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General discussion Topics related to various aspects of Champions of Regnum

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Old 10-01-2014, 03:38 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Loque View Post
The game mechanics are universal, they cannot be tapered to each individual server. Put yourself in his shoes for a moment, now would you design it for a server where 40 might play or for a server where 100 are playing? The game needs a system overall to fulfill every aspect, but we know it's just not possible.
If so, then get the f*ck rid of small servers, merge them with the large ones.
Problem solved .
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Old 10-01-2014, 03:43 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Kimahri_Ronso View Post
If so, then get the f*ck rid of small servers, merge them with the large ones.
Problem solved .
And that would be a great idea... or make a premium item to transfer a character through servers.
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Old 10-01-2014, 03:50 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by NaturalBornKiller View Post
or make a premium item to transfer a character through servers.
That would make small servers even more extinct, 'cause everyone (including myself) would transfer to the more populated server.

IMHO until the small -large server issue exists, there's no point of discussing issues about things like invasion where nothing but numbers are that matter.
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Old 10-01-2014, 05:36 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Loque View Post
The game mechanics are universal, they cannot be tapered to each individual server. Put yourself in his shoes for a moment, now would you design it for a server where 40 might play or for a server where 100 are playing? The game needs a system overall to fulfill every aspect, but we know it's just not possible.

They are thinking and making changes and asking for the community input. I don't think being cynical and negative will help anyone. The game needs freshness and ideas to grow while still being a numbers game, I don't think you can hide from that.
Cynical? Negative? It's just my own "community input". It's a fact that previous updates were met with unsuccessful results and community input, and not in any way my own cynical or negative opinion. I still don't see how a server with 40-50 players are supposed to play in an environment that was meant for 100-150 players.

Examples? Magnanite weapon prices, storebought weapon/armor prices (no one even buys this crap, so why should it cost so much?) door hp, guard damage, guard hp, guard captain hp, boss hp, boss damage. When Raven or Horus first started (been too long to remember which), we had guard damage and guard hp reduced, among other things.

The game concentrates around RvR fighting, but what are players supposed to do when they can't even kill a dragon, can't even get proper equipment without having to pay large amounts of real life money? The game dies because players can't continue on forward, yet here you are playing the good loyal suck-up part (now I'm being cynical) expecting NGD to be pleased and oblivious to anything wrong in the game. And you think I'm not trying to help? Some people are nice, others are more harsh and brute, but if the community is filled with people who are only nice and optimistic, NGD won't get to hear both sides of the story, and I don't think I have to explain what happens then.
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Old 10-01-2014, 08:33 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Adrian View Post
An "ambush" ralley totally neglects any range class. If the attacking realm has to go through tight spaces, it will be the usual barbarian-conju-combo that pwns everything.
On the other hand, I hate archers, so I wouldn't mind that at all
I just imagine it difficult to realize your idea of a "dangerous" path, because you would actually need a big lot of Evil Ignis Rocks for that.
Generally speaking, the WZ looks pretty boring imo. Regnum could need some extra stuff like the cementory, old rotten houses, stonehenges, Idontknow... and not just at rare spots which nobody visits.

Today, warzone action is pretty much based on fort fights, which is nice, but because of that, nobody would mind some extra open field battles (there aren't a lot of them in Regnum, specially because of the ability to mount with a relic)

i'm not sure
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Old 10-01-2014, 09:26 PM   #36
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Some variety on the obstacles and roads would be nice indeed. Places to position and hide groups... great idea IMO.
But keep in mind that places with no obstacles are needed too. some classes get unkillable in 1x1 when you put a tree/rock/anything that provide a obstacle.
inb4 game dies
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Old 10-02-2014, 01:26 PM   #37
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Make some other capturable objects besides forts. E.g. some kind of watch towers. Realm who would have it captured would see signal on a map, that someone is passing around in e.g. 30m diameter, something like 'fog of war' in other games. Or something totaly different. Not even something invasion related. WZ is so empty, and so large. It is just boring and it takes too much time to walk between forts, saves, even on a horse. All areas between towns too. Too much walking in this game and nothing interesting on the ways.
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Old 10-03-2014, 10:29 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by forum_26m8j65892lz0895 View Post
Make some other capturable objects besides forts. E.g. some kind of watch towers. Realm who would have it captured would see signal on a map, that someone is passing around in e.g. 30m diameter, something like 'fog of war' in other games. Or something totaly different. Not even something invasion related. WZ is so empty, and so large. It is just boring and it takes too much time to walk between forts, saves, even on a horse. All areas between towns too. Too much walking in this game and nothing interesting on the ways.
I would actually like to see capturable resource camps like an iron mine or a lumber mill. Those resources could be used to repair fort doors or maybe some day build battering rams or catapults.
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Old 10-29-2014, 05:14 PM   #39
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Realm balance and multirealmers

A critical issue regarding any kind of Invasions system possible. It’s no fun when you’re less, and sometimes too when you’re more. I’ll be straightforward with this: we will measure the population average both in a long term (a week) and in a short term (a whole day) to inflict in some variables: timers, guards, health of doors and if possible, some buffs too. This will be measured among players of a level suitable for war and of those that frequent the war zone.

Multirealmers… there’s not so much that can be done without messing with other “legal” situations like a household with several players. What we can do is avoid them to handle Invasions objects after logging off and logging in to another realm for a reasonable time window.

Adrian, in addition to not allowing multirealmers to interact with "Invasion objects," can you make it so that they can not interact with the gate flag to capture it?

We just had a situation on haven in which Ignis had broken Syrtis gate. A Syrtis player then logged onto an Alsius character and captured the Syrtis gate just so that they would get their outer door back.

nachos garcias
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Old 10-29-2014, 05:16 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by xayne View Post
Adrian, in addition to not allowing multirealmers to interact with "Invasion objects," can you make it so that they can not interact with the gate flag to capture it?

We just had a situation on haven in which Ignis had broken Syrtis gate. A Syrtis player then logged onto an Alsius character and captured the Syrtis gate just so that they would get their outer door back.

nachos garcias
That's already done in this new version
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