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Old 10-26-2011, 03:53 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by Tigerious View Post
Alsians got tons of robots too !
Do they pay enough ximerins to satisfy NGD ?
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Old 10-26-2011, 07:19 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by isaacrulzrs2 View Post
I've never understood why people get so much rage over afkers.
Just because standing AFK at the save sucks.

For example, I hate it if I die at Samal, ressurect and see many people AFK at the save. They should either log out or fight with us...

And more I hate the people who are always complaining that Ignis is too weak... For example yesterday we had about 25 gelfs at Samal. Many Ignis people complained we don't have enough people to fight against the gelfs. But then after I motivated some people we went into the battle and after the first gelfs died we managed to get our fort back quickly.
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Old 10-26-2011, 07:30 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by mute View Post
Just because standing AFK at the save sucks.

For example, I hate it if I die at Samal, ressurect and see many people AFK at the save. They should either log out or fight with us...
Is there a difference between being genuinely afk and logged off?
Short answer is no.
So essentially you're getting irritated because other players are doing something other than playing at certain times.
I don't like to pull the life card but..
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Old 10-26-2011, 10:35 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by mute View Post
Just because standing AFK at the save sucks.

For example, I hate it if I die at Samal, ressurect and see many people AFK at the save. They should either log out or fight with us...
I couldn't agree more.
RA / Hor... Haven?
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Old 10-26-2011, 11:15 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by isaacrulzrs2 View Post
Now let me tell you what I don't get.
Why does it annoy you so much?
Let's get it very clear for ya.

Location: cs, population: 30 players
Player A yells "hey, let's take a fort and kill ignis/goats and have fun \o/".
Player B-C-D-E-F-...: not responding.

Location: cs, population: 30 players
Player A yells:"hey, come help at herb, we're getting farmed".
Player B-C-D-E-F-...: not responding.

I hope you see how much "fun" it is for those who actually want to do something in game to see a whole bunch of ppl being useless.

And for the record: if you think you're the only one with a life, when i'm bussy with living, i don't play (din't think of that din't ya?).

Last edited by blood-raven; 10-26-2011 at 11:30 AM.
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Old 10-26-2011, 11:16 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by Mattdoesrock View Post
The evil Ignis rock is with you.
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Old 10-27-2011, 02:21 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by blood-raven View Post
Let's get it very clear for ya.

Location: cs, population: 30 players
Player A yells "hey, let's take a fort and kill ignis/goats and have fun \o/".
Player B-C-D-E-F-...: not responding.

Location: cs, population: 30 players
Player A yells:"hey, come help at herb, we're getting farmed".
Player B-C-D-E-F-...: not responding.

I hope you see how much "fun" it is for those who actually want to do something in game to see a whole bunch of ppl being useless.

And for the record: if you think you're the only one with a life, when i'm bussy with living, i don't play (din't think of that din't ya?).
No.. What I didn't think of was that you'd miss the point entirely, instead choosing to focus on a potential implication that you have no life.
Could you please pay attention to the subject at hand instead of a suggested aspersion? (Oh the humanity..)

I'll put it in simple terms for you.
If one needs to afk, you can do one of two things.
A: Log off.
B: Afk.

There is no difference between a genuinely afk player and one that is logged off.
Either way if a player is afk and doing something else you have no reason to get irritated solely for the fact that they didn't deign to log off.
Personally I afk instead of logging off because I know I'll return at some point and would rather not have to go through the rigmarole of logging back in again unnecessarily.
I can understand why you would get angry but it's still unreasonable.

I'll give you a hypothetical example.
You just log in at the central save and it is only you and I, except I happen to be afk having needed to either: Post a letter, walk my dog, get a drink or take a shit.
You ask me if I would like to hunt with you and I of course fail to respond.
Now, are you getting angry because I'm taking a shit instead of playing or is it that there is no confirmation that I am actually afk?

I remember a certain other MMO where if a player were to remain inactive for more than 10 minutes, a sign would appear above their head informing other players that this person is afk - would you like a system like this?
Or does it annoy you due to the minority that only partially afk, for instance aren't able to play reliably incase they have to drop the activity suddenly but are still able to monitor the screen incase anyone asks them a question?

Last edited by isaacrulzrs2; 10-27-2011 at 03:00 AM.
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Old 10-27-2011, 04:33 AM   #48
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Why get mad at an afk player? sometimes gotta pick a phonecall, or answer door, or check food if ur playing and doing something irl and instead of logging and relogging u afk.

Yelling at cs afk players heeeelpppppp!!!! and getting mad at them is the same as they aren't there to fight to begin with. Better afk and come back whenever you want or can than log in and out imo

Funny topic actually, why ppl care if someone afk, it's jus as if they aren't playing at the moment, who cares
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Old 10-27-2011, 03:33 PM   #49
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when u just got ganked by grind killers or got zerged somewhere near and you want revenge, you can't cause an entire zerg is being useless, frustration is the answer to your question.
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Old 10-27-2011, 03:39 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by Ulti19 View Post
it's jus as if they aren't playing at the moment, who cares
Case and point

Originally Posted by blood-raven View Post
when u just got ganked by grind killers or got zerged somewhere near and you want revenge, you can't cause an entire zerg is being useless, frustration is the answer to your question.
I thought so.
Frustration would come under unreasonable motivation.
Also, revenge is petty.
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