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Old 01-06-2009, 07:28 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by opt1k
Nothing, I never speak on their realm chat so they feel free to say where they're grinding so I can relog and farm some rp's, then log back to alsius and play like nothing happened.
Thats not spying? Hm, well actually its just poor. Cant you get your RP honestly?
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Old 01-06-2009, 07:36 PM   #32
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can i just say i feel very bad for doing this and it going this far. i don't want bad feeling, i take all the blame for this.
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Old 01-06-2009, 08:01 PM   #33
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My god will you all just shut up? Who. The. Hell. Cares???

And FFS there is no such thing as a spy, can someone explain to me how someone spies?! What do they say? Hey guys Ignis is at Herb! (We can see that on the map doofus)

Its impossible to spy, there is no information. Do you think the people that do the fightingin the warzone go to the inner zone and talk on realm chat about their glorius plans? Its also a waste of time to switch chars between realms and report back, because by the time you get back its usually too late. Even if your using teamspeak, what is information going to give you?

You can't stop an invasion, and you can't defy the innevitable. Nightchill has 3 accounts?? SOMEONE CRUCIFY HIM!

I have 5 accounts?? BURN ME AT THE STAKE!

Why would someone spy in 1 realm for cheap innerrealm info, when you can go on IRC and see whats going on in 3 realms?

Get a grip people, and stop making a book of replies everytime something happens.
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Old 01-06-2009, 08:57 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Aice14
Thats not spying? Hm, well actually its just poor. Cant you get your RP honestly?
you're not the sharpest tool in the box, are you?
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Old 01-06-2009, 11:53 PM   #35
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Edge is 100% right on this. Spying offers no real advantage at this point.

Maybe before, when we didn't get fort status info from the map, but at this point, its just a silly waste of time. Even on Horus, where we still have Realm chat in the WZ, spying is somewhat silly. Most troop coordination is handled in party/clan/general chat anyway.

"Spying" in this game has existed since Regnum's inception, and as the game has progressed the information gathered in this matter has become more and more worthless, so arguing about it kind of futile.

Sort of on-topic, a bit off-topic as well:

I applaud all the people on Horus that have active alternate characters in other realms. NGD has done absolutely nothing to address the realm imbalance on Horus, and as such, multi-realm players have taken it upon themselves to right the balance. If you think of these players as "traitors" to their original realms, then I will remind you that the health of the server is NOT the responsibility of any one realm, but all of us.

We all play the same game, and imbalanced numbers in ANY realm lessen the fun for all of us.
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Old 01-07-2009, 02:07 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by backe

Edge is 100% right on this. Spying offers no real advantage at this point.

Maybe before, when we didn't get fort status info from the map, but at this point, its just a silly waste of time. Even on Horus, where we still have Realm chat in the WZ, spying is somewhat silly. Most troop coordination is handled in party/clan/general chat anyway.

"Spying" in this game has existed since Regnum's inception, and as the game has progressed the information gathered in this matter has become more and more worthless, so arguing about it kind of futile.

Sort of on-topic, a bit off-topic as well:

I applaud all the people on Horus that have active alternate characters in other realms. NGD has done absolutely nothing to address the realm imbalance on Horus, and as such, multi-realm players have taken it upon themselves to right the balance. If you think of these players as "traitors" to their original realms, then I will remind you that the health of the server is NOT the responsibility of any one realm, but all of us.

We all play the same game, and imbalanced numbers in ANY realm lessen the fun for all of us.
yep, i agree to those two 100% i actually have a character on alsius that i train when i need a vacation from wars..and a couple of times ive popped into ignis to say hi, since i think its interesting to get to know the people that your constantly fighting. its not like theres anything worth spying that i couldint find out by asking someone in irc.
i would much rather be friendly towards people then be part of these huge fanatic flame wars of the realms >.>
Moo- Sytris Hunter- Horus
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Old 01-08-2009, 12:04 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Fonepixie
Ok..we got invaded...and it was an almost 1:1 ratio, we did as Arwen said...kept them back the frst time...but the second..we were spammed with noobs shouting orders, so the real orders from clan leaders were lost..so we lost a gem....
Erm so you cant tell noob orders from orders from your clan leader !!!

Originally Posted by Fonepixie
so the problem is this.....too many clan leaders not keeping there team in check, (of which i myslef have been guilty of doing, but now i know better)... we have a few good players that lead us well..we should listen to them more and not the idiots, and as much as it pains me to say this...the imperial guard of ignis are the worst offenders, naommi, dael, kauren, ....they need to be told by their leader (s) to shut the hell up and let the guys who know the score keep us safe and coordinated. (sorry chris...had to be said..daels getting close to being igged)
So why dont you sort this out ingame..?

Originally Posted by Fonepixie
and as for helping other realms...i dont agree with it. its war...3 realms all against eachother, so tough titty if you think we should help eachother...they turn on us everytime as im sure we have done to them...its wrong....whats the point of having clans in your own realm if you seek the other realms for help.....we ...ignis ...can hold our own well when people listen.
Hmm..thanks to Irc i have made contact and made friends with people from other realms..because after all this is a game. Alas war is war, you play for the realm your playing with, whether that be Alsius, Ignis or Syrtis at the time,(whatever account you have) helping other realms does go on for example..BACKE took me to a place in Alsius to get a Yeti for my hunter on Horus because i didnt know where to find them(he was on his Alsius acc), is this being in league with the enemy ?? Heavens above !! I do understand that people do have strong feelings about this, but not everybody has the same opinion, having inter-realm friends is useful for things like organised pvps, quests, grinding, help with drops, where to find mobs etc..were all in this together, despite the realm differences.

Originally Posted by Fonepixie
and as for realm jumping to talk to the rest and 'arrange' things....not cool, if you want to help that realm, go join them and stop leadeing the others into ambushes....and hathor...i thought out of all the people who ould have been pissed off at one of ours realm jumping and being lead into an ambush....remeber what meco did to you...now once again..your own friend and clan screwed you over. and sorry Gallas..had to be said again
Now let me say this once..what happened with me and chris(hathor) is between me and chris, we sorted it all out so get over it already ! On a side point hmm look at what you and AKM did to him..lets see you helped him build a clan up, then you just ditched him..to help make AKM's clan..The order. Isnt what you did some how worse..being abandoned by your own clan mates ??

Anyway to make this to the point, im posting a reply because i think all this crap about inter-realm shit is lame, i mean..were all human beings playing a game together, why shouldnt we talk to whoever we want, make how many accounts we want (i have 7 btw) in whatever realms we want(yes i know were not meant to have more than one, but hey everyone does it!). Now everyone hug and make friends lol XD

<note to self, my signature is awesome>
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Old 01-08-2009, 01:01 PM   #38
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@backe/@edge: Actually spying is effective, things have changed with invasions, also on horus the realm chat is worldwide so we can also communicate in the war zone, thing is the enemy with a level 1 syrtis account can know:
where we are regrouping for an assault
where we are going
what our plans are
possible war banner readings

still not enough? Ok, you all know how forts have been really reinforced with the guard captain and all, and you all know how little it takes to defend a fort against an army 3x times bigger with the guard captain pwning everyone.

If they were to know our plans of going somewhere, or some kind of strategy to fool them, they would also know entirely what is going on if we plan a sneak attack some place.

the time it takes to mobilize an army is longer than moving people to defend a fort.
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Old 01-08-2009, 02:11 PM   #39
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jesus christ, why the fuck are you guys mentioning IRL problems, and someone's personality here? This wasn't quite the idea of the topic, but you've turned it into personal in-realm flame war.

Not that I mind.

/me grabs popcorns.

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Old 01-08-2009, 02:37 PM   #40
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nah, im done, not worth it
Φ Operation Repo Φ
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