016, 02:35 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by korag082007 View Post
in that case the group will have 2 knights, whose jobs will be to cast MS, others will do damaging in the group, since you really want so it may be allowed to remove foreign buffs like conju's buffs or others, increasing mana cost wont do any harm, conju will give mana easily, but self buffs should stay
Doesn't matter. MS is needed. This is coming from a barb who hates to get MS'd. Its a simple fact that its needed. "the group will have 2 knights" Lol I couldn't care if they had 7. (which is usually the number in Ra) What are you trying to bring out? I'm still for MS removing everything.
Haven ~ Daggers/Miles Long *Retired*
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Old 07-23-2016, 09:10 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Pery3000 View Post
Doesn't matter. MS is needed. This is coming from a barb who hates to get MS'd. Its a simple fact that its needed. "the group will have 2 knights" Lol I couldn't care if they had 7. (which is usually the number in Ra) What are you trying to bring out? I'm still for MS removing everything.
for a population like ra, you can cope up, but its not working good in haven, am not saying I have that problems but in a group when u have to fight 1v5 1 person casts darkness, another person casts confuse 3rd 1 casts MS, if fails, another MS will be cast until u get really naked, in 1v1 I m fine with MS though I get MS 3 times in and still manage to kill the barb with 3k hp left
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Old 07-23-2016, 11:22 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Pery3000 View Post
Exactly... Mana cost should be heavy. Sorta like UM or area mana if you ask me! I don't mind MS because it makes it a challenge when I'm on barb. My only problem are barbs running to me balls deep casting Ms & running away if it doesn't work. Hilarious. Only way they'll fight me.

Also please stop saying all you guys cast MS only on DI/buffed barbs. You spam it like everyone else. Doesn't matter who it is.
lol ikr its so funny when they run in try to ms you see that it failed and run back out like the bitch they are
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