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Old 12-24-2008, 07:18 AM   #21
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Ok, now i have a question.

Which weapon is better to break the doors, fast but small damage one or slow but big damage one?

I heard fast weapons should be much worth when breaking the doors because you can attack twice as fast. Is it true?
其疾如風 其徐如林
侵掠如火 不動如山
難知如陰 動如雷震
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Old 12-24-2008, 12:07 PM   #22
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Gates have no armor, so you will hit higher on it than you would at players. My suggestion is that if you use weapon magnifications(+x dmg) you should use fast weapons and if you have buffs at you like weapon bless or off with their heads (=x% dmg).
Dky Sven, level 54 knight (Ra) Valhalla
Dky the Goat, level 35 conjurer(Ra)
Dky Sven, level 51 knight(Horus) Something
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Old 12-29-2008, 05:15 AM   #23
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I use fast weapons regardless of buffs or not.
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Old 12-29-2008, 10:18 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Yest
....(Eferias Castle is NOT Barbie castle, in barbies world no one dies )
we call it fab5
drunken old dwarf
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Old 12-29-2008, 11:41 PM   #25
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Hmm you guys should look at chapter 3 or 4 of my Alsius Players guide, a new guide will be out before I retire from the Army that includes stuff for all realms.

It got some pretty good reviews, but I have gotten plenty of feedback already of fixes that need to be done as well and it was made prior to the invasion patch.
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Old 12-30-2008, 06:35 PM   #26
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So whats the point of having a leader? In game, there is no leader position. There are no tools to aid someone that is too take that role either.
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Old 12-30-2008, 07:02 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Conzar
So whats the point of having a leader? In game, there is no leader position. There are no tools to aid someone that is too take that role either.
In reality, there's no leader position either. You can use the banners and groups to gather the clans and form an attack group.

It depends on you, not the game.
I don't have a solution, but I admire the problem.
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Old 12-31-2008, 06:41 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Conzar
So whats the point of having a leader? In game, there is no leader position. There are no tools to aid someone that is too take that role either.
Please read it all before you Comment:

Chapter 5 Paragraph 1:
"These formations were created from actual formations used in real warfare."

Chapter 5 Paragraph 2:
"One note though, these formations are not the be all end all. They are just here to give you an idea of some things to do when you have a party."

In the game there is the clan leader position, also typically (you would hope) the newer players in clans listen to their veteran clan mates in the warzone - this puts those clan mates into a leadership position. In party chat their is a leader who adds ppl to the party. Also as stated: "This position is dynamic, not based on who has the highest level. Only reason why they are in the back (full front attack) or middle (traveling) is because they need to be able to make sound judgment calls." You see this happening all the time when someone makes a decision and everyone follows them, but it depends on playing style as to how the group carries themselves.

We have party chat that is utilized for squad based communications since squads typically have around 7-8 soldiers in them, the party chat is an effective tool. Some clans use external applications such as Teamspeak to achieve a better team dynamic. In MMOs squads are just referred to as parties. As stated the formations were just an idea to encourage tactics and additional thought prior to taking a fort or going through the warzone.

So inside the Games reality there are leaders and tools for squad based communication, the issue you find most time: lack of communication, poor tactics, everyone being an individual during a group attack (not team players and skilling only for individual success), and there aren't many (if any) groups that practice a more doctrinal form of tactics.

I'm bored right now so I will start working on the All realm guide.

Last edited by Sydonay_Rex; 12-31-2008 at 06:53 PM.
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Old 01-06-2009, 04:49 AM   #29
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So whats the point of having a leader? In game, there is no leader position. There are no tools to aid someone that is too take that role either.
Leaders allow for organization and a plan. There is nothing easier than taking on a rogue zerg because they have no plan. If somebody is able to command, ie where to attack and how, it benefits the group giving them a purpose.
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