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Old 02-02-2011, 09:25 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Fritsossss View Post
Frits!!! Play more often please.
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Old 02-02-2011, 09:42 PM   #22
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Why do I feel like I'm the only person who still enjoys playing his Conjurer after all these years? =o

Originally Posted by Blaa View Post
- Most of the times you're the only conjurer.
- No one cares about you.
Where's the problem of being the only conjurer? If your allies don't appreciate you, there could be 2 reasons for that:
1) you suck - improve, seriously, there are conjurers I'd never trust my skin to
2) they suck - one day they'll learn to apreciate having a conjurer around
Originally Posted by Blaa View Post
- Confuse. Actually not being able to do a thing about it by yourself..
It's the only way for the enemy to stop you from healing their RP. Usually when I'm confused, I just retreat and wait for the duration to go off. The only thing I hate about confuse is that it disables all my spells, not that I need a resist confuse spell.

Originally Posted by Blaa View Post
- Can't support properly when you're alone.
wat? The job gets harder, true, but it's what I call a challenge, and I like it. You also can't think you have to heal everyone around you, it's impossible, just do your best to heal the ones who need it the most.

Originally Posted by Blaa View Post
- People being ungrateful when you can't heal 8 rushhungry barbs..
wah wah /ignore. They'll come back kissing your feet again.

Originally Posted by Blaa View Post
- Unable to outheal the damage.
See, this is why they "nerfed" heals, they were just too powerful. Get on the side of the enemy and see if it's fun to see 10 players targetting one marksman getting his ass healed the whole time while he rapes the living shit out of your allies.

Originally Posted by Blaa View Post
- ...

Originally Posted by Stooge1 View Post
On conj if I get necrostacy takes 5 mins to clean it.
I can't agree more. A Necro cleaner has been suggested as Premium item. It would be a huge money mine for sure.

Originally Posted by Kralmoe View Post
I dont play my conjurer because it is too hard and stressfull:
The only hard thing I noticed as a conjurer is selecting allies.

Originally Posted by Kralmoe View Post
- Most of the people are ungrateful and absurd demanding: they take for granted that you ress them, heal them, dispel them, buff them all the time and if you forget one, omg you will sure hear it.
Is it that hard to ignore those people and/or stop healing them?

Originally Posted by Kralmoe View Post
- Nobody protects you, so it is a dubble task, protect your allies and protect yourself..
Not entirelly true, some do, but what do you expect anyway? Not everyone has time to look at the conjus, enemies need to be killed.

Originally Posted by Kralmoe View Post
- You are the target number 1 of every enemy. As soon as they see a mage they abandon everything to kill you.
So not true. I can't count the number of times I got into small groups of barbs rushing a zerg while remaining untouched for the first seconds or just being hit by auras. I am probably one of the few conjus who rushes almost alone to forts full of archers. Maybe one or two hit me, but most of the time I can survive these attempts.

Also, some of you make it sound like you're supposed to remain untouched. Hello, conjurers are a class like all the others, diference is they can bring a huge advantage to their group, if they wouldn't die, fights(farms mainly) would probably never end and turn super boring.

Originally Posted by Kralmoe View Post
- If you try to play a warjurer with some heals and ress just forget it; you will hear the most stupid things you can imagine.
Mommy, they called me fatty mcfat in School.

Originally Posted by Kralmoe View Post
- etc.
Originally Posted by TommyNott View Post
I play a lvl 45 conj (Vortai in Syrtis).

I love it, and at this point I couldn't imagine playing another class.

I've never had a prob with our zerg "leaving me" or "forgetting about me", and in fact there is often another conj or several around when I am playing in WZ, and we do a good job of watching each others backs (heck, sometimes they heal me after I Ambitious Sacrifice, 'cuz they think I got damaged from war or something LOL).

I have recently discovered "Steel Skin" and "Karma Mirror" to complement my Energy Barrier - and now I don't go down in 2 hits anymore, either (in fact, 2 pig archers took me down when I was alone near their gate the other night, and in only support setup - I took one down to almost half health before I went down, hitting him only with my staff, I lasted a long time through their hammering on me simultaneously) - soon I'd like to add "Mind Blank" to resist some of the debuffs that get me...

I get great satisfaction from floating around in back healing and throwing mana and some buffs (Friendly Shielding and Divine Intervention), and I usually get pretty good RP from it too (especially if I have Manay Pylon up). Sometimes I enjoy following a couple battle-hungry barbs and marks who go running out into the enemy zerg, and trying to heal them without getting whacked myself (sometimes I succeed, sometimes not). It's a great class!

I haven't really experienced any of these negatives listed by other posters in this thread, and when I go to warj build for grinding, I find I do great damage with Sultar/Ivy/Mana Burn/Swarm, and "energy ball" (whatever that weak fireball-like thing is in Mental, first spell) - I have all of those on 5 and I can take some mobs down pretty quick. I don't even bother with summons anymore.

I guess I'm just lucky.

I'm looking forward to my graduation and hope to do it within the next month or two.

I hope the rest of you can find the kind of enjoyment and satisfaction I've gotten from playing this class, I truly believe that it is the best class in the game.
Hi, I'm 45 too, and been since 1 year now, it's probably the best level to play a Conjurer. I strongly advice you to leave your conjurer at 45 to avoid lots of boring weeks of grinding if you want. I've heard low level conjurers are the most fun to play.
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Old 02-02-2011, 10:15 PM   #23
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I love my Conj, particularly because it's my only 50 But I'm slowly drifting towards my Barb more and more as he levels up.

-Rewarding class to play
-Busy busy busy in wars, constantly casting powers
-Using Sanctuary to dick around when a fort is lost
-Feeling helpful/being necessary in wars
-The 'thank you conjus' after every fort is taken
-The no-rest grinding near end-game

-Pain in the ass to play when you're the only Conj in a war group
-Confuse; half a minute of uselessness
-Purely offensive summoning tree
-Half the other trees are useless to Conjurers
-In need of constant protection
Meatshield, Seinvan, Sunday, Smash
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Old 02-02-2011, 10:30 PM   #24
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maximus-decimus is on a distinguished road

every "bvalnce"update brings the power to a differnet class, the class with the power nowadays is the marksman, the abilities of marksamn (range 35+ passiv + parabol) and making dizzy over long distance is just embarrassing for a Programming company, that dont play the game they create.

Unbeliveable how with every yearly balancing update a total power transfer from one class to an other occurs, was it warlocks and hunters before the update, hunting with their pets from time to time, its now ONLY groups of marksman, leving every player without any chance to resist the levelkillers.

NGD once said, hunter is bringing fun to the player who level kills, but is frustrating any victim that gets killed. The Game you constructed is based on hunting groups that cant be defeated so easy, that is even more frustrateing, when you dont have a chance to play the class you want, if not a group of 4-5 man will help you defeat the enemys when you need them.

Im won dering what your ideas of balancing will look like to give any class a role in the "RvR" that is manly reduced on a lot of marksman shooting each other. while every mele class or mage can go afk.

Best wishes from germany, both servers are bored and dont understand your vision of balance...

ban me again, thats the best way to close your eyes not seeing the whole bounce of enourmosly problems your incompetent balancing causes.
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Old 02-02-2011, 11:27 PM   #25
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I play my conjurer all the time, my favortie class to this day... simply because it seems like I dont die nearly as much. Im normally not the only conjurer. I can normally count on a select few conjurers to have my back and I have theres. I think the only thing that could be changed really is the fact that I dont have a box to tell me who is dead... Before you guys start yelling at me about looking at the party list... I know the party list is avaliable, I think itd be better if we had some kind of box saying " Ally AKM is down "

Just so we dont get told " AKM is down " every 5 seconds... But maybe thats just comeing from someone who wants more for his favorite class
Horus: AKM lvl 50 Conjurer, Chiller lvl 42 Warlock,
MAK lvl 50 Knight, A K M lvl 45 Hunter
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Old 02-03-2011, 02:29 AM   #26
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I don't like playing conjurer when enemies are attacking the fort door and I can't go out of the fort (because I get insta kicked and die in 2 secs) to heal from outside pretty much I heal everyone on the walls and the ones that come in pretty much boring job a heal bot.
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Old 02-03-2011, 03:21 AM   #27
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Two years ago when I played in alsius, my main was a conjuror. During the haitus from regnum, while on WoW, I continued to play mages. Now here I am back on regnum, and again a conjuror

What conjurors do is vital. I'm secure in that knowledge. I don't expect thanks for healing--after all, I'm doing what I choose to do--but I smile each time it happens. I do feel appreciated. As I appreciate the warriors, archers and warlocks fighting around me. I also appreciate the experience of being a conjuror. Never a dull moment during battle! I scan health bars, heal the wounded, rez the fallen (when that 2 minute cd is finally over), toss mana like confetti, and DI my fellow conjurors. I'm on the lookout for the enemy, dance forward to heal, dance backward to stay out of guard-range, and stay ready at any second to drop my butt into sanctuary.

I'm not blinded by the jazz of conjuring. I nodded my head at the troubles everyone posted here about conjuring. Do I enjoy having the durability of a damp kleenix? Of course not. But it's part of being a mage. Am I frustrated when I can't pivot and successfully smack down someone who's pummeling me with arrows or spells? Absolutely! But again, part of being a healer. (Especially mid-level, when I can only max a couple of trees to 19 and really don't have points for offensive spells.) Is it delightful to be dizzied and stand by powerless when my allies are being injured? No, I hate it. But again it's a part of the gig.

This is definitely not a class for just anyone. I can tell when someone really likes being a conjuror. Vort and Aasi, it's clear in their posts they genuinely get into the gig. And that enjoyment translates into their abilities. They're good at what they do! (Hugs to you both, by the way.) I've grown familiar with most all conjurors active in the wz, and personally? I think we rock.

For those who play their conjurors less, I think it's good to step back. Take a break. I hope you find enjoyment in whatever other class you play. Me, I will always, and only, be a conjuror. I can't think of doing anything else.
"Dammit he got me! Riding back from cs."
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Old 02-03-2011, 06:52 AM   #28
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I love to play support conju, but i also love to grind. Warlock is fun to play too, but not so fun to grind, so usually i come to war with lock and leave conju somewhere with grinding setup. Reseting powers system is stupid, have to wait 1min and then place all icons again so i dont like to do it often. I would come to war more with support conju if we were able to save setups, so no need to reset every time
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Old 02-03-2011, 07:14 AM   #29
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I love my conjurer too. It is my favorite and gives me alot of fun. Fights with conju are busy, adrenaline is high and i just love to play around with enemies when my heals are on cooldown. This often gets me killed.

I got a times when i just do not wanted to play conjurer. First one i grinded for several weeks around PP - this was the time Compost came to Horus. We got pretty good battles there. Second one i made a warlock. I was annoyed from some things, and mostly wanted to get a offensive mage to use when I'm too angry and want to kill someone. Third time i made a conjurer in Ra / Alsius. Met nice people in Znurre's clan and had alot of fun. Still the loads of hunters there made me give it up and return here. Ra was too zergy for me.

What i like in conju - fast spells, low cooldowns, possibility to help your team. It is fun to watch allies, to scan HP bars, to try to predict who to help more and who less and in same time to watch you and keep eyes open for those nasty barb suiciders. Times when we get good team around me are so fun. I dislike when i'm alone conju in enemy lands. Stress, ganking, no mana are hard. Sometimes this makes me so angry i think to throw all and leave. Confuses, CC's are the last drop and i sadly maybe get angry to people around me. For which i'm sorry guys.
RA | Ignis | Lilla My | Conjurer | EVIL IGNIS ROCK
Horus | Syrtis | ieti | Conjurer | INQUISITION | LONG GONE

Last edited by ieti; 02-03-2011 at 07:49 AM.
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Old 02-03-2011, 08:08 AM   #30
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quoting Blaa, The reasons why I play mine less and less are:

1 - People being ungrateful when you can't heal 8 rushhungry barbs.
2 - No one cares about you. This is changing a little since last balance update.
3 - To much mana comsuption for heals, specially the single targtets(heal and regenerate ally and life savior)
4 - Most of the times you're the only conjurer.
5 - Confuse.
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