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Old 09-11-2008, 05:16 PM   #21
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Honnestly thoses dmg seems hight but Ok for me since I'm pretty sure Soke use berserk and weapon buff. It costs mana, and protection.

Leg you can ask Compost, my barb hits also quite hight even on buffed archer without berserker. I mostly use Thrist for blood.
Leting a barbarian fight at close range is by the way a mistake. They are made to own at melee and Marks are made to own (at range).

All I know is that when playing a Marksman if i'm fighting far from ennemies I almost always win, otheriwse i'm going down slowly or fastly depends on mana, and buffs
« Thanks all, you are right I'm great with the barbarian ... for killing mobs. » -- Athena Stillwater
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Old 09-11-2008, 05:59 PM   #22
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1st hit - onslaught - I bet, especially u seemed to be chased by this barb. This works like a charge and makes 1st hit extremely powerful, adding it was a critical hit I dont see anything strange here, if he used a berserker. Gutting lvl 1 doesnt differ too much from lvl 5. Actually most barbs use charges/gutting/forceful blows as regular hits, because its more convenient.
And with everything else I have to agree with Wudy - barbs die very often, they usually have to rely on others, they are targeted before any1 else (unless there is a mad warlock, who rushes in front line) and so on and so on. Personaly I find marks as hardest class to win with my barb - they use sotw, they have nasty tricks preventing me from attacking, they use sotw, they evade a lot, and, of course, they use sotw. And unstoppable madness lasts short and costs lots of mana.

Originally Posted by Valorius
(barbs have a ranged attack that routinely does 1000dmg+),
Never. At least not routinely. Spiritual blows for over 1k dmg are rare, and I've neither dealt nor been a victim of such spiritual. I'd actually disagree with most part of ur post, but this I just had to emphasise, since regular spiritual does not exceed 600-700 dmg for a 100% offensive berserker.
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Foggia Alsius Horus

Last edited by Piccolo53; 09-11-2008 at 06:12 PM.
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Old 09-11-2008, 05:59 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by makarios68
Anyone who plays barb will tell you that their barb dies a lot.

Their limited protection and lack of immunity spell makes them prime targets for ranged classes.

They can frequently die before landing a hit.

So once a barb manages to get through the dmg and control spells of the ranged classes, it is only right and proper that they do scary dmg.

You need to play a barb before you really appreciate how frustrating it can be having no range against the other classes with ranged dmg and control.
I disagree.

Knights are slower (barbs are fastest class in regnum), have no ranged attack (barbs have a ranged attack that routinely does 1000dmg+), and have low damage(barbs do more than double the dmg of a knight, hit by hit).

A buffed/material wall/DI'd barbarian is an unstoppable killing machine, capable of taking out an entire party of lvl 50s. I've seen it done.

Barb damage is blatantly out of control, especially spiritual blow and SC. Barbs do have some very good protection spells as well, btw. I have seen my arrow dmg reduced all the way down to 80 per arrow against 'full defense' build barbarians.
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Old 09-11-2008, 06:01 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Valorius
I disagree.

Knights are slower (barbs are fastest class in regnum), have no ranged attack (barbs have a ranged attack that routinely does 1000dmg+), and have low damage(barbs do more than double the dmg of a knight, hit by hit).

A buffed/material wall/DI'd barbarian is an unstoppable killing machine, capable of taking out an entire party of lvl 50s. I've seen it done.

Barb damage is blatantly out of control, especially spiritual blow and SC.
Come out of your bubble.
I will gladly PvP you anytime only to prove you wrong about these thoughts...
Winning a fight is not what makes you a good player, it's how you do it.
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Old 09-11-2008, 06:10 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Znurre
Come out of your bubble.
I will gladly PvP you anytime only to prove you wrong about these thoughts...
Hmmm Znurre I don't think that this is a good idea, you know I guess you won't change his opinion if he loses the pvp ...
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Old 09-11-2008, 06:18 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Znurre
Come out of your bubble.
I will gladly PvP you anytime only to prove you wrong about these thoughts...
To prove what?

Nothing i stated can be proven/disproven by PvPing a hunter. I compared barbs to knights, and described their unstoppable nature when properly buffed by a conj and their own buffs.

What the heck does that have to do with a pvp with a hunter?

I do my 'pvp's 'for real', in the warzone, using a WZ build.

I hunt alone all the time...as you know....you ran into me at Pozo the other day, and i don't recall it going well for you. It was quite a shock, as i never see you running solo, you're always in a huge pack of goats attacking Syrtis central save.

But it still has nothing to do with the points i made, which compared Barbs to knights.
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Old 09-11-2008, 06:21 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Valorius
To prove what?

Nothing i stated can be proven/disproven by PvPing a hunter.
It certainly can.
You need to get out of your bubble and face reality, because only in your dreams barbarians can do range 10 attacks on 1000+ damage each hit.

I will gladly prove you wrong.
Winning a fight is not what makes you a good player, it's how you do it.
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Old 09-11-2008, 06:21 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Valorius
you ran into me at Pozo the other day, and i don't recall it going well for you.
thats... the POINT

Valorius, how can you call Spiritual Blow, the ONLY ranged move that a barbarian has overpowered? FFS man get a life! Everything is overpowered to you! The cooldown is fine, and its only 8 range, its used usually only 1 time in an actual situation. And thats when the target runs away on low hp, (aaaaaah its usually what finishes you yeah? so thats why its overpowered, because Valorius can't run away in peace)
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Old 09-11-2008, 06:23 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Valorius
barbs are fastest class in regnum
I lol'd

Originally Posted by makarios
So once a barb manages to get through the dmg and control spells of the ranged classes, it is only right and proper that they do scary dmg.
cc spells? Oh please madness takes care of that, the protection against cc spells are better than evade protection from sotw.

There's only slow spells to prevent him from going to you, anything else is a waste of precious mana
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Old 09-11-2008, 06:25 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Rated_R_Edge
thats... the POINT
I confused him before he cast any buffs and went SOTW. I cast Sudden strike, and then dirty fighting and took him apart with 350+ dmg regular hits, and then a few quick piggybacks once SOTW wore off. It wasn't a fair fight...he got totally punked. (his blatantly overpowered mindsquash could have worked, but i got lucky and resisted. Some other monkey hit me at Stone the other night with MS and wiped out mat wall 5, DI 4, Acrobat 5, spell elude 5, and SOTW 5 all in one swing...a 1100dmg mindsquash spell.)

Of course this is irrelevant to a discussion about barb damage. I can punk any class that badly if i make a good approach and confuse them unbuffed. It's what hunters do.


Originally Posted by valorius
Barbs are the fastest class in Regnum
Originally Posted by Angelwinged_Devil
I lol'd
You disagree?

Originally Posted by Znurre
It certainly can.
You need to get out of your bubble and face reality, because only in your dreams barbarians can do range 10 attacks on 1000+ damage each hit.

I will gladly prove you wrong.
I never said they could?

What are you talking about? Perhaps you should re-read my post.
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