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Old 04-10-2008, 07:39 AM   #3531
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i didn't get an answer piz /me realizes he swore to smash it over fangs head errrrrr errr *brad gets out drumsticks and does a drum solo on fangs head until it becomes so annoying fang takes off the helmet and is vulnerable to the guitar smash
Brad - after a year of not playing I have no idea how to play my character, no clue what's going on and have to ask questions every few minutes.... I am the born again noob.
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Old 04-10-2008, 07:41 AM   #3532
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Originally Posted by mann2411
i didn't get an answer piz /me realizes he swore to smash it over fangs head errrrrr errr *brad gets out drumsticks and does a drum solo on fangs head until it becomes so annoying fang takes off the helmet and is vulnerable to the guitar smash
*Venom doesnt take off helmet...he cant hear anything cause he is kinda deaf*

What the hell is dancing on my helmet!

*Venom casts fireball on top of his helmet, burning the drumsticks*

Thats better

Edit: *As venom is sitting in the bucket of boiling water...he wonders how twink managed to put the strip on his butt while he was wearing a tunic and boxers...the thought turns him on...*
Dark Venom Fang
Spider Warlock

Last edited by Static_Fang; 04-10-2008 at 08:33 AM.
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Old 04-10-2008, 09:28 AM   #3533
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twink did it just cause twink did it

instead of going for the head brad smash the guitar on fangs groin and then laughs evidly
Brad - after a year of not playing I have no idea how to play my character, no clue what's going on and have to ask questions every few minutes.... I am the born again noob.
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Old 04-10-2008, 09:37 AM   #3534
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Originally Posted by mann2411
twink did it just cause twink did it

instead of going for the head brad smash the guitar on fangs groin and then laughs evidly
*The bucket is knocked from under Venom when brad went for his groin but missed (by a hair!), hot water sprays on brad and burns Venoms ankles*


*Venom quickly pulls his boxers up to cover his 'zone'*

(swear words) BRAD YOU (more swear words)
Dark Venom Fang
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Old 04-10-2008, 11:41 AM   #3535
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Originally Posted by Static_Fang
*The bucket is knocked from under Venom when brad went for his groin but missed (by a hair!), hot water sprays on brad and burns Venoms ankles*


*Venom quickly pulls his boxers up to cover his 'zone'*

(swear words) BRAD YOU (more swear words)
oh no you don't. Twinkle rushes over grabs the end of the veet strip before venom has a chance to pull up boxers, and yanks off the strip.
A blood curdling scream is heard throughout the 3 realms as venoms face turns purple.
Twinkle walks off sniggering to herself ... one down now were is inkster
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Old 04-10-2008, 11:45 AM   #3536
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Originally Posted by ladylaluna
oh no you don't. Twinkle rushes over grabs the end of the veet strip before venom has a chance to pull up boxers, and yanks off the strip.
A blood curdling scream is heard throughout the 3 realms as venoms face turns purple.
Twinkle walks off s niggering to herself ... one down now were is inkster
*Venom peers up after 5 minutes...*
Ow...ow...ow...ow...FUCKING OW! That bitch is going to pay...as soon as i get my spiders to make a band-aid...ahh, there we go...
*Venom manipulates the state between darkness and light to turn invisible, goes up behind twink and CUT OFF HER HAIR*
*Venom runs away with her hair before she can pull out another strip*
Edit From this point down, plus more spelling:
*Venom relises that Twink must have seen his scrotem when she ripped the strip of his ass...mabey more...his face turns red*
Twix: "Woah, ur face is blood red! what happened to you?????"
Venom: "Err...i had twinkle place, then rip one of her strips off my ass..."
Venom: "Shut up...its not that funny...ow..."
Dark Venom Fang
Spider Warlock
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Old 04-10-2008, 11:50 AM   #3537
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Originally Posted by Static_Fang
*Venom peers up after 5 minutes...*
Ow...ow...ow...ow...FUCKING OW! That bitch is going to pay...as soon as i get my spiders to make a band-aid...ahh, there we go...
*Venom manipulates the state between darkness and light to turn invisible, goes up behind twink and CUT OFF HER HAIR*
*Venom runs away with her hair before she can pull out another strip*
Wow love the new hairdo.
employs venom to be my hairdresser and in return i will veet your hairy but once a month.
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Old 04-10-2008, 11:50 AM   #3538
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Inkster has a spectacular aura aboutInkster has a spectacular aura about

*Later that Day, Inkster is wandering around pines save*
'Hey Twink, new hair do?'

*Twink growls at the goat and whips out a veet strip*

*Inkster thinks 'OH SHIT!' and prays for an emb from some kind barbarian*
Follow me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/lomgom/
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Old 04-10-2008, 11:54 AM   #3539
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instead of an emb brad shows up behind ink and hits him over the head with the guitar until ink is dead
"i saved you"
Brad - after a year of not playing I have no idea how to play my character, no clue what's going on and have to ask questions every few minutes.... I am the born again noob.
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Old 04-10-2008, 11:56 AM   #3540
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Originally Posted by Inkster
*Later that Day, Inkster is wandering around pines save*
'Hey Twink, new hair do?'

*Twink growls at the goat and whips out a veet strip*

*Inkster thinks 'OH SHIT!' and prays for an emb from some kind barbarian*
twinkle skips along singing back n front for inky lalalalala back n front for inky
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