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Old 10-04-2013, 02:57 PM   #41
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It is like enrage, but you have no chance to kill it in enrage state...easier and less troublesome for them to code...

Dragon wins! - is sooo uneeded please remove it. It is like you are in mortal kombat ffs...
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Old 10-04-2013, 03:48 PM   #42
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Hey all,

We've fixed some issues related to quests that required going from "A to B" not working.
We're still working on the rest of the problems that have been reported. Thanks your feedback and support!


Originally Posted by kmdk View Post
Lol what ?..i wonder what NGD planning with this ,already people complaint about impossible to kill in 15 people ...and this :

Or maybe misunderstood this ?
The "final stomp" the fix note is referring to, is the power that the Dragon casts when the timer reaches 00:00.

This is done this way to avoid someone actually surviving the Stomp, and being weirdly removed outside.

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Old 10-04-2013, 04:39 PM   #43
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My findings of yesterday, don't know if it's already fixed by now.

This 'once a day rule' doesn't really work as you can still be invited by a party leader after you've done a raid already that day.
So basicly you can do the dragon raid as many times as you want - as long as it's the party leader's first time.

Also, the 'once a day rule' doesn't seem to be account related. You can just log another char (same account) and start a new party.

And (not totally sure about this) when i'm mounted or dismount just before I go in the cave makes my loading bar get stuck.

Cave itself looks good keep up the good work

Pauluzz - Warlockz - Paul - Pauluzu - Paululu - Felicica --- INQUISITION
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Old 10-04-2013, 05:45 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by pauluzz View Post
Also, the 'once a day rule' doesn't seem to be account related. You can just log another char (same account) and start a new party.
Let's keep it this way, I don't want people with 6 accounts to have an advantage over users with just 1

This game is too easy
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Old 10-04-2013, 07:11 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by GrimNightfall View Post
Let's keep it this way, I don't want people with 6 accounts to have an advantage over users with just 1
I have like 8 level 60's, bring on the drops.
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Old 10-04-2013, 07:47 PM   #46
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So much for archers getting dragon ammy's...not gonna happen. And heres me trying to really hone the art of being a marks, with no chance of doing real noticeable damage anymore. With the sudden influx of ammys on knight and barbs, marks will just get (literally) kicked out of the battles. There will be little point in supporting a fort battle. The only way archers can enjoy the game will be to join small hunting parties and pray they don't stumble across someone equipped with a dragon ammy. Its an Archers worst nightmare. Its already bad enough doing 10-15 damage per hit on a barb the same level as me, then them hitting me for 1-2k.

I'll be honest..the new low level WZ could prove to be real fun, no low level uber-equipment, just people fighting with shop bought gear, using their skill alone. Hell, I'll keep rolling chars to 15, levelling them from 4-15 on RvR XP alone, then scrap them when they hit it. Low level RvR is gonna be fun.

Can you imagine how much fun it would be if everyone in the wz only had common level gear? no specials, no bonuses or resists, and only the standard jewellry available. I think the wz would pick up drastically. I think special gear only works in High population servers, where the number of people with normal gear trumps those with specials.
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Last edited by Linuxmage; 10-04-2013 at 08:01 PM.
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Old 10-04-2013, 08:09 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by Linuxmage View Post
So much for archers getting dragon ammy's...not gonna happen. And heres me trying to really hone the art of being a marks, with no chance of doing real noticeable damage anymore. With the sudden influx of ammys on knight and barbs, marks will just get (literally) kicked out of the battles. There will be little point in supporting a fort battle. The only way archers can enjoy the game will be to join small hunting parties and pray they don't stumble across someone equipped with a dragon ammy. Its an Archers worst nightmare. Its already bad enough doing 10-15 damage per hit on a barb the same level as me, then them hitting me for 1-2k.

I'll be honest..the new low level WZ could prove to be real fun, no low level uber-equipment, just people fighting with shop bought gear, using their skill alone. Hell, I'll keep rolling chars to 15, levelling them from 4-15 on RvR XP alone, then scrap them when they hit it. Low level RvR is gonna be fun.
I have so much to say about this but I'll just keep this reply short and concise.

Firstly, archers will have the exact same amount of amulets as they currently do now, archers that have amulets didn't drop them with their archer, they dropped it with their lvl 48 knight.

Secondly, what do you use? An initiation bow? I've never seen a marx hit that low on my barb (maybe with all of the non-self casted defensive buffs, but that's a different story)

Archers will always be set up for open field fights while warriors are set up for fort fights. Its as simple as that.

This game is too easy
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Old 10-04-2013, 08:35 PM   #48
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Originally Posted by GrimNightfall View Post
I have so much to say about this but I'll just keep this reply short and concise.

Firstly, archers will have the exact same amount of amulets as they currently do now, archers that have amulets didn't drop them with their archer, they dropped it with their lvl 48 knight.

Secondly, what do you use? An initiation bow? I've never seen a marx hit that low on my barb (maybe with all of the non-self casted defensive buffs, but that's a different story)

Archers will always be set up for open field fights while warriors are set up for fort fights. Its as simple as that.
Well, I dont like running warriors too much, though I do have a 38 barb that I'm trying to level when I can be bothered with it.

I really am focusing a lot more of my time on the marks, but here-in lies the problem -- I cannot find "decent" gear for it. The armor I have is all level 49-50 with const and HC bonuses. I am a level 56 marks. I dont like trading mags for gear, the commerce channels are at best over-priced. I have a half decent bow that didnt cost much, but its just "special", just an Ancient Long bow with a +10 on the damage, and nothing else. This is the trap that newer players are finding themselves in. Decent gear is not available cheaply, and some people have to fight in the wz on shop bought gear. I am an older player with a newer char, having only recently switched realms.

I have learnt not to target knights and barbs in fort fights, and concentrate on knocking out the conjs and other archers. Most fort fights I find myself in recently seem to be barb and knight heavy with the conj using DI and other buffs, and knights just tanking us archers out of the battle altogether. After 3 or 4 deaths in as many minutes, I go back to save and stay there. I only stay in a fort fight if i know I have decent support from barbs and knights on our side, and it frustrates me so much to get to a fort and find its me and 5 other archers and (maybe) a conj. I go to CS and find 5 Barbs having a party laughing at us lot struggling to overcome overwhelming force put forward by the enemy as they went Barb/Knight heavy.
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Old 10-04-2013, 08:51 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Linuxmage View Post
Well, I dont like running warriors too much, though I do have a 38 barb that I'm trying to level when I can be bothered with it.

I really am focusing a lot more of my time on the marks, but here-in lies the problem -- I cannot find "decent" gear for it. The armor I have is all level 49-50 with const and HC bonuses. I am a level 56 marks. I dont like trading mags for gear, the commerce channels are at best over-priced. I have a half decent bow that didnt cost much, but its just "special", just an Ancient Long bow with a +10 on the damage, and nothing else. This is the trap that newer players are finding themselves in. Decent gear is not available cheaply, and some people have to fight in the wz on shop bought gear. I am an older player with a newer char, having only recently switched realms.

I have learnt not to target knights and barbs in fort fights, and concentrate on knocking out the conjs and other archers. Most fort fights I find myself in recently seem to be barb and knight heavy with the conj using DI and other buffs, and knights just tanking us archers out of the battle altogether. After 3 or 4 deaths in as many minutes, I go back to save and stay there. I only stay in a fort fight if i know I have decent support from barbs and knights on our side, and it frustrates me so much to get to a fort and find its me and 5 other archers and (maybe) a conj. I go to CS and find 5 Barbs having a party laughing at us lot struggling to overcome overwhelming force put forward by the enemy as they went Barb/Knight heavy.
If you decide to lvl up, I can lend you some op marx gear that I have sitting in my inventory

This game is too easy
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Old 10-04-2013, 11:12 PM   #50
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For the gears that the dragon will drop, I don't know what they are for sure.

As such , it is very difficult to speculate as it may well be that the current Amulets drop as well as something new in jewellery.
Weapons/ armour we don't know yet either.

Anyway , I had a look a Squid island. I must say I am quite pleased that NGD implemented the suggestion I made so many moons ago.

Okay. I had a look at most of the island and Ii am quite pleased. Three realm areas areas with very interesting terrain, separated by bridges with a central meeting point. A good challenging island for PvP and RvR. Excellent.
It is quite large as well which is a good thing. Like I suggested, it went off Ignis coast and I am quite happy about that.
Also, I am quite pleased that NGD finally decided to employ very expensive real estate in the persistent world that was going unused. That is, ocean space.

Unlike Linuxmage, I have no problem with the climatic type of the island. Green and foliage is the most attractive to new users and as such works for me. If we are looking at retention, you must go with the most desired colours and landscape.

Because of the proximity of trainers/ other useful NPCs to the teleporter on the main continent, it is not absolutely neccessary to have them on squid island. What I do look forward to are a few NPCs on Squid Island that give out a few simplistic quests.

There is still an issue that opponents can pass the Ignis wooden gates and camp the save. It does not seem to be an issue on the other 2 gates.

My only concern is this:
While level 1-15 looks like a great idea and is an excellent way to introduce players to what the game has to offer, I am concerned that players simply don't have the gear and more importantly, the power and discipline points to make a good go at this, say before level 10.
I counter my own argument by saying that seeing more players active in a zone ( and this island will surely do this) will give the aura of bustle and activity that makes players stay.

Since NGD has done so much work to simplify, shorten the curve and make levelling from 1-10 so quick, this may pass very quickly.
So quickly, that players now hooked on the RvR may struggle through the drought that would be level 15 to say level 45-50. It is going to be difficult for NGD to build 2 more islands of this type to satisfy the demand in the 15-35 range. Unless NGD has a further use for Carnival Island, they could still retrofit it for higher level RvR.

NGD knows better than me for they have the data but I still suspect that the biggest retention problem is not 1-10 but maybe a little later on at say 15-35.

In any case an excellent job so far.

What can Squid island use ?

One fort of the old model but with no guards.
One tough boss. I am suggesting you bring back Tankabon and make him just a bit more badass than he was before.
Tie a quest to this boss.
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