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View Poll Results: Do you notice decreased activity in Horus warzone...? Is Horus Dying?
Yes I noticed decrease in player activity Horus is dying! 48 72.73%
No I didn't notice decrease in player activity Horus isn't dying! 18 27.27%
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Old 06-05-2011, 10:13 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Zas_ View Post
Yes, new players increase is great, but i prefer low number of new players, but ways to keep older ones.

At the moment, many just give up on endless boring grinding, and with warmasters, you have to be one to have equal chance at war... so level 60 + wm is now mandatory.

We lost many many people in warzone due to realm and timezone imbalance, bugs, broken gameplay, stupid updates, etc...
In Alsius we don't see no new players..
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Old 06-05-2011, 10:43 AM   #22
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The server looks dead because the action is dead. Whenever I login there's nothing going on, and when there is, there are no enemies to fight because they have better things to do than running all the way back from the gate to the fort to die again.

Teleporters are no solution since they have a 10 minute cooldown and they can only transport 10 people each. We don't have enough teleporters for everyone and for any time.
Let's hope they'll restore the central saves and mix the old invasion mechanics with the new ones... I mean, where's the fun in camping the realm gate for 120+ minutes? Or camping a castle to avoid this 120 minute nightmare?

I don't play much anymore because of the sad state of this game.
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Old 06-05-2011, 11:31 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by _Kharbon_ View Post
This is the situation we are now in, so it might seem that there are less players atm. Yes, that's true, but there is still more players than before the WM update!
In Alsius, for sure, there is much less.
In Syrtis, i don't think there is more players, i see many new, i know many old that left.
In Ignis, sure, you are much more, but i don't think this is related to warmaster update.
Annavilya / War-Luck (Haven)
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Old 06-05-2011, 12:46 PM   #24
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Not going to vote.

The situation is a perplexing one. The game needs players to make the game fun. The current situation is that there are players in the war zone but they are disconnected (not grouping) and all over the map.

Traditional group spots are no longer as they used to be. Players are fragmented into cliques which do not link up to form good war groups. Players are teleported and others are simply left behind if they get there a minute late. If you are left back it is very taxing to run across the map or wait till next warmaster comes.

So we have players who log on and feel more and more isolated especially if they are not in their clan peak hours. You go to save , there are either AFK or those players don't have a clue where the war is. (if any).

In the old days , the game was slower. You had a chance of getting to group bridges if you were late, grouping for war was at stages which allowed groups to grow as they go. The chance of skirmishes on the way increased fun. People waited for you. If you died you can mini group to go back. People were connected because the game was slower.

Speed does not always = fun.

The more players you see the more infectious and fun the game becomes. The psychological effect is that the map is alive , the populations buoyant. Never mind the fact that the war groups are the only ones in the war zone.

Now the groups are small, fragmented (except invasions, boss kill). Players are isolated without warmaster assist. This gives the psychological effect that server is empty when it may in fact have more than in the old days.

NGD is actively in facebook and twitter and somehow hopes to gain momentum that way. The odd thing is that the communication and social tools desperately need a boost if you are to get many new players through this channel. They will not stay if the place seems like a ghost town ( no chatter) or the communication tools are weak and antiquated. If players log on and the appearance is that their clan is not on, the save has very few, the war is on the other side of the map and there are none to group and go or warmasters, what will they do?

Why do you think Ignis Night crew ranks are growing? Nobody wants to play
when the server appears dead and fragmented. With the night crew, you are sure where they are going and grouping is easy.
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Old 06-05-2011, 02:03 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by bois View Post
Not going to vote.

The situation is a perplexing one. The game needs players to make the game fun. The current situation is that there are players in the war zone but they are disconnected (not grouping) and all over the map.
Angree with this )))

Usual regrouping spots was removed ))))

Yestarday loged in first time after a few months )) i was so desolated ))

Hard to see on map new place of save pilars...and lack of info when you connect to game as changes that was made.Neighter on map.Pressed "M" key to try to find new pilar position on map..well was hard to see for alsius.

Was funny beacuse i pressed "DIE" button to see weher i will resurect to find where it's placed new pilar save ))))

A screen info that show something like will be nice:

"Hello player wee made new changes in last update save are in x position...etc etc.."

Insteed shows only premium content.

Also for new acounts/players lack of info or hints too.

It's very sad ..info that ppl need has not a fixed source..finding out once from tweeter..once from facebook ...random....places it's not good at all..

First step of NGD it's to make piramid kind of info for players.

Main source to web site.
Second source to be ingame.
After that 3-th party sites facebook,tweeter,blog etc.

Also facebook or tweeter dose not promote they web site:

Info on ex. facebook must be:
-Main site:
-for www :regnumonlinegame
-for argentina:regnumonline(dot)com(dot)ar
-for france
-for US realmsonline.bla bla

Promote more your own website...

You have a very good team ,awesome gameprogramer and very good graphical team...but that is lack it's oragnisataion of this teams ...all work at random projects.

Put one person for one week to build your web advertise/site better organised...and after a wile for sure results will be better.

They need to keep thinking at one solution that keep informed players where they can rgp for war also to place pilars.

Also maybe to show on map small groups > 5 ppl(maybe >10 ppl) that have war.I know this it's hard to realise..but ftm i have no other idea.

Maybe a War Tavern with pilars near them in old places of central saves....

To be in topic...nope Horus die/heatly it's relative atm...missing action just beacuse ppl have not they old spot of rgp...it's just desolating.
Spamm of WM teleport make for players hard to rgp with a group.and runing around wz and they cannot find action..they just log out.

Last edited by HidraA; 06-05-2011 at 02:19 PM.
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Old 06-05-2011, 02:38 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Torcida View Post
I don't know... Is Horus still save-able? Or are we doomed?
When you will understand game hase not lack of players...just lack of places where they to rgp.
New features of game as change of pilars saves and teleport just make ppl to split and run all over the map too fast and very hard to find someone just because they press "Engage" button and disapear.
Just noticed one think about you ...you just keep spamming post without reading other ppl post...scream scream scream....as a broken disc record.
I don't tell there oit's not a probleme with this but be more creative and try to understand the issues.
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Old 06-05-2011, 04:25 PM   #27
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I think its a bunch of things contributing to the slow dying of this game for me:

This game has become one big pain to do the very thing it was designed to do, promote war between realms. I think most people want to jump on this game and have war without a major effort on their part.

To have a flow of war you need.

1. Communication/Organization:

No wz chat: This should be changed to have all WZ chat start at or gate and end at our forts or up to our bridges, making it more of a WZ realm chat. This would hinder the offensive moves by a realm but aid in the defense of it.

2. Skilled, motivated high lvl players:

You can build this more efficiently by giving a serious EXP advantage for grinding in groups. Getting to know one another and how to work together can't be a bad thing.

I suggest premium grind spots in the WZ only, tons of frequently re-spawning mobs that you get an EXP boost of ( X% ) if you grind in a group, also make all kills between your gate and your bridge that you get RP's for also give some serious EXP. Penalize all EXP for grinding inner after ( "X" lvl ). We need people in the WZ.

I also suggest if NGD has an Idea to promote group/team play whatever it is, make an event, use the event as your testing grounds and either tweak, implement or scrap it, you can create an event forum section to have feed back from the community. If there is a flaw or exploit we will find it in short order and let you know. This game is little more than grinding and warring, so make all events either Grind or War specific.

This may not save Horus but I think will improve the game.

I suggest
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Old 06-05-2011, 05:10 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by Chilko View Post
Originally Posted by chilko
As we said many times we wont let Horus die.

we are currently working on two things:

1) we are negotiating something with gamesamba that will help both Raven and Horus.

2) we will start investing in advertising soon. Only for Horus.

Wish us luck!
1-I think they are talking about a Merge...

2-So NGD will do advertising? Good God they finally realized the You bring your friends to the game-system completely failed on Horus! Finally!
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Old 06-05-2011, 05:24 PM   #29
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I think it's exaggerated to say that Horus is dying.
I still remember there was periods with much less people and wars than now months/years ago, Ignis used to invade almost every night versus 10 players like now, Alsius was almost inexistant in the server, etc... Looks like it's more or less a cycle.
Need to relativise since summer holidays are starting for many people, add people that claimed to quit or take a break because of warmasters but will most likely come back etc...

Not saying that WM update didn't kill action tho.

The other realm awaits...
Now playing much better games
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Old 06-05-2011, 05:28 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Shining-Scias View Post
I think it's exaggerated to say that Horus is dying.
I still remember there was periods with much less people and wars than now months/years ago, Ignis used to invade almost every night versus 10 players like now, Alsius was almost inexistant in the server, etc... Looks like it's more or less a cycle.
Need to relativise since summer holidays are starting for many people, add people that claimed to quit or take a break because of warmasters but will most likely come back etc...
And even if ALL people who left ngd ty too warmasters would come back the server would still be very small... The only solution for Horus to GROW is a merge with nemon or raven you know? Start Fresh, And grow then!
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