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Old 02-04-2011, 08:39 PM   #21
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i say Gray
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Old 02-05-2011, 04:40 AM   #22
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I say its a lot like a pecan pie:

1. Its a bit nutty at the top with half done introductions that don't always flow with #2
2. When you get to the middle layer you realize the consistency and texture a bit lacking compared to #1
3. When you hit the crust you either quit or your level 40+ and you don't necessarily care anymore because your out of quests and must grind/kill enemies

My "why I fight for alsius" post, under Zombrex's thread, used pecan pie to take a jab at the poor story line to show that almost anything can be thrown in and made to work.
Doing something maybe nothing, maybe nothing with something.
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Old 02-05-2011, 07:57 AM   #23
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Okay, this post got much longer than I anticipated as my gears started turning. I'll probably move this hodgepodge of ideas to Suggested.

Yeah, the lore is a bit lacking. I'll say that much. As for the realms, they should be shades of grey. At its core, regardless of lore, it's a power struggle and a delicate balance. If the Igneans were wiped out because of Syrtis or Alsius, what would happen in the vacuum left? Would the igneos, no longer suffered by their conquerors rise up and resume their dark practices, and become a new threat? Or would Syrtis completely null all life in that desert, sundering the land by spellfire? What if Alsius was removed from the picture? They're outsiders, but what would happen to fill that hole? And what of Syrtis?

Other thoughts

-Why- are there orcs and goblins around? Where did they come from?
-What exactly are kelontes and how did they come about?
-Who are the aquantis? Do they have a civilization in the sea?
-Trolls and Tol-tars?
-Other sentient monsters/creatures?
-How about the different named bosses? Any backstories or epic battles concerning them?
-Dragons and their stories? Are they the last? Do they have offspring hidden away beneath the mountains?
-What about Thorky, Eve, and Daen Rha? What gave rise to those monstrosities?
-What -exactly- is magnatite. If we find ore lying around random places, there should be veins or mineral deposits in places. Maybe ancient mines or ruins where they could be found more readily, but at great danger to those who trespass to look for them.
-How about some more intricate backstory involving the individual races?
-How about the classes themselves?
-How about internal realm conflicts? politics? Nobles backstabbing each other for power grabs?

How about creating class-specific quests, such as having a hunter stealth to assasinate a noble or other threat? Or needing to navigate somewhere undetected to poison someone's food storages?

Or having a knight escort an important dignitary somewhere?

Having a conjurer needing to keep a small unit healed as they eradicate a goblin infestation?

A barb helping someone take down a large angry beasty?

Having a warlock nuke a small mob invasion?

Having a marks snipe or lay down cover fire or something.

etc. etc. etc.

Another of the reasons I find Regnum's backstory and worldbuilding to be kinda bland with respect to the realms, is that the classes in all realms are identical. So... what...everyone's trainers went to the same schools? Nah, if in different realms, the classes should be similar, but there should be some flavor differences both in design and in skill sets. But none of the realms make use of their environment as an influence on class types. You'd expect to see some stealthy nomadic type of class in ignis; something that uses stealth and high agility, but cloth or padded armor to survive in the heat. In syrtis, maybe something like a druid or something that uses the nature to attack and defend. In Alsius, maybe a dwarven crossbowman or other mechanical-weapon-based class. Or maybe some class that grew from necessity to survive the harsh winter environment.

There is a lot of creative potential for some of the more unique aspects of Regnum, and I think it would not be too hard for some writers to brainstorm, and come up with some very nice lore to incorporate into the Regnum world.

But no...there's no flavor...no interest, and it is all very cookie-cutter. Honestly one of the few things that keeps me coming back to Regnum is not the lore, but the gameplay, hope for potential, and the (usually) nice community. Well, and the fact that it is one of the few truly RvRvR type games out there. Honestly I haven't seen something quite like RO since I played DAoC back in 2001.
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Old 02-05-2011, 08:33 AM   #24
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Actually, I found some of Alsius' inner realm and initiation zone quests pretty interesting - in particular, whoever wrote the Elections storyline needs to write some more quests. Many more quests.

The 20 - 30 quests in Alsius involve the player concocting a drug to send to Ignis (Ignis get a questline to react to it, which is nice), getting to the bottom of an assassination, getting involved in the political scheming in Gokstad and the power struggle between two military officers, and defending the realm against orcs, who also happen to be under the control of Syrtian spies. It was really quite interesting, despite the fact that the quests were all generic kill/delivery quests.
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Old 02-05-2011, 10:01 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Necrovarus View Post
The 20 - 30 quests in Alsius involve the player concocting a drug to send to Ignis (Ignis get a questline to react to it, which is nice)
Actually, those were the removed Medenet quests. We no longer have them.
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Old 02-06-2011, 09:40 PM   #26
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I think it is all grey. Each realm fights for their own reasons and justifications, just like in the real world. And just like in the real world, no one is truly good or evil. For example, it is easy to say that the US is evil, despite the fact that they have contributed significantly to the infrastructure of the world, allowing millions of people to live better lives. Doesn't mean I don't have to hate the control (I do), but they're not evil, just chaotic. The same goes for realms in RO, each with their own set of beliefs, ideals and goals. One player is as good as the next, and at the end of the day, they are all doing the same thing.
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