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Old 06-28-2011, 09:41 AM   #21
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Am I the only one who likes the idea for a longer cooldown on teleports?

Everyone was moaning that teleports have ruined bridge wars and open field fights, now we -might- see some of those again, depending on how many warmasters are around, have you seriously all become so lazy since WM update that you can't be bothered to run anywhere?

They are not totally useless, they can be used once an hour, that's not useless, that's an overpowered ability limited in its use so people can't mindlessly fort hop all over the place.

Sure I'd prefer a 20~ min cool down tied to the ideas suggested (bridge captures to open each fort for teleport etc) but this is a decent duct tape job, hopefully leading to something better.
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Old 06-28-2011, 10:03 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Zombrex View Post
Hello everyone,

Amun is now open to test several new features that will be added in the upcoming game version 1.7.6.

Please, post all your feedback in this thread.

Changelog 1.7.6 table of contents:


•Change: The "Horn of the Wind" power requires at least one (1) ally next to the caster present to be available.
Whatever ^^ currently its OP yeah, need a nerf indeed, but +20% spd for 20 sec with 60 sec cd seems acceptable as well.
•Change: Warmasters are not allowed to interact with their own offensive and defensive beacons anymore.
Dont really care, at least cant be used for PvPs, might be OK.
•Change: The "Offensive Beacon's" immunity bonus has been shortened. It now grants a 70% resistance against control effects.
Will be still OP imho but for a start it will do it
•Change: Offensive Beacon now grants resistance to the "cannot move" effect.
Im not quite sure whats behind this change to tell ya the truth, but why add another resistance to beacons?
•Change: Cooldown for "Offensive Portal" and "Defensive Portal" has been bumped to 60 minutes.
Now honestly, this is the BIGGEST BS ever lol, 60 min cd?? Do ya think anyone will bother skilling it? Will be completely useless!!
Why cant ya just change em so they:
  • Teleport peeps to bridges only (offensive ones) [defensive tele is ok as it is now imho]
  • Cannot be used near forts/inside forts, cannot be used alone
  • Keep current CD

Would this be so hard to implement?


•Change: Mounts 'speed has been increased.
•Change: The "Cannot Attack" penalty after dismounting has been reduced to 4 seconds.
•Change: The penalty "Cannot Move" after dismounting has been eliminated.
•Fixed: Spells staying with the caster for indefinite time.
Whatever to all 4 above ^^ Dont really care


•New: "Devastated" state for realms has been incorporated (see details).
•New: "Devastated" realm´s player neither grant Regnum Points nor count towards the "Path of the Warmaster" quest while inside their Realms border or its warzone.
Whatever also ^^

•New: A new resurrection altar has been placed inside each Realm. When the Realm is in the "Vulnerable" or "Broken Door" state its players will respawn from it.
The main question is yeah, where is this altar located at? Nice change btw, like it.
•Change: Gems location is updated in the map every 30 seconds (previously instantaneous).
Also a good one


•New: NPCs eliminated during an invasion will stay that way until the end of the invasion. Some specific NPCs such as guards are excluded.
Whatever ^^

Client (Stability):

•Fixed: The client closed abruptly in certain hardware configurations (Mac OS based systems).
Comments are in blue. (w/o any testing)

I hope bugs will be fixed as well, position bug annoys me to death, all time not facing outta range shit on warrior.
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Old 06-28-2011, 10:53 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Umaril View Post
Am I the only one who likes the idea for a longer cooldown on teleports?

Everyone was moaning that teleports have ruined bridge wars and open field fights, now we -might- see some of those again, depending on how many warmasters are around, have you seriously all become so lazy since WM update that you can't be bothered to run anywhere?...
About lazy people, think about a group standing in Trelle and reading in general: someone making a port to Alga?

I love that CD change on teleports. Best fights last time were when we desided to run through the wz with quite a group of players, going to forts like "in the early days" Open field fights occured, bridge fights took place, it was a real fun evening.
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Old 06-28-2011, 11:40 AM   #24
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i think, now that zergs will walk more often, NGD should move the altars further away from forts..

its easy to track incomming enemies and defend your fort when that altar is so close

at least thats what i experienced today when syrtis and ignis walked a few times to samal/herb
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Old 06-28-2011, 12:09 PM   #25
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I kinda wonder what the next step is.
Negative xp & rp if you kill players from a devestated realm inside there realm?
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Old 06-28-2011, 12:24 PM   #26
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Warmasters cant use their own beacons - Good. It was getting annoying how some guys use beacons 1vs1
I dont agree with 70% resistance. Please, no more luck based spells. You dont need skill to win, you need luck which sucks
No thank you for beacons resist "cannot move". My pricking ivy will be nearly useless and imo beacons would be even more op.

I can imagine how fort wars will be more boring if defensive portal have 60mins cd. If goats take alga and our teles have cd, we have to ride to alga. Before it we have to regroup so it can take 15mins or more till we arrive there. I smell trelle farm is coming... Maybe good solution would be to give us old saves back?
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Old 06-28-2011, 12:26 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Umaril View Post
Am I the only one who likes the idea for a longer cooldown on teleports?

Everyone was moaning that teleports have ruined bridge wars and open field fights, now we -might- see some of those again, depending on how many warmasters are around, have you seriously all become so lazy since WM update that you can't be bothered to run anywhere?

They are not totally useless, they can be used once an hour, that's not useless, that's an overpowered ability limited in its use so people can't mindlessly fort hop all over the place.

Sure I'd prefer a 20~ min cool down tied to the ideas suggested (bridge captures to open each fort for teleport etc) but this is a decent duct tape job, hopefully leading to something better.
I agree with you, Portals do need a longer Cd and a change of destination, offence takes you to closest bridge, defence brings you to home fort to defend.

I really miss the old bridgefights, and im always yelling at my realmies to mount and run...But i kinda guess the real reason they are being changed to 60 mins CD is not to make more parties run to war..its cos since portals..who needs horses? Nobody buys them..less money for NGD...

I like alot of these changes they are maybe going to introduce, but some clarity on the devastated realm is needed...no gems you cant even go fight them anywhere on home turf to get coins? I'm not complaining cos im not quite a wm yet.(only 5k coins and a few levels..easy ^^ ) ....but im thinking about the new people joining..will be hard for them to get to the same place alot of the players are already at. If its stays that way...its really going to ruin a big part of the game...

And my last concern is the nobles..as been pointed out by others, support conjus and other low hitting classes are already finding it tough to complete this quest, sometimes having to try 5 times to succeed, sometimes even that isnt enough...so if a noble is killed and stays dead..gonna be alot of in realm fighting because 'those damn op barbs can leave a piece of anything for anyone ' ...just sayin... :P

But all in all, good stuff being done here, i just hope NGD read these posts and take it on board..or i can see alot more leaving the game..and no promise of a funky tshirt will keep them this time...
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Old 06-28-2011, 01:06 PM   #28
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-Giving Tele to a certain class was better idea like 60 minuts CD

I never understand why NGD always distroy a class/spell instead of balancing that.

Others changes looks ok for me.

Anyway there still no good changes for 10k WM coins reword for OP realms.....

1 WM SPELL/WM a better option specific for certain class.Or when WM skill have option to chose only one spell?Thats more easy and can be easy limited by decreasing number of PP
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Old 06-28-2011, 01:15 PM   #29
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I made my comment earlier. I feel I must say this. Will be harsh.

This update is in fact the admission that the Warmasters implementations were bad. Really bad.

Portals and their design was just bad. A 60 minute CD just shows how badly it broke the game and is basically a removal from the game without NGD losing face. Speed does not always = fun. NGD notices this now. Why compress your map? Might as well make the whole map a pile of little island battlements.

Oh and by the way I not against the 60 minute CD. What is debatable is porting 10 people in such a time frame. The number should be raised to 15 now.

Immunity beacons was just a bad idea. The only hope for them is to bring in randomness. If you shorten the immunity they are basically useless and also an admittance that it was poor design. Removing immobilise could work considering it is just 70% , meaning there is a 30% chance attacks stick if you did not get a DI. Actually , people will hate me for saying this but DI should not even be active once you have an offensive beacon active on you. Combo it with another defence spell. Ding! The only one up a creek will be the lock. But then I did say somewhere that a lock needs a very short term (6-8 sec) 90% -100% resistance spell like UM.
What, you all want to be impermeable? BS. If NGD worked on the over the top CC effects first maybe we would not even need the band-aid Beacon to bring things back.
The beacon is not the problem it is the glaring over active and excessive CC effects in the game and the idea that you can over come almost all of them with an extreme catch-all spell. Nice balance . OP spell to counter excessive CC.
On paper 70% looks good but players will cry. RNG is against em , they never resist bla bla bla. I suspect barbs will cry the most. They can't run up and 2 hit people with reckless abandon anymore. What a shame.
I agree with the randomness in this case. This spell cannot be fixed otherwise. If you don't want randomness the spell has to be scrapped and totally redone. I do think that "cannot attack" resistance should be removed from the spell as a replacement for "immobilise". It is a RvR spell and give locks, conjs and archers the option if they so desire. The others don't need it. Depend on your peers to cover you. Team play, ever heard of it?

What is it with players wanting WM skills for single user applications ? It is lame and is rubbish play. Such powerful spells are for group activities. The fact that NGD designed them that way was really unfortunate. They have to take away that candy. Sorry. It just broke gameplay. You can request a Xim refund later or cry like when they took the XP that was never yours to start with.

Rewarding the "devastated realm"? Well, NGD certainly is tinkering with the idea of rewarding the losing realm. I mean it worked so well the last time with immune forts and Invulnerable Gates. This one will probably end up the same way. But ,NGD will probably bring it live as the best thing since sliced bread.

Why do we need Gem GPS again? I forget. Especially in your own realm for your own gems. Somebody please remind me why we had to castrate Hunter tracking spells?

Oh and why did they not just put the warmaster spells as the eleventh spell on each tree? And to skill it need 2 power points? Simply grey it out until you got wm status.

Last edited by bois; 06-28-2011 at 01:35 PM.
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Old 06-28-2011, 01:17 PM   #30
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Default OMF/G/S/A/B or wth u guys worship

i dont like single line from this....

just remove WM spels i will be more happy...
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