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Old 07-28-2016, 06:52 PM   #51
Join Date: May 2010
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Originally Posted by Ludwig-von-Mises-I View Post
Here it goes again. Trying to change a spell that keeps the other spells in check then when that spell gets changed oops another spell needs to be changed because that spell has been nerfed. And there you have it, here comes the cycle again. Us people that know how to actually play the game in difficult situations won't ask for the removal or change of ms/confuse/darkness atleast not how it is now. If it was a huge disadvantage or advantage that broke the game or class sure but as it stands now is fine. Learn your way around it. You should stop trying to make your gameplay easy by changing nerfing or removing spells you don't like.

I feel like i'm talking to people who have just started playing regnum like yesterday.
ya I created my character yesterday, and lvled up 60 in 2 hrs, but doesn't change the fact that I can post my opinion in the forums, your sarcasm isn't required in here.
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Old 07-29-2016, 07:11 AM   #52
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yeah. the fact that some spells have counter-effects is a totally valid reason to not EVER make ANY balance adjustments anymore

sorry, this is just nonsense. It's true that DI is connected to MS, but so what. both have to be revamped.
Most certainly, doing nothing will not help. Mind squasher is pure aidscancer.
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Old 08-01-2016, 05:35 PM   #53
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It doesn't really help argueing. We all need to acknowledge, that there are spells and spell combinations around that allow frustrating situations because you are left without options to turn the tide.

Counters to these situations often involve teamwork, which is fine to some extend, however you should not completely leave out situations where said teamwork isn't aviable - the "power" factor should be scaling with teamwork, not be a complete on-off.

One thing we also need to acknowledge is - that the game engine / server has a specific inner working that wont be easy to change. Manpower would be needed to implement alot of more dynamic and sophisticated attack <-> counter mechanics.

Talking about balance is a very subjective and complex thing, even myself, having played more or less every class for a bit, fall into this trap - so ideally, balance takes hard, objective data into account. I.e. BZ statistics.

Still these can only give hints. The only thing i really know is - that i do not have the thorough insight, what a change on beetle duration would mean in different situation. How it works out for those relying on it on a low level, how hard it would hit mages if it were lowered or changed.

Is there even reason to change it? You don't change it "just cuz others were changed". From an objective PoV i would rather look at the numbers of mages with beetle skilled, and how often they die compared to other classes. From what class they get killed and what spells they cast just before they got killed. Most used spells etc.

There's a reason why in many conflicts a mediator, someone external who is respected by both conflicting parties, who represents an objective entity, is chosen. For a change both parties accept, you need objective and comprehensible reasons. In this case i would fall back on big data and analytics as support to evaluation of suggestions and complaints - you need to put it into an objective context.

tl;dr: Stop fighting each other. Both sides are right if you take their context, but it doesn't help the cause.
Fix the Marksman subclass: Suggestion
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Old 08-01-2016, 06:45 PM   #54
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Enio - can you run in the American presidential election? USA can use your help
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Old 08-01-2016, 08:11 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by Jippy View Post
Enio - can you run in the American presidential election? USA can use your help
LOL Jippy <3

USA can use any help possible right now, really. :/
Fix the Marksman subclass: Suggestion
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Old 08-01-2016, 09:57 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by _Enio_ View Post
LOL Jippy <3

USA can use any help possible right now, really. :/
I think the USA is beyond help to be honest.

And you're correct, both sides are right. I dont think NGD will change any of the spells further anytime soon
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Old 09-21-2016, 11:38 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by Anunnaki View Post
It is not only DI, but many other buffs like :
material wall
magic barrier
Just combining Mantle & MW make it impossible to kill the barb. -90 %physical dmg ...WTF

So here MS is needed. When those buffs get nerfed then MS is no more needed.
Suggest reducing its effect to half, and reduce DI duration.

Confuse is needed for hunter as it is. Hunter dmg is low (don't bring retard hunting who skill SP 5 on this) and if the player buffs he will be hunting him instead. you should be more crying about Burst of wind that has no range/ no animation and 0,5s cast.
Darkness is OK.
+1000, totally agree, Darkness is such low duration, and it is needed when barb rushes with whole zerg behind him, and were only 3-4, we can at least take down 1 of them with us with darkness. Be glad its not a long duration spell. Secondly about confuse, too the same as he said^^. I think confuse is needed still on those conjus when there are too many, we once played against 5 conjurers all level 60 from ignis, but confuse dosent block hheals, so then again impossible to kill. ABOUT MIND SQUASHER: MS is totally needed for overbuffed barbs. With such defense, it wil be hard to even hit about 500 fulmi sc/ba. It is needed indeed. But i see that when barbs rush against whole zerg or w/zerg, either way, they buff about 1k mana, rest for more 500-700 mana, and about the time taking to regen mana in regnum (non commento), He finally rushes with sprint and um and either fulmi or roar or typhoon or something, either way at least 500 mana gone again. But even before he does something, BAM ms on his face, all his buffs which he buffed for 1k mana and the time rested gone in 2 seconds. RIP.
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