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Old 01-11-2010, 05:03 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by mr_scsi View Post
Well if Hathor is gonna get banned for borrowing an account to try and setup some pvp fun, I think the hammer should be applied equally.

If I remember correctly Hathor got reported for rude, vulgar and obscene things he said while he was on an account in syrtis looking to setup PvPs. What actually NGD banned him for I am sure only he knows, but I can pretty much guess his ban had in most part to do with the things he said, more than just the fact he was using a second account.
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Old 01-11-2010, 05:45 PM   #22
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I served my ban and accepted what i did was wrong, as far as i'm concerned its ancient history and it aint never gonna happen again. So could i not get brought into this mudslinging please?
I have nothing to do with this and dont want to either.
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Old 01-11-2010, 06:05 PM   #23
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multirealming is like.. Omg fun... i've been doing it for as long as i've played this game.. It's awesome to play with differen't people.. Getting to know them and such.

However.. Wls doesn't promote the breeching of any game rules, it simply gives all of us common forums, mumble and irc channel to chat in without causing controversy within clans who view the game as too serious to tolerate being friends with an "opponent". It's fun.. Try it
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Old 01-11-2010, 07:26 PM   #24
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My my,
this isnt supposed to be a controversy.

The way I see it is this:
In Alsius there was a couple people who decided that the clans there weren't for them, that the obligations were to boring and needed a change. WLS was started. the more and more people of WLS used mumble and IRC with people from other realms, they saw how the principals worked and wanted something like that in their own realms. So the Ignis and Syrtis WLS came to be.

Now if the Ignis and Syrtis clans were named something other then WLS, It really wouldn't matter, they would still be our friends, we would still fight them, and they too would have the same principals.

But like Kaels said, it gives us a chance to use an IRC server and a mumble server under the same name, plus it sticks to you after awhile .
For one, I find the game much more fun when I have someone yelling in my ear for hunting them down ^^

As much as people hate multi-realms, multi-realming, talking to people in other realms; Its okay, If done right, and not abused. Spying, Abusing people, and all that. I for one do multi-realm. I came to horus and started in Syrtis after along break I came back to RO and moved to Alsius. I still use that other account in Syrtis, To go and check on people make sure they are doing well, and I'm usually there for maybe 5 mins, Some times I even go to grads. I also grind characters in each realm, when the bored'm hits me and war no longer does it, To me, its better then quitting entirely. Maybe if I got those characters high enough, I could use them to war against other WLS members, which, would be fun. Sure they are my friends BUT ITS A BLOODY GAME, and we would laugh about it during/after.

Also, Throwing Hathor out there Isn't to nice, and undeserved in a topic about a clan that he isn't in.
In WLS we have a saying:
Remember, Its just a game.
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Old 01-11-2010, 08:17 PM   #25
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WLS is all about friends, waffle sex, and fun. Nothing more, nothing less. There's nothing wrong with having friends in other realms.
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Old 01-12-2010, 10:23 AM   #26
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can't we all just hold hands?
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Old 01-12-2010, 10:57 AM   #27
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Is this a joke?
I don't get it.
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Old 01-12-2010, 01:59 PM   #28
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Default Oh please

I was wondering how long it would take till people started complaining about my clan. I do not see what the problem is tbh.

Whether negative or positive its all free clan advertising. So meh!
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Old 01-12-2010, 06:13 PM   #29
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I hate to be rude, but wow. It's amazing (not really) how this thread moved from one topic to another so smoothly. How about everyone returns to what this thread was originally about, which was not how pointless a post was.
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Old 01-12-2010, 06:40 PM   #30
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First, LOVE Dean's post. :P Good attitude.

Next... since people say that it's just WLS supporting, and non-WLS against, or whatever... well, fine, I'll reply.

What's your deal? I mean, really, if a bunch of friends in multiple realms play together, so be it.

I'm not in WLS in Alsius or Syrtis (I would never, not in a million years leave my clan in Alsius, not with the members the way they are, and I am in a friend's clan in Syrtis for their sake). I might be inclined to join in Ignis, but I don't play there much at all. OK, sure sometimes people work together. Though, this happened before multi-realm WLS... after all, had some GREAT Alsian/Iggi Syrtian hunting parties, or Alsian/Syrtian iggi hunting parties in the past... not sure if they have had Iggi/Syrtian Alsian hunting parties... I haven't been in on those. :P

As for multiple accounts, if NGD wanted to get rid of this, the first thing they need to do is implement a banking system. A good shared (clan) and personal bank would be GREAT. Heck, personal banks are easy to figure out, then clan banks could be like... well, they could use the player ranks. So, when you deposit an item, you can set it for rank X and above, and of course everyone would always have access to whatever items they donated (with who donated it indicated, maybe? Maybe record the original and last person to deposit an item?) Say, with clan rank 1 being the leader, you could set it for anyone ranked 3+ can have access to the item, when you deposit it, and if you are the 4th rank, then you would too if you deposited it? Just a theory...

Beyond that, another reason for multiple accounts, people who want to have more than 3 players in a realm. Personally, OK, I can REALLY understand NGD on this, since the 3 player expansion is a purchasable item. All 6 of mine are on one account. For those who have the older accounts, it would be nice if, when people purchase that, they could combine accounts. Then NGD could make a way to still get people to buy the 3 player expansion, and combine, say, 2 accounts into one.

After all, actually getting the 3 player expansion is just a function of supporting the developers for their work, and I can respect that. Particularly given how much time I spend enjoying their work.

Heck, I'd gladly combine accounts if they made it so that you could buy a realm expansion to your account. Why not? I mean, MOST people do have accounts in multiple realms. It is surprising how many I talk to that do... so, work with it. I'd do it. Why not? Make it reasonably affordable, like the 3 player expansion, really, and there you go.

I mean, OK... I haven't done TOO much to support NGD yet... only have 1 L50... :P But, I see... making... an investment... when I get my other 5 Alsians to 50. We'll see how it goes.

Point is, people do, WLS is great, and there are some good reasons for it. Beyond that.... OK, I got a bit divergent about my thoughts. Oh well. <sighs> Maybe my point is, why don't we just respect the devs, respect the other players, and all just... like WLS says, understand it's just a game? Bother...

- Your friendly neighborhood conj: signing off.
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