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Old 04-09-2014, 06:59 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by ieti View Post
its funny dat alot of times the fuking only nigga in da group who try to stop the enemy is the conju heuheueh

yea +1, i cant remmember a single time when i could be enough useful in open fights when there was a melee enemy involved, without having at least 1 mental
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Old 04-09-2014, 07:09 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
Chapter 8 addendum 2:

Hmmm, so in largescale RvR while you're looking for enemy barbs casting fulm to piss off &/or other enemies to foil with cc's, which of your allies in need of full support conjs' auras, heals, buffs, dispels, etc has to wait longer, or worse, entirely go without because the mental-conj (or mixed-build warju/support jack-of-all-trades, but master-of-none) is in offense mode (attacking, not supporting) & thus, not panning cursor around as much or using 'n' to see who needs the full support conj's immediate help? It's a tradeoff, either way, with or without. Just saying...
Read that again with understanding, cause you understood shit. Report when you're ready. I'm glad you are here cause you seem to be voice of typical Ignis conju. Maybe if I talk to you a little bit I will be able to understand them better and find out some reasoning proper path.
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Old 04-09-2014, 07:23 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by ieti View Post
People are different and play styles are different. You can not put boundaries and say they are less effective, because they play hybrid setups.
Yeah, Dupa basically said that full support conjurers are LOUSY and who do you decide to lecture?

Fact is that most conjurers can use their mentals fairly well, as long as their team is winning, but once it actually get ugly and they really need to step up gameplay, not so much.
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Old 04-09-2014, 10:43 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by pieceofmeat View Post
Yeah, Dupa basically said that full support conjurers are LOUSY and who do you decide to lecture?
So called "full support". Support, to me, means keeping ally alive and let him attack effectively. Shwish said that mentals could support ally more effectively. I would expand it to: mentals sometimes are the only choice to keep your ally alive and to let your ally attack at all (ivy!). So called "full support" is often limited to heals and hardly usefull buffs (at least in Horus-Ignis you are more likely to get dispell from knight or lock than from conjurer, and they insist to be "full support", lol). Neither will allow any conju to keep ally alive if he really needs help.

Fact is that most conjurers can use their mentals fairly well, as long as their team is winning, but once it actually get ugly and they really need to step up gameplay, not so much.
Mentals become even more handy when it gets ugly. When your group is winning there is no big need to use them. This is how you recognize good conjurer. He can keep you up in tough moments and he won't be able without good usage of mentals and dispell, heals, buffs and dispell won't do the trick.
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Old 04-09-2014, 12:45 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
Chapter 8 addendum:

True, Shwish, but this chapter may more rightly belong in the warlock advice thread, not here. (want to 'mentally' support your allies? play a lock instead). NGD sadly made this game the way it is now so that conjs do serve best in RvR overall as providers of healing, protection, dispelling, buffing & mana. All points spent on attack & cc spells are points NOT spent on healing, protection, dispelling, buffing, mana, or on self-defense (a dead conj is the most INeffective kind of conj). Just saying...
You don't have to invest a ton of points into the mental tree. Having beetle swarm, mind push, will domain, prickly ivy and silence at level 1 is enough to save an ally from a charging barb or stun locking warlock/hunter/marksman. You're heal wont save an ally from a barb who is already in his proximity, but an ivy or beetle swarm definitely will. Time master on the other hand needs at least 4 points and I would personally regard this as a must have spell.

Don't know what happened to this niqqa but this is a good idea of how important mentals are to a support conjurer.
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Old 04-09-2014, 02:19 PM   #36
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Chapter 8 addendum 3:

All contributing to discussion have made valid points & yes, it does entirely come down to personal preferences, play-styles & individual ability/inability at situational awareness that determines which build will work best overall for you, & for your allies.

Others may have other definitions, but when I use the term 'full-support conj', I mean one with all heals, all 3 major auras at 5 (gr regen, mana comm, mana pylon), rez & di at 5, disp & mass disp at 5, arc dev & amb sac at 5 & all self-defences skilled to increase damage & cc resistance: force armor, karma mirror, mind blank, steel skin, max-ed energy barrier, etc.

There's just not enough points to do it all, regardless of choosing warju, full-support, or hybrid build. No matter what choices are made, there is ALWAYS a tradeoff as I said. You may gain something, but always lose another something or an amount thereof. Point is: no matter what approach you try, you just can't do it all, not even close.

If one plays in the current zerg realm, then it is generally more effective to play full-support or near-so & doing so does benefit your realm's overall RvR gameplay a bit more, but if you play elsewhere tho, it can validly be easily argued that a hybrid approach is the better fit there.

Also, it's entirely situational. If you tend to play mostly in only the very largest of RvR battles, full-support works very well there & let's you fully focus on that needed support, but in small units or hunting team fights however, hybrid is usually the better fit there as well.

Last edited by Lebeau; 04-09-2014 at 04:30 PM.
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Old 04-09-2014, 02:47 PM   #37
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Again it all depend of how you feel it. You can optimize:
- Amb 5 is a waste - 4 works perfectly fine and you do not waste so much HP.
- Heal auras are quite unneeded most of the times.
- Ress 3 works pretty well if you cast Life savour after and be careful. As a plus your ally can start to war immediately which is way better in open fights.
- Force armour is too shiny and the benefit is questionable at least for me.

For me good candidates to replace theese are:
- The 1 point mentals Swish mentioned.
- Material wall at 5 to support allies better.
- Life saviour at 4 - less mana and 50% is fine.
- Mana comm, Mana Pylon good ones.
- Time Master on 3 - good effect and leaves enemies for others to kill.
- Synergy Bond on 1-2 is perfect to give mana fast w/o waiting MC regen.
- Energy borrow - on right targets 700+ mana is so sweet.

Taking a setup to all 5's as i see in my log primarily when i fight goats is soo unneeded and overkill.

-- Setup offtopic end

Chapter 18:

Always keep eye on your HP bar. This will give you way better survival and reaction time.

Chapter 19:

Take a minute to analyze your log. This gives you good information what enemies and allies use and how. You can tweak your setup and "steal" hints from them. Look at how other conjus play - no matter enemy or ally.
RA | Ignis | Lilla My | Conjurer | EVIL IGNIS ROCK
Horus | Syrtis | ieti | Conjurer | INQUISITION | LONG GONE

Last edited by ieti; 04-09-2014 at 02:58 PM.
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Old 04-09-2014, 03:38 PM   #38
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Chapter 20

Do not be afraid to experiment with all the spells available.
(I guess it counts for all classes.)

inb4: hurr durr Mass Resurrection iz stupid hurr durr

Chapter 21

Get in a damn party with all your favourite and trusted buddies.

Chapter 22

Learn how to chain Divine Intervention between Conjurers.

Also hi.
Suggestion Compilation! |The Story of Regnum! | L2MassResurrect
Huntrare | Amelia Woodheart
To play or not to play...
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Old 04-09-2014, 04:43 PM   #39
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Chapter 23: Always party the conjuror
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Old 04-09-2014, 04:51 PM   #40
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Chapter 24
dont forget to look at general chat
there might be a conju who didnt get DI screaming 'conf!' 'disp!' (confuse/dispel)
or a knight

anyways its good to keep an eye on that chat.. and your allies.. and your surroundings
and usually enemies too
better train those eyes

Originally Posted by Tamui View Post
Also hi.
tamui! why dont you come play Ra for lolz too? lot of havens here its all very.. sociall ^^
Winter Wolf (hunt) Winter Mage (conju) Winter Strike (knight) Winter's Big Bro (barb)
I used Mind Blank too much, now I'm too dumb to resist anything.
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