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Old 09-19-2009, 10:27 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by e30ernest View Post
There has been some improvement. Congratulations!

However, I still feel that support spells should be instant. 0.5secs is enough to be canceled, and I've had it cancel twice. Also, with my ping, it feels FAR LESS than instant. I do not see how cast times for those spells help people with high ping like me.

The cooldown timer isn't that visible. I suggest the cooldown timer turn the icon into black and white, with the portion of the timer that is done into color.
same here.
Italiani di Syrtis
Isemon[Conjurer] - Hunthor[Hunter] - Elrik[Barbarian] - Nekronos[Warlock]
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Old 09-19-2009, 10:38 AM   #42
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Most off the tweeks look great. but why raise cooldown on Trolls skin to
4.5mins?? Another skill renderd useless in the Vanguard tree, i could
understand if you put a longer cooldown so it is a bit longer then duration..
but comon 4.5mins??

Plz give me a good explanation about the ideas behind the ludacris cooldown
to trolls skin. It is usually very powerfull spells that has long cooldowns like
the auras and areas and imo trolls skin isnt a "powerfull" skill, it just helps us
take 1 or 2 more hits total.
Beardo-Knight / Fautor-Conju / Fury-Warlock
Brutus-Barbar / Furon-Hunter / The Dude-Marks
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Old 09-19-2009, 10:44 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by Dupa_z_Zasady View Post
Staff Mastery. I urge you to reconsider touching that. Note: these are mostly archers who whine about it. There where mostly archers that where whining to nerf warriors's defence skills and you know how it ended. IMHO, conjus just recieved a lot of nerf, you're going to lose them as you lost warriors.
In my opinion as a knight, staff mastery is too strong. It gives mages a bit too much dps while they still have points left for other spells. If you search the forums, you'll find quite some evidence that SM is too strong.
Dky Sven, level 54 knight (Ra) Valhalla
Dky the Goat, level 35 conjurer(Ra)
Dky Sven, level 51 knight(Horus) Something
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Old 09-19-2009, 10:53 AM   #44
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This new update will probably force more mages into using sm which in turn will be nerfed
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Old 09-19-2009, 10:56 AM   #45
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After a quick testing with my hunter here's something for NGD to fix:
- enemy surveillance puts you in combat mode (there's other spells too that put you to combat mode unnecessarily)
- trying to cast a longbow spell with a shortbow puts you in combat mode (and vise versa)
drunken old dwarf
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Old 09-19-2009, 10:58 AM   #46
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I have to say this update is the worst ive seen since i've been playing. I understand that ngd feels they need to push people into playing unpopular classes in order to have what they feel is a balanced game. I also realise that this game doesnt and isnt supposed to represent any real world couterparts. But lets look at the real historical versions of the player charachters. mages really didnt have any so we'll skip them. Archer are represented by marksmen and hunters which would have been military archers and hunters/scouts. The warrior class barbarians and knights would have been barbarians and soldiers. Now a military archer would have primarily had a defensive purpose on castle or fort ramparts and used a longbow to pierce the armor of attacking knights. A hunter/scout was the equivilent of a comando and usually would use a shortbow as it was easier to carry in the brush and could be fired faster than a longbow. A knight was hevily armored and was practically impervious to shortbows but very vulnerable to long. A barbarian only traveled in very large groups because as strong and agressive as they were they were an easy kill for any knight or anyone with a ranged weapon. Ngd had the game pretty accurate in most respects. Now as I said at the beginning of this post I understand why Ngd doing what theyre doing. What I dont understand is why people who chose to play a charachter intended to travel and fight in a group incessantly whine when theyre killed in a 1 on 1 fight by a charachter intended to fight alone. Seems to me they should be smart enough to stay in a group like their charachters class is supposed to instead of cheering Ngd for ruining the best and most fun class in the game to force people to play the worst and most boring just to be able to compete. I for one wont be in the game if and when this update come to the main servers so the crying barbs can breathe a little easier isnt that right klutu lol.
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Old 09-19-2009, 11:00 AM   #47
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Ok. After a really short test on a few mobs after phase 3 on amun, I must say that on the whole I'm satisfied things are going in the right direction. Quite a few bugs still need to be ironed out of course (like mentioned, the 2s waiting for autohit after changing to attack stance).
I haven't found much time to do more extensive testing, but I'll try asap.

I know that this major overhaul of the combat system has improved/will improve gameplay for warriors as a class again.

I would also like to thank both NGD and most of the users for the constructive way this update has been discussed and tweaked, bugs reported, etcetera.

Still, I'm with Vyth, Matt and Fury on the knight issue. Atm we still are nothing but big lumps of const. With the same cc spells that barbs have, but less damage, no blocks and a crappy aura system.

To an extend, I can understand that right now, you guys are quite busy with other aspects of game improvement. But I beg you to at least confirm that you are aware of the problems with knights at the moment (on the live servers AND the testing server) and somehow give us an insight on how you plan to 'balance' this.

In conclusion: As far as I'm concerned, good job so far. Let's keep going the way we are. But please give us our knights back.
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Old 09-19-2009, 11:08 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by DkySven View Post
In my opinion as a knight, staff mastery is too strong. It gives mages a bit too much dps while they still have points left for other spells. If you search the forums, you'll find quite some evidence that SM is too strong.
You mean Mirculix's and Envy's test? That test was a bullshit. They could in the same way put a barbarian against a marksman and prove that barb hits too hard and require a nerf. This test was done by archers for archers and as usually they forgot about archer's superiority in speed. They always do. SM without really good staff is far from being overpowered.

Hey, i've forgotten about archers evade rate and spells, and there are mostly archers, who whine about SM, although they are able to evade those "huge damage" SM hits.

Last edited by Dupa_z_Zasady; 09-19-2009 at 11:19 AM.
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Old 09-19-2009, 11:21 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by Freduardo View Post
Still, I'm with Vyth, Matt and Fury on the knight issue. Atm we still are nothing but big lumps of const. With the same cc spells that barbs have, but less damage, no blocks and a crappy aura system.

To an extend, I can understand that right now, you guys are quite busy with other aspects of game improvement. But I beg you to at least confirm that you are aware of the problems with knights at the moment (on the live servers AND the testing server) and somehow give us an insight on how you plan to 'balance' this.

In conclusion: As far as I'm concerned, good job so far. Let's keep going the way we are. But please give us our knights back.
+ 1 from me. Please, please, please let knight be playable and worth lvling up.
Pablowar Alsius - Horus Knight 47lvl
Pablo War - Alsius Horus Barb 35lvl
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Old 09-19-2009, 11:42 AM   #50
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In my humble opinion, this radical changes are not needed to balance warriors against ranged. The current version on amun makes ranged character gameplay really static without possibility to use movement to your advantage. It is not a good change. A good change would have been to give warriors an ability to catch ranged characters. You are on a good track and I'm so happy you communicate with us more than before but there's a lot more work to be done before this should be considered a good update.
drunken old dwarf
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