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Old 08-18-2010, 06:03 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by _Enio_ View Post
This has to be tested though, it might aswell end up that heavy slowdowns will be skilled evrywhere and barbs end up the same as where they been before in many matchups.
I would just as well stop playing marks, I dont want to spend all my power points in tricks to try slow down the barbs and hit like a pussy. I chose to play marks for a reason. As it is, I am having a shortage of power points in Amun.
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Old 08-18-2010, 06:19 AM   #22
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i dont find the marksman class boring at all. many people just chose a boring playstyle but thats for the player to decide
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Old 08-18-2010, 07:12 AM   #23
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I like marksman it's hard to get one lvl 50 but if you have one the efford was worth it
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Old 08-18-2010, 09:01 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by chilko View Post
Conjurer: 21,99%
Too bad there's no way to tell how many of these are boss drop campers. For sure you don't see any realm in Horus with 1 conjurer for every 5 people in their war group. But call for Vesper time or Evendim time and suddenly there's 3-4 conjurers for every 5 people.

Conjurers aren't so OP in war, they have good defenses but they have to deal with the constant demands of support while being favored targets. However they are OP at boss kills with their aura leeching. I hope you're not concluding that lots of people play conjurers in general, when it's more like lots of people have conjurers that they never bring to war, only to boss drop camping.

How do you define activity? Does total playing time count or is it just about logging in within some time period?
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Old 08-18-2010, 09:08 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by linearguild View Post
Too bad there's no way to tell how many of these are boss drop campers. For sure you don't see any realm in Horus with 1 conjurer for every 5 people in their war group. But call for Vesper time or Evendim time and suddenly there's 3-4 conjurers for every 5 people.

Conjurers aren't so OP in war, they have good defenses but they have to deal with the constant demands of support while being favored targets. However they are OP at boss kills with their aura leeching. I hope you're not concluding that lots of people play conjurers in general, when it's more like lots of people have conjurers that they never bring to war, only to boss drop camping.

How do you define activity? Does total playing time count or is it just about logging in within some time period?
+1, what Xia said.
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Old 08-18-2010, 09:24 AM   #26
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Hmm, can we see these figures adjusted for RP gain? I figure it'll come out something like

Hunters: 90%
Warlocks: 5%
Conjurers: 3%
Barbarians: 1%
Marksmen: 0.6%
Knights: 0.4%
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Old 08-18-2010, 09:52 AM   #27
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CURRENTLY ON LIVE SERVERS: (In no particular order.)

Hunters: Waaay OP. Hunters have the tools to be hugely diverse, with a massive variety in specialisations. But do they diverisify? Hell no! 99% of all Hunters use the same god like set up - that affords them EVERYTHING, while losing NOTHING. With a few clicks you can win any encounter... And if not, they you need never see your enemy again as you'll be gone in the blink of an eye.

Marksmen: Can still be fun to play. However... It's not fun in the traditional Marksman way. Having fun with a Marks is just like playing a petless Hunter; but with more options. Personally, the only fun I get out of a Marks now is a high CC build with burst damage; usually from a Shortbow. Remember what Marksmen were like Pre-1.0.8? Jesus christ... Now THAT was fucking fun!! Marks were FEARED! We were lethal on our own, even more so when in a group. Sure it was OP; but fuck me sideways I enjoyed it. Sure they needed a nerf - DS / Strat Pos etc. But they got nerfed in totally the wrong way... Like people have said, Sniping on a Marks is boring, with not much end result. But having fun with them (in my opinion) means playing like a "Hunter" (sorry for the generalisation) which isn't right. - Similar problems as a Barb / Knight has. Fun is limited by their crazy Mana hunger.

Knights: So much potential... But all wasted. People are saying Knight damage is too low; not at all. On my Knight I have a total of 3 points in offence, for Forceful Blow 4. I don't use any Magni's past 1 - and I still do great dmg. And no, my hammer is only special. So personally, I think the damage is fine - I mean have you seen the 800+ SC's from some Knarbs? I mean c'mon, that shit is stupid. On regards to tanking... What tanking? The only way a Knight can "tank" Is Army of One, which, in the middle of a group of players, is as usual as a chocolate fire guard. You'll be CC'ed and drained of mana faster than you can say RP. Failing that? They wont target you - Army of One and 500 mana wasted. Mana issues aren't too much of a problem IMO, if some key buffs were a longer duration, that would be great. Speaking of, Knights desperatly need ACROBATIC. Desperatly. HOWEVER, I would ONLY support the ability to Knights to properly tank once their ability to do such insane SC's is gone. Also Knights need small heal's and dispells. I would *kill* for those. As it is now, nearly all Knights are "Knarbs" (Knight-Barbs) and skill for offence; this needs to be rectified. (IMO!) They're not frustrating to play - but I find it's annoying that there's pretty much nothing you can do that a Barb cannot do, if not better.

Barbarians: Not half as bad as all the stupid whiners say they are. I'm not sure how much I agree with the changes proposed on Amun, but currently they're great - BUT, they are limited by attack cycle / GCD bugs that stop them from attacking for like... 3 seconds? Whatever Znurre's vid found out. With this gone, it'd be a great improvement. Also, once NGD finally finally finally fix being able to hit a target... As far as balance goes, they're pretty good, except for their Mana hunger, lack of speed and their "all or nothing" weakness to CC. Without Madness you're dead. Period. With it, your enemy will just run away, and if they out last it, you're dead again. Enio has spoken alot about this, and he's right on the money. More frustrating to play than Knights - but a shit ton more useful.

Warlocks: Not much to say here. Easy to play (tough to truely master), fun to play, high risk, high reward. Apart from having way too much CS on the live servers, Warlock's themselves are pretty perfect... If only every class could be as equally powerfull... My only problem is the god damn stacking on Terror (and all knocks for that matter) I mean for the love of god... remove that shit. No one cares about an "elogant" solution - we just want it gone.

Conjurers: INSANELY frustrating to play because of their STUPID MANA HUNGER. I mean seriously, I burn through mana on my Conju's like there's no mañana, and it's not like I'm throwing it around willy nilly. Amb Sac is NOT ENOUGH to provide healing, mana and dispells etc. Sure you can add Energy Borrow, but points are SCARE and can be better spent else where. Heals need to be cheaper, shorter cooldown. Synergy Bond needs to only take 1/2 the mana it gives. Protection is fine, except their weakness to Confuse. Don't get me wrong - when theings are going your way, and your mana problems are ok, Conju's are EXTREMELY fun to play. I really love it. However it just gets boring when you're constantly at <100 mana, watching every pixel fill for the cooldown of Amb Sac.

Did I go off topic? I can hardly remember what the topic is... Oops.

In my opinion - the order of frustrating classes, from MOST to LEAST.

1) Conjurer. (Mana issues etc.)
2) Barbarian. (Getting to your targets / hitting them.)
3) Marksmen. (Lack of individuality / mana.)
4) Knight. (Lack of purpose.)
5) Warlock. (Nothing... Maybe resists.)
6) Hunter. (Nothing.)
RA / Hor... Haven?
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Old 08-18-2010, 10:12 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by chilko View Post
Hello everyone

Many of you requested this info.
Here you have a population distribution of active 40+ level characters in RA and Horus

Marksman: 11,31%
Knight: 13,52%
Warlock: 15,24%
Barbarian: 16,80%
Hunter: 21,14%

Conjurer: 21,99%
But we don't see as many of them as hunters.

this are my personal feelings (not NGD's)
Hey, but you are the Boss there, aren't you?

Marksmans: Boring to play.
Not at all IMO. I enjoy playing my marks recently. Markmsen can paralyze enemy warlocks quite good. I disagree with people that say marksmen are too static. This is matter of way how one plays marksmen.

Knight: Too hard to level and very low damage
Too few CC's, too useless in battle, too many useless spells.
Honestly I don't know what to do with knights, there are too many things to correct. If you make them able to tank harder, ranged classes will whine. If you make them hit harder, barbarians will whine.

Warlock: OK (OP)
Barbarian: OK (OP but whining)

Hunter: Super OP and too versatile
Conjurer: Super OP, too versatile and too easy to level (because of broken summons and many ways to regen)
Main problem IMO is, that pets/summons are too automatic and too hard hitting. Hunters can buff, and make their pets, hard blunt hitting monsters, do their job for them. Little skill is required to play. Similar problem is with warjurers, but they can't run away if things get nasty for them, and they can't attack from cammo . Note, support conju isn't overpowered at all.
I think that monsters should not be tameable, only beasts and lesser creatures, and damage of summons should be lowered.
I think that Low Profile as sanctuary should be removed from archers.
I think that Sanctuary (conjus spell) shoud be moved to healing tree, to lvl 15 or even 17 position. Conju should have Sanctuary only as long as he chooses to help his friends.

Edit: As for making pets useful in fort wars. I think that you should make hunters more attractrive in fort wars without pets (IMO they actually are, but, well, apparently not for all). Troll hunters spoil gameplay not only for enemy realms players, but also for friendly players. Those big monsters (or their owners rather) annoy people, by blocking possibility to select other friendly or foe characters (some simply don't understand when people yelling at them "get this troll out off the door") or by giving great sultar target.

Originally Posted by tjanex View Post
I like marksman it's hard to get one lvl 50 but if you have one the efford was worth it
Strongly disagree. If you do this Enio's way, it's not much harder than conju.

Last edited by Dupa_z_Zasady; 08-18-2010 at 10:29 AM. Reason: Came to my mind later on.
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Old 08-18-2010, 10:16 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Mattdoesrock View Post
Conjurers: INSANELY frustrating to play because of their STUPID MANA HUNGER. I mean seriously, I burn through mana on my Conju's like there's no mañana, and it's not like I'm throwing it around willy nilly. Amb Sac is NOT ENOUGH to provide healing, mana and dispells etc. Sure you can add Energy Borrow, but points are SCARE and can be better spent else where. Heals need to be cheaper, shorter cooldown. Synergy Bond needs to only take 1/2 the mana it gives. Protection is fine, except their weakness to Confuse. Don't get me wrong - when theings are going your way, and your mana problems are ok, Conju's are EXTREMELY fun to play. I really love it. However it just gets boring when you're constantly at <100 mana, watching every pixel fill for the cooldown of Amb Sac.
Can't agree, really... Mana serves the purpose to limit your damage/healing output, it's completely useless if you've got enough mana to spam everything whenever the cooldown allows it.

Whenever there's much to do, I'm low on mana, but that's great.
Hell, I even start spamming my syn 4 sometimes...
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Old 08-18-2010, 10:46 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by chilko View Post
Hello everyone

Barbarian: 16,80%
Barbarian: OK (OP but whining)
please take into account that this is before the update. We have tackled the grinding of knights for example and we are trying to put a limit on hunter's versatility
With all respect to your personal opinion, it -->seem<-- to me that you have never tried to play a barbarian in war. Let me tell you my experience.

Barb is good for kill mobs, for level up and for boss time.

In war with my barb (premium, with a lot of good equip) I pass my time far from the ranges just because if I go close I die. I spend my time using "warsong" like a BARD not a BARB. If I try to go close, without a "sultar rush" (thing that all seem to have forgotten) I die without the chance to give a single shot.

In war a barb can be useful in a door fight, that's true, in that case you buff up, you use UM, and then go out to spam the area. At less you try to do that because often a low level mage cast on you beetle swarm lvl1 nullifying all of your efforts.

Can you imagine that I often enjoy more use my hunter in fort war without using the pet and camo?

And you say that a barb is OP... omg...
Ayexeyen (in phonetic word "aiεkzεiɱ"): Ignis Barb 60
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