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General discussion Topics related to various aspects of Champions of Regnum

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Old 10-13-2012, 02:00 PM   #21
Join Date: Nov 2010
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Phlue4 is on a distinguished road

Will players be able to keep their current gold inventory?

It would be great if you were able to search for items by character classes (e.g. hunter lvl 51-60 armour). Though, I am already totally in love
-> After clicking "bid price" it says "are you sure you want to bid for -1?".
-> Do you get your money back after you did not get a item by bidding? It seems that you have to pay the full bid price every time...
-> Are you aware of the fact that by the auction house it is now possible to trade gems from boxes?

Concerning the grafical update... Those places look quite nice, my favourite is the swampland around samal safe.
But still.

I miss the old hill

You said nothing about legendary dropps... this somehow makes me think of new premium stuff



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Old 10-13-2012, 02:01 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by chilko
The auction house is a huge feature that has been requested for years and took months of development.

We have been working on the visual part too as it was needed to reach a great distribution milestone (that we reached) and we will announce soon.

Gameplay balance updates will be included in the next update.

New gameplay features and mechanics that will help with population balance will be included in the december update with the expansion.

its becoming harder and harder to even read this (the english) forum. the level of negativity has reached a critical limit.
Don't misunderstand me ... The community of Regnum cries for a long time for such a auction house. It's a really nice thing, no question.
But the balance is really too bad than to ignore them!

If you want to give the game more graphics you should change first the spell animations. They are too bright with the new graphic engine. Sure, it was important to change the whole graphics like characters, forts, buildings, NPCs, cities, water, and so on... But why does NGD never consider the community? So many players have said that the forts are too high for warlocks, conjurers or hunters! Also, so many players have made suggestions for the balance! Threads with more than 1 sheet of paper!
Every player of Regnum loves Regnum. But they won't if you're - NGD - doing like the previous months!

Really, just a suggestion: Do a poll with questions about the balance. And then, you can change the balance and introduce a new expansion!
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Old 10-13-2012, 02:09 PM   #23
Join Date: Nov 2010
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It's not our game, it's theirs, so chill down.............
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Old 10-13-2012, 02:18 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by LittleHomer View Post
Don't misunderstand me ... The community of Regnum cries for a long time for such a auction house. It's a really nice thing, no question.
But the balance is really too bad than to ignore them!

Really, just a suggestion: Do a poll with questions about the balance. And then, you can change the balance and introduce a new expansion!
There are several tensions when working on a game like Regnum

tensions like:

What our players want us to do?
What our players think that could be good but could actually be bad for a big part of the community?
What we (NGD) want to do?
What our partners want us to do?
what can we actually do given the resources and time constraints?

I haven't seen a good suggestions thread in a while

could someone make an organized thread about balance suggestions and keep it up to date? like a first post listing all of the ideas with greater player backing, per sub-class?
(taking out of consideration the problems with warmasters spells as they will be addressed somehow in the following update)

let's not take this thread out of it's main purpose (to test and give feedback about the next update)
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Old 10-13-2012, 02:33 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by chilko View Post
I haven't seen a good suggestions thread in a while
I think allot gave up because there is just no replay from you guys. And there are allot of good suggestions in my eyes. Also there are allot of threads about clan system is still not working. And you guys said that you could fix this if you make a remake your clan and we did it. And it was still bugged and still no replay...
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Old 10-13-2012, 02:35 PM   #26
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What our players want us to do?
We want you to address the core issues of your game. Population imbalance and class imbalance is what's killing one of your servers at the moment and should take top priority over any new feature you could think of. No one wants to play a game where one realm dominates everything. Yes, there are many things that need to be fixed (ex. post above me) but what should come first? The health of the game as a whole or minor bugs? Population balance will always fluctuate as time passes by, but there's a reason why Syrtis is mainly the issue.

OT: I'll test the auction house when I buy a new computer, which should be.... I don't know when.

Edit: made corrections.
Aari - Aaris'lia - Aasiora

Last edited by Aarisewan; 10-13-2012 at 02:55 PM.
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Old 10-13-2012, 02:53 PM   #27
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Buyout does not work in most of the cases.
I tried buyout for a 3 gold item, a 1,000,000 gold and a 60,000,000 gold item, and only the last one disappeared in the auction window.

And this seems weird:

(After Bid Price it's 2 gold)

edit: can't interact with the owls, even after buying something.
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Old 10-13-2012, 03:00 PM   #28
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It's good to read about the auction house, about time!

As for the graphics update, for a game like this I was never really too fussed about graphics, however, I do understand that in order to keep up with current games graphics must be revamped. I understand that the community doesn't care too much for graphics, but, NGD are not only concerned with player retention but obtaining new players too. Yes, they are not succeeding at all in the player retention part, at least on Haven. They do need to make the game attractive in order to survive, as at the moment it seems the primary source of new gamers is word of mouth or linux gamers with little other choice. Better graphics will help bring in new players, so it is definitely a positive move by NGD. That being said, I'm sure everyone would prefer if gameplay issues were higher on the priority list. What's working on Amun, is not working on Haven.

I haven't yet had the opportunity to test the auction house, since my internet is limited to a 0.5mbit connection, I will probably let Amun download resources overnight.

As for chilko's comment regarding the negativity in the English sub forum, this can only be expected when there is no official response or acknowledgement of endless complaints and suggestions from the community. Yes, a lot of complaints and/or suggestions are biased and some deserve to be closed right away, but there are a few genuine ones and a few real gems in there that have simply been ignored, or at least appearing to be ignored.

I mentioned in the past how communication was a key factor in keeping the forum community happy, I feel Frosk is doing an awesome job in interacting with us, however there is still not enough NGD representation here, especially with responses to the countless bugs reported.

As for balance suggestions, if they weren't all ignored they wouldn't be lost in that ocean that is the suggestions sub forum. Even if you (NGD) do not agree with a suggestion, better to say why than to disregard it with no comment. If anyone hasn't compiled a list of the balance suggestions that most of the community were in agreement with, I will attempt to sift through the suggestions sub forum and do so. Hoping someone else does though!

Anyway, I have drifted off topic. I am glad to see one past suggestion appear in this update, but it is just one out of hundreds . Look forward to more positive changes in the future (i.e. December!) and I will test these new features on Amun when I can.
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Old 10-13-2012, 03:09 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by chilko View Post
Gameplay balance updates will be included in the next update.

New gameplay features and mechanics that will help with population balance will be included in the december update with the expansion.

Originally Posted by chilko View Post
its becoming harder and harder to even read this (the english) forum. the level of negativity has reached a critical limit.
For a good reason.

Slartibartfast / Exorcist
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Old 10-13-2012, 03:21 PM   #30
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The game looks great from a visual perspective atleast Still waiting for the big balance update

I have some trouble with the auction house.I cant seem to interact with the owl in any way i click him and nothing happens.I tried clicking him from various angles and still nothing happens.

I guess i am doing something wrong so can i have some help please ?
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