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View Poll Results: Do you enjoy population competiting realm events ? Like collecting candies ?
Yes, and I am from Sytrtis 7 13.21%
No, and I am from Syrtis 5 9.43%
Yes, and I am NOT from Syrtis 13 24.53%
No, and I am NOT from Syrtis 28 52.83%
Voters: 53. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 10-30-2012, 04:16 PM   #41
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 271
Brother-brian is an unknown quantity at this point

So, i predict this is what will occur:

Alsius and Ignis will try to gain "candies" in warzone, attempting to enjoy the event despite other gameplay issues such as balance.

Syrtis will then steamroll over everyone in wz who are trying to make the most of the event, steal their "candies" and get rewards, even though they aren't actually hunting for candies themselves.

Syrtis will get realm reward, whatever that may be, further strengthening their realm and weakening others, compounding the frustration and despair felt by Alsius and Ignis players already.

We will be allowed to continue this cycle in a couple of months for christmas event, which will be similar, most likely.

Like Purple Fever event, I will most likely stay logged out until this event is over. Thanks NGD. This'll give me time to search for a new game to give my money to.
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Old 10-30-2012, 04:30 PM   #42
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It would be quite easy to solve though.. Just calculate the collected candy per the number of active users..
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Old 10-30-2012, 04:45 PM   #43
Imago-Thunderfist's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Brother-brian View Post
So, i predict this is what will occur:

Alsius and Ignis will try to gain "candies" in warzone, attempting to enjoy the event despite other gameplay issues such as balance.

Syrtis will then steamroll over everyone in wz who are trying to make the most of the event, steal their "candies" and get rewards, even though they aren't actually hunting for candies themselves.

Syrtis will get realm reward, whatever that may be, further strengthening their realm and weakening others, compounding the frustration and despair felt by Alsius and Ignis players already.

We will be allowed to continue this cycle in a couple of months for christmas event, which will be similar, most likely.

Like Purple Fever event, I will most likely stay logged out until this event is over. Thanks NGD. This'll give me time to search for a new game to give my money to.
Well, I totally agree with you and I'll tell you what I did during last candy-collect event. When you get candies from an enemy and you're too bored to bring them wherever they need to go: drop them. Like this they'll disappear and can't be obtained when you die. Or if you do want to collect them but you're about to die by gankers: also drop the candies, no candies lost to them. Sure, it's not fun, but camping Efe road and ganking candy bringers and drop them was all I could do to help Alsius
Mars Sanctus (Horus) Since October '08
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Old 10-30-2012, 05:05 PM   #44
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Brother-brian is an unknown quantity at this point

LOL.... All Alsius should agree right now to drop all candies upon getting them, to prevent Syrtis from getting any from us. Just let the multirealming bastids get them, then they can come and kill their toon for them. That would normally be considered "exploitation", but it would be Syrtis, so they don't care, lol.
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Old 10-30-2012, 05:23 PM   #45
Join Date: Oct 2012
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AlsianLamai is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Brother-brian View Post
LOL.... All Alsius should agree right now to drop all candies upon getting them, to prevent Syrtis from getting any from us. Just let the multirealming bastids get them, then they can come and kill their toon for them. That would normally be considered "exploitation", but it would be Syrtis, so they don't care, lol.
This idea actually has merit.

Good for you bro brian. Excellent idea.
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