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Old 09-28-2010, 10:00 AM   #21
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Warlocks actually do have the dmg of a warrior. Slightly less than barbs, but more than knights by quite a lot. Lightning regularly ticks for 200+, Ice blast around 100, and there's no way to reduce that dmg other than acrobatics/AoO or the knight aura that reduces magic dmg (which no one uses). Armour doesn't work because of the caution nerf and DoTs are only affected by 1/5 of your armour (so if you have 100 dmg mitigation from armour, you only mitigate 20 against DoTs). But you have so much more than that - you have much better CC options than anyone else in the game, plus you can drain someone's mana pretty well with mana burn + SS. On top of that, warlocks get less out of better gear than any other class with the cast speed scaling "nerf".
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Old 09-28-2010, 11:24 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Necrovarus View Post
Warlocks actually do have the dmg of a warrior. Slightly less than barbs.....
What???? LOL... you must be joking really, this is outrageous. NORMAL warlocks (read well the capital letters please) cannot kill an enemy with 1 or 2slashes like a barbarian does. We need at least 4 or 5 spells (now more with the nerfings) to kill a warrior FROM A DISTANCE. Besides our poor defense armour we (mages) have the lowest speed from all. While a marks can kill us from big distance if a warrior comes close to me (or other NORMAL mages) I am for sure dead meat and thats the truth.
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Old 09-28-2010, 11:36 AM   #23
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Wow, 4 or 5. I admit barb dmg is overpowered, but still, being able to kill in 4 or 5 GCDs is ridiculous as well. You've merely proved my point. Also, barbs still aren't yet to the point where anything they stare at will die in the next 5 seconds. They need to get to their enemy, then they need to knock their enemy to ensure no evades and the enemy can't get away. Right now, most barb setups are like guided missiles: if they get to their target, they will destroy or severely damage it, but the hard part is getting to it, and every ranged class has plenty of tools to keep barbs at range.

Originally Posted by Monthser
NORMAL warlocks (read well the capital letters please) cannot kill an enemy with 1 or 2slashes like a barbarian does.
Neither can overgeared ones. Like I said before, gear does much less for a warlock now.
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Old 09-28-2010, 12:07 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Necrovarus View Post
Wow, 4 or 5. I admit barb dmg is overpowered, but still, being able to kill in 4 or 5 GCDs is ridiculous as well. You've merely proved my point. Also, barbs still aren't yet to the point where anything they stare at will die in the next 5 seconds. They need to get to their enemy, then they need to knock their enemy to ensure no evades and the enemy can't get away. Right now, most barb setups are like guided missiles: if they get to their target, they will destroy or severely damage it, but the hard part is getting to it, and every ranged class has plenty of tools to keep barbs at range.
Neither can overgeared ones. Like I said before, gear does much less for a warlock now.
I think you dont understand at all what I am saying. You dont get that the majority of the NORMAL players do not have the superior experience (+ubergear) of the oldies....
All I am trying to say is that the warlock has not an important role anymore in combat. The most important tool we had was Sultar and this is useless now. We do not have the range of the marks nor the high damage of the barbarian or the high defense of the knight. Understand this well the warriors and the marks are now as they should be, but the role of the warlock is not clear now. Warlocks are now reduced to some sort of warjurer. And as I said I know this mage balance (warlocks AND conjurers) is a difficult task for NGD but I am confident that they will find a solution otherwise there will be less and less mages in the wz.....
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Old 09-28-2010, 12:54 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Monthser
You dont get that the majority of the NORMAL players do not have the superior experience (+ubergear) of the oldies....
So what you're saying is, less experienced players aren't able to perform as well as more experienced players? While warlocks are an easy to learn, hard to master class, they are still effective whether or not the player playing the class has played for 3 years and knows the details of every single spell.

Originally Posted by Monthser
All I am trying to say is that the warlock has not an important role anymore in combat. The most important tool we had was Sultar and this is useless now. We do not have the range of the marks nor the high damage of the barbarian or the high defense of the knight. Understand this well the warriors and the marks are now as they should be, but the role of the warlock is not clear now. Warlocks are now reduced to some sort of warjurer.
Admittedly, CC is now a stronger point of warlocks and probably the main reason they are feared. However, warlocks did not lose any damage-dealing capabilities at all - if anything, their dmg is stronger than ever with the new DoTs. Sultar was not the only, or even the main reason warlocks were a unique and strong class. If the whole class was based on a single 3 minute cooldown spell which could be resisted, it wouldn't be very powerful, would it? Yet even before this update, warlocks were near the top. Warjurers still cannot match your dmg output or even your CC capabilites. Don't forget you still have MoD as well.
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Old 09-28-2010, 02:13 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Necrovarus View Post
Right now, most barb setups are like guided missiles: if they get to their target, they will destroy or severely damage it, but the hard part is getting to it, and every ranged class has plenty of tools to keep barbs at range.
Even i dont like you, you are right.
Hard part is to rich oponent ,If you rich him almoust all time is dead.
I got killed those days many times by locks because of meteor,twister,lightning ,firebal,crystal blast etc.
Warlock just changed way to kill but still is damn good to kill.
Anywy this game became Knockum Online.:All use now kick/feith 4/5(barbs and knights),ambush 4,5,wild domain 4/5,range of earth,etc etc..all knocks all like crazy.
Was funny in fisrt days but now look boring because your first speel what try to doo is knock.
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Old 09-28-2010, 04:57 PM   #27
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In the current system I suspect knock time nerfs will be next, the duration that most class's can keep another inactive is just too long.
Faith 50 Barb Faithless 50 Lock
Umaril 45 Conju Kailas 45 Marks Pel 45 Knight
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Old 09-28-2010, 11:10 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Monthser View Post
. Besides our poor defense armour we (mages) have the lowest speed from all.
You dont even know that knights are the slowest class now(have no range cc's, intimidate is shit because of low range) what else don't you know? I dont think someone with holes in their game knowledge should discuss balance.
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Old 09-30-2010, 07:19 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Monthser View Post
Yes, you are right about that cheating with the GCD but that was being done bij a handfull of warlocks -allways the same ones, who everybody knew- and yes those ppl were able to kill everyone very fast in no time. But the majority of warlocks didnt cheat and do not have the ubergear those have. So the majority of good faith warlocks have being punished for those abusers.
So there I am with my staff hitting ppl with 50 damage lol. Sultar is a joke now, Soul keeper the same. So whats the role of the warlock now? He is now some kind of warjurer. The normal warlock does not have the range of the mark nor the high damage of the warrior not to speak of his low defense armour. In my opinion the WARLORD should be one to be feared and he is not anymore.
I know that balancing mages is a difficult task for NGD and I hope they find a solution to this problem. In the meantime -me as a normal warlock player without ubergear- I am not playing with my lock anymore.
warlord? u mean warlock* its 2 different things warlock is a sorcerer a witchman a warlord is sumething completely different :>
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Old 09-30-2010, 01:27 PM   #30
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ill make this a short reply, lvl 11-15 mental, lvl 15-19 elemental, lvl 15-19 arcania, lvl 15 mana control, meteor-lightning-ivy-ice blast-stalagmite-will domain and if not dead just repeat it with some other skills, maybe beetle or something, if you cant get a setup with 11-15-15-15 your to low to have a opinion on balance.
EX - Dutch Wannabe OP/Tank / Wannado Bash marks/knight/barb 60 Chuck Norris hunter 52

One Bite Snack, 60 barb / Wang King, 60 knight
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