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Old 06-19-2009, 10:00 PM   #41
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Well, been on Alsius for 2 days now and have got my conj to level 12.

I can see why this realm is a pile of arse.

Feck all quests so far which means a lot of time grinding. Kill 1 million werehamsters for 1 xp and werehamster fur. Why the hell should I put up with that when I can go to one of the other two realms and have an easier time.

Quests were fubar. Gaurd Zero was embedded in the rock face and out of range so he couldnt be got at.

Nobcheese the bear (in the same region), wasn't even there. He might have fallen off a cliff.

Had to stick to the left hand side of the bridges on the way to Mountain Climber Zero otherwise I fell through them.

Loads of distance between point/towns. Do X quest and travel 10000 miles to do it. Then 10000 miles back for 1xp and a packet of crisps.

Lag spike every few seconds. Weird considering how empty the place is.

All this before lev 12.

Dont get me wrong, I really like this realm and the atmosphere it has. I will stick with it. But after Ignis, so far getting anywhere is like wading through a ton of sh1t.

This realm needs some major work on it...........seriously.
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Old 06-19-2009, 10:21 PM   #42
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Ive been on Alsius Horus for ageeesss...and I really thought that the quests there were pretty decent, considering NGD made them. :/ There are a few gaps in levels in the early stages like lvl 9 and 14 (I think), but once I got to 21, I rose to 28 within two days, and I was just being lazy. The quests gave out enough xp to keep me topping over the entire time, and they only started to drain when I got to lvl 30.

Erikrose: Ive never experienced those glitches, so Im guessing they are new, and probably to do with the new terrain. Although Ive got to agree that Guard Zero should only be there if RO was generally popular, then you could have 10 newbies battling this thing, but no the server would explode...so Guard Zero is a pile of poop. The long journeys from A to B are thoroughly annoying too. What NGD thought when they designed this part of Alsius is beyond me...
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Old 06-22-2009, 06:18 PM   #43
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Ok. Been busy on Alsius and thought I would add some more observations.

The length of time it takes to level compared to Ignis and Syrtis is huge. It takes ages even with the poxy 10% bonus.

The early levels on Ignis could have you go up on quests alone or leave you with about a third exp to grind. On alsius there are levels where there are no quests at all. Trying to get 13000 exp with no bonuses from quests as a Barb gives a new meaning to 'grind'.

The lack of quests in the early levels does not keep a players attention long enough to make them want to continue. It is easier to go to another realm, level quickly and get to the warzone.

In short, by the time Alsius have leveled 1 person high enough to be of use in the warzone, Ignis and Syrtis have leveled 3 to 4.

Plus the god awful grind means that hardly anybody will stick with the realm when there are two others that are easier.

The characters, dwarves and goats are not unique enough to compensate for a low population either. If they were slightly sturdier in battle re def and attack that might be something. But they aren't.

As a suggestion, up the number of quests for the lower levels and make all the races in all the realms noticeably unique.
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Old 06-22-2009, 07:34 PM   #44
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Are you insane? Are you even playing the same game??

Alisus quests are far, far, far superior to Ignis quests! That 13k is just one level. Plus, if you think 13k is alot of xp, please seek another game, as later levels see you needing 500,000+ xp with NO quests.

In Ignis I can only remember one level in which is 100% quest xp, lvl 23. In alsius nearly ALL early levels (<30) are 100% quest xp.
RA / Hor... Haven?
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Old 06-22-2009, 11:25 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Mattdoesrock View Post
Are you insane? Are you even playing the same game??

Alisus quests are far, far, far superior to Ignis quests! That 13k is just one level. Plus, if you think 13k is alot of xp, please seek another game, as later levels see you needing 500,000+ xp with NO quests.

In Ignis I can only remember one level in which is 100% quest xp, lvl 23. In alsius nearly ALL early levels (<30) are 100% quest xp.
Matt is correct....there's only one level (14-15) where you hit a dry spell. You can level in Alsius quite quickly to lvl 38 on quests alone.
Compost (60 Hunter) Alsius
Compoundious (Dead and gone...)
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Old 06-23-2009, 01:49 AM   #46
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Most of what is said here holds true for Syrtis as well (not so sure about Ignis), but it is more apparent in Alsius due to their lack of numbers. The imbalance in numbers for Alsius has also been affected by the problems plaguing warrior classes.

Players in Horus seem to be gripped in a cycle:

no wars --> boredom --> grinding alts to pass time --> no people to fight --> no wars

Please NGD, move back the high level mobs to the warzone.
On Regnum Sabbatical
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Old 06-23-2009, 04:05 AM   #47
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As a newcomer to RO, I should point out that I had no clue whatsoever "red-green-blue" even represented. I did no investigative research before choosing Realm. I chose because I like the color Blue. And because it was the middle choice, and was elevated above the other two, on my screen, anyway. So I thought it was the "preferred" realm. I was unable to make any choice based on "which realm was getting a realm bonus for xp", or which realm was the most populated. I am assuming that most newbies come to the game just as blind.

But that is okay, I do rather enjoy "underdog" status. But I must say I have a bit of a problem with people from other realms saying that we need to get to lvl 50, stop grinding and get out into the WZ. That is EXACTLY what us GRINDERS are TRYING TO DO. So we can't just "drop everything" and come running to Agg for the millionth time because some bored Igs want some more Regnum Points to notch their belt with.

I have been trying to run out to WZ since lvl 30 whenever someone yells "EVERYONE TO AGG!" to try to help as much as I can. All I ever find is about 5 Ignis to every 2 Alsius, they are all "Impossible", and I am useless, since we don't have nearly as many people as Ignis. You keep on taking Agg fort, even though it is totally useless and pointless, you already have the gems, all you do is make wz grinding impossible, which, BTW, KEEPS US FROM LEVELING UP.

I am certainly glad neither myself nor my wife have actually spent any real cash on this game. I can't imagine my frustration at having purchased leveling % scrolls, went out to WZ to grind up a ways, and spend half my time either fighting "5-against-1-Ignis-Fun", getting killed by backstabbing-pussy-invisible-Syrtis/Ignis hunters (always when I'm resting, from grinding), and/or running back frmo save area. To pay actual money for this... NO WAY MAN.

Which means... yep, you guessed it.... WE'RE STILL NOT LEVELING UP.

So, instead of other realms bitching about how our not being level 50 is our own fault, try letting us GET THERE FIRST. At least get off our backs about it.

Ignis has helped to foster this problem, by not just "invading", but "zerging" everywhere you go. No one under lvl 48-50 even stands a chance. There are plenty of people who would go into WZ, but are not 48-50 yet, and 1 or 2 encounters with 30+ invaders against 7-10 Alsius don't want to waste their time anymore, and go back to grinding, for which you then CASTIGATE THEM FOR GRINDING!

Make up your freakin minds! If you want us to grind up to 50, to give you a bit more of a challenge, then SHUT UP ABOUT IT and let us do it. If all you want is for us to lie down and be your RP donors, then forget it. I'll stay back here behind wall anyway and grind. And if you break down gate to FORCE EVERYONE into donating RP's (which are USELESS, FYI), then I will simply log out when gate gets broken down and will log in again later.

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Old 06-23-2009, 07:45 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by Mattdoesrock View Post
Are you insane? Are you even playing the same game??

Alisus quests are far, far, far superior to Ignis quests! That 13k is just one level. Plus, if you think 13k is alot of xp, please seek another game, as later levels see you needing 500,000+ xp with NO quests.

In Ignis I can only remember one level in which is 100% quest xp, lvl 23. In alsius nearly ALL early levels (<30) are 100% quest xp.
Errm. I was not referring to the quality of the quests but the quantity. At level 11 I had one quest which if memory serves paid 300xp and a 2 handed sword so "In alsius nearly ALL early levels (<30) are 100% quest xp." is a bit off isn't it. I would like to see proof of that statement.
I would be quite interested to hear what Igins and Syrtis gets at that same level, (cant remember myself sorry).

Secondly 13k was an example not hard data. Considering I have played Metin 2, Last Chaos and other piles of crap, no 13k is not a lot. If you are going to have a go then at least post a constructive suggestions to why Alsius is the underdog as well as your stunningly eloquent critique of my view.

Finally, if the quests appear to be few and far between on Alsius then it does nothing to keep players there when they can go to the other two realms and have a lot more to occupy their minds. The xp isn't that important for quests, having content to give a player something to do while levelling is. If Alsius had one quest that paid 500xp and Ignis had 5 quests for the same level each paying 100xp, I would put money on players mainly choosing Ignis because there is more to do over a longer period of time other than standing in the middle of a desert grinding for hours on end.

If population is a problem for Alsius as well as having numbers in the WZ, there has to be a reason why.

1) It can't be crap spells as all spells are intrinsically the same for all realms.

2) Racial preferences? Everyone prefers elves? Cant see it myself.

3) Scenery? Nah!

4) The communities. Nope. After playing other games Regnum has the best to my mind.

5) Racial strengths and Weaknesses? If the Goats and Dwarves had stats that made them the Klingons of the Regnum universe things might be different. They're not. Not choosing Alsius because the races there have crap stats doesn't work either.

6) MOBS in Alsius give crap exp? Don't think so.

7) Everyone prefers winners? Ignis and Syrtis are like snowballs? They initially were the best in the WZ so everybody flocks to them because most people don't like siding with losers, thus Alsius will never gain as they can never become a major threat?...........Possible.

8) Distances between quests. Possible. If you have a quest in the Volcanic Zone on Ignis, you turn left out of the city and base jump off a cliff. If you do the Thundermace quests or the Crystal Guard quests a bit of stomping is required.

So! What is the cause? Why, considering Alsius is fundamentally the same as the other two realms apart from the scenery, do few people like playing there?

Please tell us.
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Old 06-23-2009, 12:11 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Erikose View Post
Ive got to agree with the rest, Alsius does support the player xp-wise for the majority of the first 30 levels. At least it does for me, and judging by the others it does for them too.

I picked Syrtis initially because I liked the scenery. Then I went to Alsius because it was the underdog, which is a reason very few newbies have on their minds when first joining Regnum.
People like to go to Syrtis because they like green nature, the like elves or want to be the hero. When a game like Regnum attracts mostly teenagers and yound adults, these reasons arent so uncommon.
People like to go to Ignis because they like to be evil or be dark elves. Again, this isnt certain for every Ignis player, but the reasons to contribute to a certain extent of Ignis' population.
Alsius is the middle-realm. Its neither the hero or villain, just a realm that wants to expand and will go to war because of that. To be honest, its not the best reason to join a realm, but then you have the goats and dwarves characters to compensate for that.

Back to the main point...
http://regnum.wikia.com/wiki/Alsius_Quests This is a link to the list of Alsius quests we have, and since it was last updated only 3 days ago, Im guessing its a pretty accurate one. The vast number of quests on that page contribute to lvl 30's and under, a major quantity dont you think? With the exception of lvl 14 and only two quests at level 20, Alsius really is supportive in the quest part, with only a few quests being buggy.

Ive seen threads before where Ignis players rant and rave about most early quests of theirs being buggy with major gaps in levels, not to mention having to kill hard mobs from time to time, mobs of which are in VERY small quantities. So Ive got to say, Alsius is the best for questing, possibly even better than Syrtis.
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Old 06-23-2009, 01:13 PM   #50
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I've got 6 in Alsius, and just leveled the 3 new ones to 30+

9 - 13 have some dry spots that require a bit of grinding.
14 no quests.
15 - 20 some dry spots that require a little grinding.
21 - 29 1/2 ZERO grinding other than killing quest mobs. Some levels actually have enough xp to spill over into the next level.
30 - 38 about 1/3 of the xp needed on average.
38 - 50 quest XP is trivial. Almost pure grind.

You'll soon hit the "Alsius Sweet Spot" above lvl 21 and wear out a couple of horses. The wiki has a complete quest list for Alsius with XP and rewards.
Thing: If you see a little hole in a big crater in the wz....
Thing: Don't go look in it.
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