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Old 05-29-2011, 08:29 PM   #41
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standistortion is on a distinguished road

google translate?
Tried that, it brought down the server
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Old 05-29-2011, 08:59 PM   #42
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Cheers plox
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Old 05-29-2011, 10:35 PM   #43
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uncreative is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Fighting_Irish View Post
"Join date: May 2011"

Believe it or not alsius wasnt always underpopulated and they will gain numbers again.There is a cycle in this game.
May 11 hahaha big lie
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Old 05-30-2011, 07:41 AM   #44
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I think alsius bigger problem is organization.

I want so say,when ignis has no gems and syrtis 4 gems,what we do? We go take MENI? WTF?? Why,I don't know.
Another example is friday when ignis had efe and alga,and we took SAMAL?ARE YOU SERIOUS? Why,i still don't know! We have only 4-5 WM i think,but there are only 2 or 3 who really have an idea about this game

And another Alsius problem is under population.I don't know why is underpopulated,we have +20% xp i guess.
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Old 05-30-2011, 10:32 AM   #45
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I think there's an easy solution: create a warzone channel so there's more ingame communication instead of forcing people to use out of game communication channels like irc, mumble or even just a telephone.
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Old 05-30-2011, 11:10 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by gabon View Post
Another example is friday when ignis had efe and alga,and we took SAMAL?ARE YOU SERIOUS? Why,i still don't know!
Very common occurrence.
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Old 05-30-2011, 12:27 PM   #47
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Speaking as a Syrtian of Horus I can empathize with your sense of demoralization.
Not personally though, but my fellow Syrtians do love to complain about the Ignis horde and many have quit because of it.
We are a little better off than yourselves in Alsius and I do hold a small amount of sympathy for you (Not to be patronizing).
Every so often we can pull off a great invasion with a small force - usually around 8am GMT - but for the most part we're quite down trodden the rest of the time.

Many of our realm are quite negative and it's not helping in the slightest.
The first to complain are often the problem I say.
I have a problem with the overall attitude of my own Realm, misinterpreted orders, bad judgements, loss of communication and selfish motivation are often just more fuel for the fire and I've seen many a time where a player will ragequit due to feeling overwhelmed when trying to actually make a difference.
I won't deny there have been times where I have felt frustrated myself at the lack of communication but I know that brooding over the issue is not going to help.

Personally I like to remain resolutely optimistic, I can see the issue but I'm not going to address it there and then on the spot when someone else loses it, throws their metaphorical hands in the air and question what is wrong with our realm - because usually said person is not exactly going to listen - nor do I feel like telling someone like that (Yes I harbor strong contempt for the pessimists of Syrtis).

Ignis bear far greater numbers over the other two realms.
I'm not going to ridicule them though - I have nothing personally against them but they do have superior numbers thus when a team mate complains about our own supposed lack of order and planning I get frustrated.
Just because one realm is represented by a different colour does not mean they do not have their fair share of breaks in communication and undesirable players (putting it mildly).
I'm sure if someone from Alsius where to ask a player from Ignis if they feel their Realm is just an unruly mob at times they'd say yes.
Numbers give a huge advantage to a Realm's gameplay and at times I have seen - during a time of day when less Ignis are online - Alsius absolutely swamp them, it's rare compared with how often it works the other way round but it does happen.

Essentially, this is all speculative banter and nothing will change as a consequence.
So my advise is this:
If you're the type that is easily frustrated and known to loose their countenance I suggest you play during your Realms high time and if you feel like playing at any other time you could always grind if you're not already level 60.
If you don't really mind what the situation is - whether your team mates are cussing up a storm while your gems are stolen for the third time in a day or you're trouncing another Realm by pure force - you'll play anyway then obviously jump on whenever you feel like (You also get a cookie from myself for bearing such an attitude).
If you like a challenge and are completely resilient to being demoralized by large numbers and hopeless odds then play during your Realms downtime.

Just remember it's a game and games are for entertainment - if you're not entertained then don't play.
Also try checking out that famous Monty Python song while you're at it..
Dizzy thumbs, itchy fingers
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Old 05-31-2011, 08:23 PM   #48
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I think the new invasions mechanics kinda Fucked the imbalance on Horus because every realm has a chance to invade now realms can work together and even if there aren´t many people in your realm online you can go sightseeing in the invaded realm which is very fun too so I do think we have to give NGD a BIG thumbs of for this Invasion used to occur 1 or 2 times in a month now realms are being invaded all the time!

Great work NGD!
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Old 05-31-2011, 08:24 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by roonwick View Post
I think there's an easy solution: create a warzone channel so there's more ingame communication instead of forcing people to use out of game communication channels like irc, mumble or even just a telephone.
A telephone!! Really?
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Old 06-01-2011, 08:37 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Fighting_Irish View Post
"Join date: May 2011"

Believe it or not alsius wasnt always underpopulated and they will gain numbers again.There is a cycle in this game.
Actually, I can't remember when. Was that long before invasions were introduced?

The idea with the dragon's wish is fundamentally flawed. The idea with the noble's assassination quests is fundamentally flawed. They are flawed for the one and same reason:

Compare to other games, like golf for instance. There you have a 'handicap' system where new/less skilled players are given a little head start just to make the contests more interesting. The more points you score in constests, the lower your handicap gets. Top players have zero handicap. This is called negative feedback in control theory, and is a necessary component in a self-regulating (self-stabilising) system.

In Regnum Online, they have done the exact opposite. The more points you score, the higher your handicap becomes. You accumulate advantages (xp, rlm bonus, gear, wm's etc) the more you invade or kill superbosses, making it easier to invade and kill superbosses each next time. This is called positive feedback and yields a system that is notoriously unstable. It swings over to one extreme and stays there until something else, outside of the system itself, changes. Players of the high handicap realm may get bored and leave for a while, opening up for another realm to build up assets and swing the system over to another extreme. Or, which happens here quite often, the developers sees that the patient looks ill and introduce new odd rules which only treats the specific symtom:
Originally Posted by patch 1.7.4
-New: System that deactivate the realm Gems during times of low population in the game world. The system doesn’t allow capturing the gems in predefined time schedules. During this time, the gems will be blocked by a visual effect.
The above is a good example of treating the symtoms rather than the disease. That players of a certain timezone/realm are absent, is the symtom. The disease is that the game is unstable. Why are they absent in the first place?

Treat the disease:
What they should do, for starters, is to drop the dragon wish. Give the realm gem collectors silly hats and keep a scoreboard or whatever that doesn't affect gameplay. But preferably, and to make the game more interesting, there ought to be some form of negative feedback that makes it harder to invade for each consecutive successful invasion of the enemy realms. Then we might have a self-regulating game system here, and the developers don't have to hand patch in kludgy peculiar rules from time to time.

The 'kill their nobles' quests should also not be awarded with a raised handicap, if kept at all. On top of generating positive feedback, it is also a quest that seems to encourage multirealming. How are we single-realmers even supposed to know where to find these targets or recon for the mission? First time I saw that quest, I had no idea what I was supposed to do: 'kill who?, go where?' I actually cancelled it.

Imbalance: bad
Balance: good

Unstable game system: bad
Self-stabilising game system: good

Positive feedback: bad
Negative feedback: good

Hoping the coin drops eventually.

Yours truly,
Apart from that, dispell magic on oneself should be abolished.
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