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Old 02-17-2011, 08:25 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by chilko View Post
it's the same, maybe digital has a better image quality or other multimedia features.
Well a cellphone might get outdated but still does its job. Atari might looks boring when newer stuff gets introduced but you still can play your games and use it for what you bought it.

Main job of bought Gear was to be top, high end. Only reason why some spent incredible amounts on boxes, only to get a small amount more dmg or whatever stat. So for me it loses its initial use, opposed to the named items in your comparison, thats why i think its flawed.

Denying that the devaluation causes frustration (rightfully) for those people is wrong imo.
Sure theres not much you can do about it, still it should be considered when facing frustration of players.
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Old 02-17-2011, 08:35 PM   #22
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Simply dont put any boni on weapons higher than 50, great lvl 50 weapons will be as good as the normal lvl 60 ones and the itemimbalanceprobleme is solved as well. But i doubt you will do that lol.
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Old 02-17-2011, 08:48 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by _Enio_ View Post
Expansion or not, your money is gone. Get over it.

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Old 02-17-2011, 09:03 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Shining-Scias View Post
Expansion or not, your money is gone. Get over it.
Boy, i've no problem at all with those changes but i dont like twisted arguments, downplaying issues. I just pointed out that these changes rightfully produce frustration at the first glimpse for a good bunch of players.

So if you have no more to add just dont Submit Reply, ty.
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Old 02-17-2011, 09:16 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by _Enio_ View Post
Boy, i've no problem at all with those changes but i dont like twisted arguments, downplaying issues. I just pointed out that these changes rightfully produce frustration at the first glimpse for a good bunch of players.

So if you have no more to add just dont Submit Reply, ty.
Any changes of this kind produce frustrations.

At least i hope if i will put my money in game to get full set of NEW armors and weapons from 51 to 60.It's like having new toy for me or gettings from Iphone 2G to Iphone 4 :P
I don't mind if all gears will remain like this(from lvl 1 to 50).that only hope it's something new :P

Anyway frustrations are and will be...at least to get something great :P
That i don't like its to grind :P
And in second step i wish some changes of gameplay..but wee will see and this it's another story.
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Old 02-17-2011, 10:20 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by _Enio_ View Post
If these players thought that by buying Xim they would get a permanent advantage in a game that might evolve/change/die, they were wrong.
When you buy Xim you should know it's only a temporary boost you will get and that also you just wasted your money knowing that there will be no refund and that NGD can do whatever they want with their game.

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Old 02-17-2011, 10:37 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by chilko View Post
we don't have to compensate for anything. This is new content, new gameplay and a new leveling system.
This is a game, not a job. It needs to be fair only for the sake of gameplay.

in fact, ONLY because this is a game and everything is virtual we can give away boosters to people.

I can't believe the level of complains I see with some members of the community.
"oh no, now there is a new piece of equipment that is better than the one I bought months or years ago?"
try to use the same train of thought in real life... we would be still using Ataris and cell phones that weight almost two pounds.

An online game cannot be a static, a static virtual world just dies, we should have had done this level cap increase a long time ago. We didn't because we didn't have the resources and in part because we where afraid of this kind of sentiments.

We won't let Regnum Die... Regnum needs to progress and the only way to do that is moving forward.

gaining XP after the level cap is a conceptual mistake.
this mistake is generating this problems now that brings this kind of problems now.

people who reach level 60 will not get more XP.

if people where playing against mobs after level 50 was to drop items... their extra XP was a sub product of this process.

I looked into the database and it's true (I can't believe this), some people bought boosters after level 50.
we will give those boosters bought after level 50 back to them to continue their leveling journey.

Again, there was a LEVEL CAP. you did not progress for killing more creatures.
No one is resetting anything.

I have no worries over the xp or nerfed items.
I am more concerned over my items being better than what you put out now not the other way around.

Example: Lock gloves I have are 200+7 epic 130 mana 6% cast speed 6 concentration.These are lvl 50 (item lvl 51)Can add 2 enhancements.
What will change in lvl 60 gloves with same stats? If only armor points change and I lose armor points to wear what I have now & have to buy new gear well look at it however you want but I do not think this is in anyway fair.

I dont yet know your exact plans and how much it will affect my current uber items so we will just see but it will definatly play a role on my continuing play.
But if it turns out how it seems it will with current armor, Honestly how did you expect us not to be pissed off???

P.S. Getting tired of my threads being deleted. I know there is a post about expansion in general forum it is whines and complaints. I posted a question in community forum for armor stat question after update. My posts should not have be deleted they broke no rule.
I put it in the right place. No where have I read that says I cant put up a post with specific questions if a generic complaint thread is running. It was in no way a duplicate thread. My question was specific.

P.S.S. The reason alot of us are pissed off is you are comparing this game to other purchases which is only fuel to the fire. We are not a stupid community just a little crazy. We dont go to buy a pair of pants at the store buy the right size and gain 100lbs over night and cant wear them the next day. It seems that is what you have done and expect us to be ok with it. The more I read your responses to customers the more irrate it makes me. Dont compare our xim purchases to RL purchses. We dont buy stuff in RL to be able to not use it the next day.

BTW stores give refunds wether item is defective or not as long as you have receipts. 1 box didnt cut it so I bought several to get my items do you want to refund all my funds? I have all of my receipts. We could do that and be friends. Just taking your advice and comparing this to real life purchases since you seem to want to go that route.

Last edited by WarParty; 02-17-2011 at 11:12 PM.
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Old 02-17-2011, 11:29 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Shining-Scias View Post
If these players thought that by buying Xim they would get a permanent advantage in a game that might evolve/change/die, they were wrong.
When you buy Xim you should know it's only a temporary boost you will get and that also you just wasted your money knowing that there will be no refund and that NGD can do whatever they want with their game.
I think Scias covers it pretty well. Furthermore, NGD is operating a business, at the end of the day they are doing what every other MMORPG does, expanding to generate more players, keep the game alive and generate more income. As chilko said, no changes leads to a dead game. If you look at the current situation in Horus, it's pitiful, this expansion may change this. I've already seen several people return to the game, and expect to see a lot of newcomers fighting alongside me and against me in the war zone thanks to the newly modified xp curve.

I understand people spent a lot of time collecting their items, I myself have also spent a lot of time collecting items, recently purchasing one piece of armour for 600 magna, which may or may not be useful after update. I've also spent real money on purchasing lucky boxes, scrolls and engrave sockets/remove gems and I'm not talking of 1 or 2. Despite the money I spent developing my characters, I look forward to the update, from what I've seen on Amun, it's promising. I'm almost certain there will be more wars, more people in the war zone, more fun!

And you know what? Uber gear or not, I'm still going to have fun, and surely that's the main thing here? Yeah it's great to have a slight advantage with some OP gear, but it's not the sole source of fun in this game, there's a lot more than just items items items.
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Old 02-17-2011, 11:47 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Shining-Scias View Post
If these players thought that by buying Xim they would get a permanent advantage in a game that might evolve/change/die, they were wrong.
When you buy Xim you should know it's only a temporary boost you will get and that also you just wasted your money knowing that there will be no refund and that NGD can do whatever they want with their game.
Yes, yes nothing lasts forever, not even arrogancy and ignorance.

Its fucking irrelevant if they were right or wrong, its still rightfully making em worry or pissed with good reasons and thats my whole point.

Yours sounds as if NGD should argument 'you couldve known before, your fault you bought (wasted) xim' - you realize how retarded that is..
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Old 02-17-2011, 11:49 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by chilko View Post
I looked into the database and it's true (I can't believe this), some people bought boosters after level 50.
we will give those boosters bought after level 50 back to them to continue their leveling journey.
Hold UP!!!! WTF makes these peoples money better than mine???
What is different in me losing my items and these losing a little xp???

These are comments I dont understand as I dont see any difference. XP scrolls, Lucky boxes all premium items.
If giving shit to people who deserve it give me all the premium boxes I paid for. I have been nothing but loyal and donated to this game faithfully.
You guys treat us poorly as customers and I am not satisfied with your answers or your posts.
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