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View Poll Results: Account-bound gear for transferred characters, Haven to Ra. How do you feel about it?
I'm okay with an account-bound restriction on transfer. 35 47.95%
I'm okay with an account-bound restriction, except I'd like to sell gear to merchants. 4 5.48%
I'd be okay with it if we make the restriction only for epic-level gear and above. 2 2.74%
I'd be okay with it if we make the restriction only for boss gear. 13 17.81%
I've already got toons on Ra, so I don't care about restrictions on gear after transfer. 10 13.70%
Hell, no! If NGD does this, I'm never playing this game again. 9 12.33%
No. I will not transfer my character under those conditions. 19 26.03%
I don't care what NGD does. I left this game a long time ago and I'm never coming back. 3 4.11%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 73. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 02-06-2019, 02:31 AM   #321
Join Date: Sep 2008
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hardboy is an unknown quantity at this point

I am sorry for spamming, but I imagine after the transfers, there will be war in every spot, at every time, at every fort.

If you go to birka, you will find 100 noobs,

if u do a quest, you will find 5 others doing the same quest as you

dragons 24/7

instant battlezones

a 1000 player war

thank you ngd
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Old 02-06-2019, 08:58 AM   #322
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Originally Posted by ieti View Post
As for the names - if i remember good, client added a minimum length to the character names. For example name of my conjurer is "uga" - if there is random suffix added can i rename it back with character name scroll, or i will need to open a support ticket to return it back to normal.
Those constraints only apply to character creation screen. With a scroll, you can give yourself a one-letter-name even. For some reason, there are two different name validation mechanics in place
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Old 02-06-2019, 02:33 PM   #323
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Originally Posted by Eizaix View Post
I completely agree.

Well at least put the extra characters scroll on some 50% sale for the given time then. Might be fine.
We have decided that we will allow the transfers when the maximum character slots is exceeded only if the character has level 50 or more. This means that you will be able to transfer but afterwards, if you delete any character, you will have to delete several until you can create a new one. This will not extend your slots, just ignore them for the time being.

Originally Posted by Deionarra View Post
Is it possible to keep our character name in some situations? For example, if it's taken by a low-level character on an account that's been inactive for years?
Good question. This has to be asked to Support. If it's a low level and with years of inactivity we could see what we can do about it. We still don't have a policy on this but it makes sense not to keep old low level characters reserving hundreds of possible names.

Originally Posted by Dessertpanther View Post
I have a general question, does anyone ever come to Valhalla? I'm looking for the potential in vain on Val....
In the poll, many have stated that they would move to Valhalla, so I expect you to notice some newcomers.
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Old 02-06-2019, 02:55 PM   #324
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Originally Posted by Adrian View Post
We are discussing if we remove this and keep RPs as they are, given that Haven has always had a low activity and also is one of our official servers and not a partner handled one.
Yeah , i was asking because i don't see any problem in let ppl keeping their RPs (we won them with effort) and only 2 players on the entire Haven server can even join top 100 rps after transfers in Ra server.

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Old 02-06-2019, 03:55 PM   #325
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For me keeping RP is useless - keeping them or zeroing them does not matter at all. Well RP's as stat is useless too and are more like something to brag with...electronic e-peen...

Why not convert RP to WMC and remove RP altogether from game. This way raking will be with WMC only and it will be more dynamic, because WMC can be spend for something.
RA | Ignis | Lilla My | Conjurer | EVIL IGNIS ROCK
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Old 02-06-2019, 03:56 PM   #326
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That's really great news. Thank you.

Two more question have come up though.
What if the number of characters on a single account is over the maximum of 6x on both servers together? Will those still be able to transfer all of them even if that makes it 7x or more characters one one account?


I was told that ex-Nemon players still cannot even see Ra server when logging into the game. How will this process work for them?
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Old 02-06-2019, 04:38 PM   #327
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Originally Posted by Adrian View Post
This has to be asked to Support.
Hi there!

Just want to add : Please, send a ticket to support once the regulations have a final version and transfers are open, not now!

Last edited by Leily; 02-06-2019 at 07:20 PM.
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Old 02-06-2019, 04:49 PM   #328
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1. I am confused about the transfer terms because before this first draft was
published I used to think about it as in "players getting the option to
transfer accounts (as in all characters belonging to one account) to another
server", while the rules are almost exclusively focused on characters and even
named "Terms and Conditions of Character Transfers". Would you please shed
some light on this? Also see below for two less abstract examples that outline
reasons for confusion.

2. The limitation in chapter 7 appeared out of nowhere and is an unpleasant
"surprise" mostly due to its unfortunate timing. During the waiting period we
had to make assumptions about things we didn't know yet. I'd like to believe
that I used precedent based common sense when I've used to think that if an
account has at least one lvl 60 character, this is a good enough proof of work
and commitment to allow instantly getting other lvl 60 characters via premium
scroll (your offer from item mall) or have other low lvl characters and use
them as stashes (my choice by analogy). But this rule pretty much outlaws low
lvl stash characters that can't be left behind because flipping the content to
stashes of other characters is sometimes (and this affects me personally too)
impossible, for different reasons, including technical limitations of the
game: my feature request to increase the stash slot limit from 10000 pieces
was deemed low priority and was pushed under the carpet, probably forever.
So what are the options for these low level characters that hold things that
are the results of invested resources into the game?

- Scroll them to lvl 30 so they fit into rule 7? Does this make the game
officially not free to play anymore?
- Extend the stashes of high level characters with xim and move the things
from the low level character stashes? This still gets blocked by the technical
limitation mentioned above.
- Grind the low lvl characters to lvl 30 before transfers? Sure this whole
problem would be a non-issue by now if I knew about this rule a few months
earlier, since the transfer scenario is being coined for quite some time. The
drawback of this is that it doesn't scale very well to multiple low lvl
characters. And it's still unknown if the transfer option would be a time
limited offer, when will it start, for how long will it last etc - this raises
additional concerns.

What's your recomendation for players to handle this?

3. There's something that I expected to see in the rules but didn't. Is there
a limit on the number of accounts a player will be able to transfer? Due to
the technical limitation of the stash described above, I have ended with 4
accounts. They only have Haven characters, so this part is fine. Each of them
has at least 1 lvl 60 character so none of them is a dead weight. But I was
baffled to find out recently that formally I qualify as a farmer of daily
rewards out of nowhere (at least such were the rumors, because I somehow
missed the official announcement about the suddenly imposed limitations, if
there was such an announcement in forum). I really don't want to find out
about such a hidden limitation in the middle of transfer process.
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Old 02-06-2019, 08:31 PM   #329
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I hope you will revise your decision to put the realm points of all transferred accounts. I know they don't really matter, but for those among us who've been playing for a very long time now it's a nice amount and a fun way to see how much realm points you've gathered during that long time.

About two years ago I already started on Ra due to lack of Haven's activity and I can tell that sometimes I miss the realm point counter of my Haven's character (nearly 200k). Might have been an rp whore on my haven's main character so it wouldn't matter for all of us, but I'd really like to keep the amount of gathered realm points if this is possible in a technical way.
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Old 02-06-2019, 08:59 PM   #330
Join Date: Jan 2019
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You couldn't make something with RP's, dat will be so unfair for Nemon players who get their RP reseted ....
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