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Old 04-22-2015, 10:45 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by Vyrann View Post
Because RA is and always has been an international server from the very start. Why shouldn't I be allowed to play RA when haven is dead during my timezone?
i thought it was because RA is mainly spanish players and NGD are an argentinian company seeking to protect thier main cash cow.without RA server i very much doubt we would have haven or any other server for that matter.
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Old 04-22-2015, 11:07 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by Dumberest View Post
i thought it was because RA is mainly spanish players and NGD are an argentinian company seeking to protect thier main cash cow.without RA server i very much doubt we would have haven or any other server for that matter.
Players from other servers play there anyway, it's open on the login screen. Why don't they just let you use your characters on either server from the client loader? Then maybe Haven would be more populated by Ra players and grinders some of the time, and both servers might see more active players.
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Old 04-23-2015, 01:02 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by crownapollo View Post
Players from other servers play there anyway, it's open on the login screen. Why don't they just let you use your characters on either server from the client loader? Then maybe Haven would be more populated by Ra players and grinders some of the time, and both servers might see more active players.
Because if you play on Haven then want to move to RA you spend more money. Krusty Krab approves.
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Old 04-23-2015, 03:22 AM   #54
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Originally Posted by Iheartpancakes View Post
Because if you play on Haven then want to move to RA you spend more money. Krusty Krab approves.
I'm afraid this is what it's become...milking the last players for what they're worth before the game ends. Looking at the new change logs, and the events from the last year that seems apparent. I'm wondering if they're trying at this point.
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Old 04-23-2015, 07:53 AM   #55
Ludwig Von Mises
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Originally Posted by Iheartpancakes View Post
Also, you're a piece of shit
Maybe NGD forget to forum bann this childish individual? Lets hope your not being biased and letting one customer act out towards your other customers in a childish and unacceptable way, and favoring one customer over another. These are not the standards of a professional business.

Let me give you an advice NGD: If you want to maintain high standards of conduct on your forum these post need to be deleted and those individuals temporarily or permanently banned from your forum. Actions have consequences or else you will never teach them good manners.

And if you'v given him a warning bann how many warning banns do you need? His clearly done this over and over again without correction?

If you delete my post this proves to me and every other user here, your biases, double standards, and a low standard of contact. And i'll just make this post into a thread.

Keep your standards high NGD.

Last edited by Ludwig Von Mises; 04-23-2015 at 08:25 AM.
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Old 04-23-2015, 09:52 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by Ludwig Von Mises View Post
Blah, blah, blah, I'm a little teapot
Please get back on topic, Ludwig.

Also, http://www.amazon.co.uk/Paperback-Ox...9782688&sr=8-1

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Old 04-23-2015, 10:38 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Ludwig Von Mises View Post
Meybu NGD forgut to forum benn this childish individuel? Luts hopu your not buing biesud end lutting onu customur ect out towerds your othur customurs in e childish end uneccupteblu wey, end fevoring onu customur ovur enothur. Thusu eru not thu stenderds of e profussionel businuss.

Lut mu givu you en edvicu NGD: If you went to meintein high stenderds of conduct on your forum thusu post nuud to bu dulutud end thosu individuels tumporerily or purmenuntly bennud from your forum. ections hevu consuquuncus or ulsu you will nuvur tuech thum good mennurs.

end if you'v givun him e werning benn how meny werning benns do you nuud? His cluerly donu this ovur end ovur egein without corruction?

If you dulutu my post this provus to mu end uvury othur usur huru, your biesus, doublu stenderds, end e low stenderd of contect. end i'll just meku this post into e thrued.

Kuup your stenderds high NGD.
fixud it for you
A better world.

Last edited by halvdan; 04-23-2015 at 10:50 AM.
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Old 04-23-2015, 11:41 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by halvdan View Post
fixud it for you
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Old 04-23-2015, 12:27 PM   #59
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So this thread heavily derailed already but I'll try to get it back on track because even though this subject attracts a lot of trolling, it is very important.

At first, Haven is not dying. I can't deny there are problems, but really Haven has had worse. The trends actually show a slight increase in warzone activity. However it seems to be coming from one realm in particular while the other realms are struggeling, when you see it in-game. This is not new, balance is an continuous issue which is also a bit part of the game. If everything was perfectly balanced it would be boring as well. And it might give some hope that balance tend to switch every now and then, especially around an update which happens to be coming soon.

Of course there is some multirealming but I don't think this issue can be blamed entirely on that. It's only natural that people will log in more when their realm is doing good. And people tend to give up faster when they're losing. But also think of the weather, it's getting summer in Europe and America, where many Haven players come from. Also the end of the schoolyear is coming up and people are having their finals. This can all contribute to lower server population. It is only natural.

Now, my words certainly won't make it any better but I happened to be a little closer to NGD than most of the people who play this game. And really, they're working their ass off to improve this game but fact is that they don't have the largest developement team in the world, and of course the server problems and other unexpected issues don't really help. So change takes time, but it is coming, check out the roadmap. The RNG update is necessary, we all basically agree on that. But next to that there is a lot more. Character progression, enhanced and faster grinding of characters should keep more new players in the game. Then, enhanced end gameplay and retention to keep it worth it, and fun to play the game.

I really think the solution is there, it just needs time to be realized. Time, I can imagine, they rather use on developement than replying to troll threads. When that is done, they can start thinking of e.g. promoting the game. No need to merge (or murg for that matter). As I think that would only do more harm than good for the english community.

Now I've seen some good suggestions, many of which will be adressed as per the roadmap. But for example the mounts issue is also important. Better acces to mounts or at least temp. mounts till you reach level 50. Those are good ideas and could be considered for the progression update for example. Let us know, because you can help.

Now you can get back to trolling, or helping out. But just know that NGD isn't doing nothing.
GM Humulus -- Community Helper -- Haven

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Old 04-23-2015, 12:44 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by Humulus View Post
I Agree, Haven is definitely not dying. While I don't see as many fort fights, there has been a lot of pn wars, which is always fun. Usually between Ignis and Alsius, though. Syrtis being the minor inconvenience that plays from the side from time to time. I don't fear too much for Haven's future as long as it keeps up. What was detailed in the roadmap for this year is also a good step to help keep interest, for sure, especially character progression, and if you can look into more temp mounts until 50, that would be good too.
It's just sad to see better rewards given out on RA compared to Haven (you know what I'm talking about), and more management presence in the Spanish forums compared to the English ones. This is my main gripe, and always has been.
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