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Old 07-20-2014, 03:24 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Kyrenis View Post
For some reason I keep coming back. You have no reading comprehension skills it seems.
I never said you hit 3k with ms, I implied you would if you had a 1 handed hammer with epic stats.
Also I AGREE with one of your points which I stated in my first post...

Words can't express the level of ignorance you are showing if you refuse to accept my points even if I AGREED with a point you made before you even suggested it.
Now, we seem to actually be getting somewhere. You also seem to be missing my point tho. MS is one thing. DPS is another. What does denying a 2-weapon-combo barb the use of nearly all endgame 1-handed blunt weaponry actually have to do with the issue of MS & it's perceived OP-imbalance? Nothing whatsoever at all.

I & others should NOT have to continue to wait to use these weapons until MS is made into a knight-only spell (In fact, I'd argue it should never become knight-only for reasons of RvR applications & the resulting 1/2-ing of MS being used: 1/2 lost due to cd being doubled months ago, another 1/2+ lost as well due to barbs no longer casting it, but that's entirely another subject).

Regardless, these 2 issues are totally unrelated. They only SEEM related because of how NGD unwisely chose to deal with this issue years ago. You say the one should precede from the other (take MS away, then get weapon choice), but I otherwise contend they stand entirely alone & are separate, unrelated issues. If MS is the problem, then NGD should fix MS. Don't obtusely deny me my choice of weapon. To do so is nonsensically unreasonable, contrived & unfair. THAT's what I'm saying.

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Old 07-20-2014, 08:58 PM   #32
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Wtf did this thread turn into
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Old 07-21-2014, 05:24 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by LucianDeathshield View Post
Wtf did this thread turn into

Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
... IF the spell MS is too OP, then logic says u nerf/change MS, u don't obtusely nerf a sub-classes' weapon selection in contrivance. That's just bs. It's like trying to say that since Sultar's dev mass & warjus are so OP, any conj who skills mental tree cannot wear any of the conj endgame armors if they do. Totally contrived nonsensical bs! Right?

NGD recently chose to nerf MS in cd, but not effect. Their choice. Previous 1-handed blunt weapon selection limits were in place based upon the effect of that 20 sec cd MS (really bad idea from the start imho, but it was what it was). Now MS has a 40 sec cd & yet, no riciprocity at all? Blunt-primary 2-weapon-combo barbs lose 1/2 of our ability to cast this so-called OP spell & then get absolutely nothing in return to balance matters? Weapon selection denial was an imbalanced & unfair method to begin with, now it's twice as imbalanced & unfair. We lost even more & get nothing in return?! FFS!

No other subclass sacrifices weapon selection for the ability to cast one spell. Even barbs don't, IF they choose to wield edged or pierce & have blunt tree skilled only for the purpose to cast MS, then they switch back to a UNnaturally higher-dps edged or pierce weapon. Realistically, why should those 2-weapon-combo barbs who choose blunt as their completely primary weapon type be denied in this matter?

It's simply illogical & unjustifiable. Does a 50% chance versus a 40% chance truly justify the near-total denial of all 1-handed endgame-blunt weapons in the currently contrived way of things? Not on your life. I want to read a REAL reason for this ongoing farce (tho I truly doubt one exists) ... not more complete bs (like I said: real reasons, not excuses)... OR I want to fairly choose freely from a completely FULL blunt selection of ALL endgame weaponry, exactly the same as ALL edged & pierce barbs already get to do.

YES!! That's what I said... have said, will continue to say! ...
... and another thing... 3K MS????? holy-beejeesus batboy, in what alternative reality? (mind you I have never been one to set-up to see how hard I can, in the most absurd horseshoe up my proverbial golden ticket shooting arse, hit someone) but I have seen my fair share of 3k SC and Rip, but NOT a MS, never.... 1400-1700 MAX!
Furthermore, no one is wanting that.... MS the problem, fix MS! The problem is... I REFUSE TO BE A Kick5-Fulm-SC-MONKEY!!! Give me some damn endgame weapons already damnit.... was the same at 50 before WM, same at 60 now with WM.... just give me some weapons so I can go war!
Gringo de Magnifico - RA | Rumple Foreskin - Horus/Raven
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Old 07-21-2014, 06:11 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by survive View Post
and another thing... 3K MS????? holy-beejeesus batboy, in what alternative reality?
It was an exaggeration....why does everyone take exaggerations/sarcasm seriously on this thread?

Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
3k+ SC's or Ripostes.
Originally Posted by survive View Post
but I have seen my fair share of 3k SC and Rip
on a side note; nobody uses ripost

on the main topic; barbs will probably never be able to use any 1 handed mag weapons. that includes hammer/spear/sword/axe.

on the current topic; adjust ms and give barbs access to 1 handed elite blunt weapons.
WM barb WM marx WM conj WM knight 60 lock

Last edited by Kyrenis; 07-21-2014 at 11:01 AM.
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Old 07-21-2014, 07:11 AM   #35
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Sorry if I took the thread somewhere unintended, but I feel strongly about this. I've tried for years to get a rational explanation of this utterly-contrived weapon-selection denial-policy &/or the full selection returned to us so we can use it all as would be right & proper imho. No dice. The first time it was but a part of another thread where the subject just came up & then some gamemod deleted all the posts (which were but few) on this particular topic as "unrelated" if I recall rightly. Hmmmm. Strike one! A year+ later, I then posted the question again but this time in it's own thread that I made meself. It was soon derailed by MS-bashers changing the subject & the question asked was muted in the resulting din. But then, not only did I not get any answer or the full selection option I insisted upon as fair from NGD, but instead, my entire thread & the posts on this matter were all locked, deleted & I got indicted by a forum gamemod for "bad forum use" & was forum-banned for a month. WTF!? Strike two! Seeing a trend here yet? I sent in a ticket asking for a more complete explanation ("bad forum use"?) of what specific rules I had broken & even had GameSamba officials inquire into this as well. I got no reply to my ticket, but silence. GameSamba got the same answer essentially: none. They obviously had their reasons, but idk what they were exactly; they never told me. Just do not ask this question seems like; but the 3rd time is the charm it is often said. Wonder what will happen to this post & this thread? Will we get an actual answer (or better, a complete 're-vision' of this bad policy decision to limit weapon selection) or will I get "strike three" & just be out? Hopefully, reason will prevail. Only time will tell....

Last edited by Lebeau; 07-21-2014 at 07:28 AM.
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Old 07-21-2014, 12:52 PM   #36
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you seem to be the English version of Aquaboxio (I do not assume you know him), Lebeau. Just with a way too high percentage of 'murica in it.


Not considering if it is good to restrict the use of blunt weapons, I am sure it is MS, it is the whole system what really needs a review instead of weapons. MS is only needed (according to Lebau), because there is really no other way to stop christmas tree-like barbarians. If this game were a bit more balanced, we wouldn't have any problems with barbs running around with 1-handed magnanite weapons. Imagine a situation similar to ...

If mind squasher only removed foreign buffs instead of all, if unstoppable madness disabled divine intervention temporarily, if divine intervention had a permanent animation, if fulminating were removed, if armor calculation were done more relatively so armor points wouldn't rule the game and lowies and hunter could more damage, if everybodys dmg were reduced, if live savior were less powerful, if all stun times were half as long, if escaping fights weren't so easy, if mage spells spells were level-, staff level- and intelligence-bound, if attributes like spell focus and resistance were shown in the character window and finally, if mages still had their old cast speed (0,5 sec less on all spells),
we could start talking about this again, talk about weapons, restrictions, 3k MSs and so on.
Before that, there will be nothing than workarounds.
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Old 07-21-2014, 01:43 PM   #37
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I think that MS is good as it is now and dont think that allowing the barbs of using the 1 handed elites (not magna weapons) will make barbs more op as they are now.

The main problem are the OP offhands that made 2handed weapons obsolete.

Only I notice that barb can have 2 sockets in his weapons (1 in mainhand and 1 in offhand)? If knight, archer or mage want to have such advantage he/she is bond to the use of magnanite weapons only. A bit unfair huh?

And knights socket for armor enchancements was removed ages ago so they wont benefit little resist bonus unavailable to the other class.

The only alternative option (i don't like this idea tho its most reasonable from any others i saw suggested here in the past) is to make MS a knights wm spell but with the old cool down time, but IT WILL KILL THE BLUNT SPELL TREE.

If you dont like MS and want to nerf it further then how about we do something about the SC spam? Lets doubble its cd? I already hear the whines of all slashing weapons users (including myself).
Kyle Katharn (knight) Darth Malgus (barb) Marka Ragnos (Hunter)
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Old 07-21-2014, 02:33 PM   #38
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The only reason Barbs with Elite Knight Hammer would be more OP than slash/pierce is because the majority of players go for slash/pierce resists. WM hammer got pierce dmg while Elite is blunt only.
That's why blunt in general is the most attractive physical dmg type.

Tbh i rather see the blunt tree "dying" than having such a stupidly OP spell like MS. Doubling the CD of MS made a lot players drop it (which i don't understand why tho), on RA i really only see few players still using MS (with a much higher player base).
Still it doesn't come to endless fights like some of you guys here picture.
Auras don't make you immortal, you know.
MS is not a requirement to make RvR situations to work. It might end them faster but also is frustrating and kind of a fun killer for the players that get MSed.

Also anyone who puts Ripost on par with SC clearly doesn't even play this game.
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Old 07-21-2014, 10:03 PM   #39
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I would (& did already) suggest a rework of the % & effect of MS. Each buff/aura/etc would be dispelled separately, & MS would cease being an all-or-nothing effect. Secondly, I'd add some form of a ranged version of MS for mages (but not archers) that would work similarly but have a reduced % chance. This would keep the needed dispelling effect in applied general use & also spread it around so blunt users aren't a focal point for such animosity, as is currently the case.

Buff & aura negation are very basic requirements in full-spectrum RvR (to mitigate uber-barbs during UM/DI-charges, to aid in slaying tanking conjs & knights far more quickly, to break critical defensive & additive auras so your side can actually deal significant damage or gain advantages, etc). The OP-ness of MS is almost invariably a PvP-factorization, not an RvR one.

Unless we actually want the game to devolve as others already have into a mostly mindless, straight-up population-dominated, dps/soak slugfest that the zerg, tanks, shielders & big-hitters will always win, we need MS-like spells. I am opposed to such a paradigm. Hunters & warlocks are already marginalized in full-on RvR far more than they should be due to a variety of factors (mostly dps/soak related).

Thirdly, I would rescind the current very odd policy & totally unrestrict all 1-handed blunt weaponry that is still inexplicably denied to 2-weapon-combo barbarians due to some imagined connection with the use of MS & it's reputed OP-ness. Slash & pierce barbs get a completely full selection, so should the blunt-boys.

P.S.: Nope, I'm not Boxi, but am 'murican as charged. We used to stand for something great & saved Western Europe from itself twice. That said, I strongly dislike & disagree with my increasingly fascist-like government's fiscal, economic, domestic & foreign policies over the past 40+ years. They disgracefully shame our citizenry & heritage with their grasping, powermad, criminal, crony capitalist antics.

However, I'm very proud of my country & most of it's people & most of all, of what it stands for, or atm, is supposed to stand for: liberty & justice for all. There's long been 2 Americas (the good/giving/honest/progressive/inclusive & the evil/taking/corrupt/regressive/exclusive) & which America's vision dominates our future imho will in large part determine the pivotal events of ongoing world history & very likely as well whether or not our species actually survives into the 22nd century.
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