I found goltars good at my lvl bcuz with parabolic shot I could kill them before they reached me. And they are normal mobs. They also have high attack and low defence, so I usually am not worried too much on attack spells. I think goltars are attack mobs too so I got one as a pet. I don't know if this is counted as useful but I actually balance the damage I deal to mobs with my pets so they are just about equal. Most of the time my pet or I lose less than 200 hp because the mob doesn't know where to go and runs back and forth. It's pretty good. Here are two more questions.
1) I just found out my normal attack with no passives on a normal mob is 72 on average without passives! I have an epic bow with an attack that peaks at 90 I think. How can I buff up my hunter? (not with spells ofc)
2) I am seeing a lot of hunters being able to track without crouching down. Is this due to shader model or right timing?