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Old 09-16-2009, 11:14 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by Angel_de_Combate View Post
Do either of you have a point, or are you "green" cos you werent in the story?
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Old 09-16-2009, 11:15 AM   #42
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the reason i deleted the other message is because it was an epic quote fail >.<
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Old 09-16-2009, 10:39 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by The-Irish-Sniper View Post
".......and then Captain Nintendo came outa no where and hit Scias for a Critical hit of 879 damage and an Ensaring arrow of 742 Damage.Scias Fell to the ground in sheer astonishment"

Well done. You rolled in after the rest of your friends had taken down his defences, buffed up and killed him...

I've always found it very hard to kill unbuffed conjs myself. They have such high health levels, and so much armour, that unless you're lucky, you'll be killed before you can get them down to half health...
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Old 09-19-2009, 09:21 PM   #44
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I am planning on this one being a two parter so here's part 1 enjoy :P

A hard cold wind blew on our adventurer, he had jouneyed from the green pastures of syrtis. Wrapped in a wolf skin, the blizzard blew hard against his flank Slayer of Light journeyed on toward his goal to reach the alsius gate. The howling wind drowned out all sound around him and he had no idea what was around him he couldn't see thanks the the complete white out around him but still the call that had his heart by the grasp pulled at him onwards.

From out of nowhere a blur of green smashed into the side of Slayer of Light, with the wind knocked out of him Slayer of Light got to his feet slowly. Slayer of Light threw his wolfskin off his shoulders and unsheathed his sword. He pryed the sword from the great cyclops Satarco it glitered in the light with the snow glistening on its length. Gawyn Trakkand breathed heavily his Green armor half frozen together his usually silky long red hair matted and lying in front of his face making him look half wild his lips where blue and his teeth gritted with fury in his voice
'w....w....Why SoL!.........'
Spear clenched in Gawyns fist, SoL looked at him with caution and sympathy.
'My fate no longer resides in Syrtis. I have made my choice and you should respect my decision.'
SoL was not the tallest or well muscled of the warriors of syrtis and Gawyn stood a good head above him. Even though Gawyn looked like he had just been chased across horus by an Ignis zerg, the surity of his feet and the stillness of his spear showed that he would kill SoL if he had to. Gawyn spoke once more.
'I....i will....n...not let you....d...do.....this'

Gawyn moved his sheild so that it covered it him from knee to neck. Both stood still for a while the blizzard roared but seemed to revolve around them, the air becoming still in its eye. Gawyn made the first move he went up on the inside of SoL with a fair speed, SoL tried to kick him away but this just rolled off Gawyns sheild. Gawyn brought his sheild up into the side of his face making SoL stumble, Gawyn took the advantage went to stab SoL in the flank but SoL used the momentum of his stumble, he performed a full revolution and parried Gawyns attack away. Steel wrang on steel through the blizzard carried by the wind the sound found the ears of an elderly Utghar.

Arcan Heartsfang was resting next to a tree enjoying the weather and the tickle of the blizzard against his fur. He knew mead tasted better warm but Arcan always believed anytime was the time for mead he drank deep from his tankard, that and it was nice to escape the rowdiness of the taverns of alsius. The sound of combat reached his ears and Arcan smiled to himself. Content to stay relaxed next to his tree he raised his cup again to his lips as from the direction of combat a wall of sound a barbarians roar hit him like a yetis club. Arcans tankard smashed and his mead fell to the floor. Arcan sighed and stood
'Bastards spilt my drink, oh well time to make someone regret they where born.'

SoL and Gawyn fought fiercely, Gawyns' sheild had large rents on its surface and he had a scratch across his neck which would have been fatal if it had been any deeper. SoLs sword had new flecks and chips all across its length and a nasty cut all along his forarm where he had missed a parry. The point of Gawyns spear had made a small hole through SoLs breast plate and into the flesh above his heart. They where both exhausted and SoL made one last attempt to finish the fight, he brought the massive sword up in an arc trying to catch Gawyn in the leg and cleave him in half. The sword connected with Gawyns armor on his knee but did not cut like SoL had planned, instead the blade shattered against the hardened armor. The frost has made SoLs blade brittle, however his blow had flipped Gawyn onto his back. Gawyn quickly took the open opportunity, he thrust his spear into SoLs stomach and withdrew it. SoL clutched his midsection and fell back as Gawyn raised his spear to finish off the job.
'I'm sorry SoL but i cannot let you betray syrtis..... I...I will tell everyone you went bravely into alsius and died a warriors death.....'
Gawyn grimaced and raised his blade SoL stared at his killer once friend and smiled
'very well....'

'Hold on one second Gwasshoppa, I wanna know which one of you spilt my drink'
Arcan came out of the blizzard like a ghost the towering giant utghar walking on his staff was silent his eyes seemed to pierce the skull.

'Heartsfang!.. Die alsian'
Gawyn dived at the utghar, who merely sidestepped.
'Weary you are, much to learn you have young padawan...'
Arcan brought the butt of his staff into Gawyns face and blood poured from Gawyns nose. Gawyn rolled to one side and got back up and started to attack again.
'I'll kill you!'
he cried once again and leapt into the air bringing his spear down. The Uthgar span elbowing the knight in the back of the head and Gawyn slid across the floor splayed out. Arcan pushed the butt of his staff onto Gawyns neck
'Why so Serious???..... Do not hate, hate leads to suffering, suffering leads to the dark side'
Gawyn breathed heavily on the floor gritting his teeth he
'stop mocking me Heartsfang and fight me!'
Gawyn rolled under the staff and brought his sheild into Arcans hand knocking him off balance. Gawyn stood and punched arcan hard in the stomach, he brought his armored knee into the Uthgars face sending him down onto the floor. Gawyn took the mace from its loop on his belt and raised it to finish Arcan. As Gawyn walked towards Arcan, Arcan stood wobbling a little on his staff and wheezing he wiped blood from the corner of his mouth and spat, he looked at Gawyn coming at him
'Uch fine..... finish this i must.'
He pressed the staff into the palm of his hand a flame formed at the head he swung the staff at Gawyn and a great fireball flew towards Gawyn hitting him square in the chest. Gawyn hit the floor hard, he did not move after that.

Arcan walked towards SoL pulling a flask of mead from his tunic he sat next to SoL, who was still clutching at his wound blood trickling through his finger tips, Arcan turned to him
SoL lulled his head toward Arcan his eyes unfocusing and focusing on him
'...perhaps not then, what did you say your name was again...?'
SoL looked at arcan and with a rasp on his voice

'my name is..... Klutu'

Last edited by Gawyn_Trakkand; 09-19-2009 at 10:37 PM.
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Old 09-19-2009, 09:53 PM   #45
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i cant wait for part 2
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Old 09-19-2009, 11:54 PM   #46
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ty enio part 2 may be a while off yet not sure what kind of direction i'll go with it my intention is a 2 parter but i see i could get carried away with this story :/
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Old 09-20-2009, 12:30 AM   #47
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well why not get carried away with it? evry week 1 chapter
Fix the Marksman subclass: Suggestion
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Old 09-20-2009, 01:03 AM   #48
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Epic Story! get carried away with it

Also i guess i know never to trust a sword made by a cyclops -.-
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Old 09-20-2009, 01:29 AM   #49
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lol yeah their depth perception kinda sucks i have been thinking of doing a series of stories just thinking on how far i can take this one is going to be the problem.

problem is i don't know enough about people in alsius e.g. personalitys so i'm making them up :P

Ignis i have had some expeiance with and ofc i best know Syrtis

I'll see what i can do on a series of stories :P
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Old 09-20-2009, 04:27 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Gawyn_Trakkand View Post
problem is i don't know enough about people in alsius e.g. personalitys so i'm making them up :P
You could always ask.
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