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Old 12-13-2007, 09:46 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by Anpu

i ran few mins ago to limite knowing there are ignis, and just to stand, without any protection, with recharged arrows on.

As u can see, Hanyu is lvl 50 conju, that attacked me 222, and I attacked lvl 50 barb Shell Colse WITH recharged arrows less, with 211.
Nork, barb, casted South cross with 1732 dmg. my lethal strike is often 600-700, and probably if i m lucky one, will be 1300. I ll go later to try lethal strike and make screenie.
so, as u can see, still u have higher dmg on same type of spell, for less mana, and 700 hp more, and u can say that marksman is unbalanced?
How Vengala make such dmg and with good luck, i really dont know and probably wont success in trying tomorrow few spell combinations in arena, but it can be possibly bug related to his char or yet another good setup.
the point is that u have more advantages in same type of spell and u are still whining that marksman has same spell but lower and more expensive. i ll try tomorrow few combinations which might make good boost to lethal, which could be new useful setup. I ll post here info.
As i said you cant do now the damage vengala did, recharged arrows was bugged and gave +80% damage instead of +40% so dont search for that damage because now you need help from other to do it (buffs from barbs,conjurors etc).

We say marksmans are unbalanced because the only problem they have is mana, in foirt wars you always have full mana so the only problem its solved.
As a offensive class they cant have more defense than a deffensive class and they have more than even a knigth, they do a good damage even now and the have lots of useful skills, we only want them to stay with their damage but with less defense.

Originally Posted by sathilda
Mmm, (strategic position) spell elude, acrobatics and dodge ? Those spells must stay on evasion tree even for marks. Dodge lvl 4 +spell elude lvl 4 = +50% resist power for 25s, mages have 25% speed penalty for that, while you haven't.
Powers resistance and evasion are different, if i use sadistic guardians (-50% skill resistance at lvl 5) on you and you use SoW you will evade all hits and skills. Dont mix them because the dont add to each other.

Originally Posted by bigjim
My marksmen makes very very high damage, but I will not disclose it here because it will just get complaints. With death sentence plus the right setup my lethal strike does very close to 2000. Just saying.........
Of course Mrs elf of course
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Old 12-13-2007, 10:34 PM   #52
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Blood, how about you pull the twig out of your ass and grow up. I was not stating for or against anything. I was actually about to make the comment that something needs to be done with the marksmen class regarding defense/offense. If you would quit making personal attacks that make no sense it would probably benefit the whole forum. Good luck with your tirade, and maybe you should go to a therapist to get the inner workings of your brain checked. Oh btw, this was when recharged arrows was bugged.
Refetan 60 barb, Schlong 59 lock - Haven Syrtis
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Old 12-13-2007, 10:35 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by Anpu

i ran few mins ago to limite knowing there are ignis, and just to stand, without any protection, with recharged arrows on.

As u can see, Hanyu is lvl 50 conju, that attacked me 222, and I attacked lvl 50 barb Shell Colse WITH recharged arrows less, with 211.
Nork, barb, casted South cross with 1732 dmg. my lethal strike is often 600-700, and probably if i m lucky one, will be 1300. I ll go later to try lethal strike and make screenie.
so, as u can see, still u have higher dmg on same type of spell, for less mana, and 700 hp more, and u can say that marksman is unbalanced?
How Vengala make such dmg and with good luck, i really dont know and probably wont success in trying tomorrow few spell combinations in arena, but it can be possibly bug related to his char or yet another good setup.
the point is that u have more advantages in same type of spell and u are still whining that marksman has same spell but lower and more expensive. i ll try tomorrow few combinations which might make good boost to lethal, which could be new useful setup. I ll post here info.
Arrr..I dunno if you know but there are two handed very slow weapons of slashing discipline... and to do that "lots of dmd" like u said, he might had Berserk on, like everyone is using now.
Happy ups...I've forgot the rest.
Oh, wait, I've already remenber, Happy
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Old 12-13-2007, 10:37 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Anpu
the fact i hit u slightly higher than hunter, is because i use spell from arrow mastery tree which is shown while hitting as normal attack since it lasts till i stop or go out of mana. or i used shortbow or my xim bow, with good dmg and bonuses.
ok wait for dispell. listen dude, all can play as they want. marksman can have only dmg spells and cast em like maniac and run out of mana, or use all mana on protection and fight normaly. as i said, i m really thrill for that dispell spell. maybe it ll be even more chalenge for me or more work calculating new setup. I d like to tell u that before this setup i played high dmg spells setup. and again, its not good, amount of being killed than and now are drastically different. this is how i play, how it suits to me, there is no rule: marksman should have all arrow mastery maxed.

from your second pasus, i can conclude that your dispell magic really brigs imbalance, right?

Ok may i remind u that hunters also have evasion tree available? So, both subclasses of archers have it.

Marksman can resist with SoW for max 15 sec and guess how much mana it needs. its proven that marksman need a lot of mana during fight whatever setup he picks. its more comfortable to me to make other combo and avoid sow getting again good results. Knights can ressist even without magic, marksman needs to cast smthg so he can have ressistance LIMITED with time.

if current bows are powerful, i ll sing santa maria 3 times. U should be aware that bow + arrows are basic dmg. u know my dmg, u think it should be maybe 100? 50? with medium bow? why not slow? that ll be god of snipers.... while u ll hit with staff 200 dmg, barb 600, archers would be fair to hit u 100, but if they want to live, let em only cast spells. when they run out of mana, we acn eat em completely. ah and no run for them, because we dont like that fried chicken escape from plate, right? ts boring chasing sniper o.0 thats exactly what u want to tell.

misacc, didnt make mistake, i think. it says: on normal dmg, add 125% dmg and with 80% chance, add 100% dmg more. And knights are different from barbs, different dmg they have. Knight hitted today lvl 50 warlock 1500dmg. i ll check tonight difference in dmg btw barb and knight 50, but as one member told me, barb hits much stronger, which was idea: less armor more dmg.

dark duncan, as i said, i calculated dmg from stats window with your spell without any protection on me like spells, same did for my dmg. so its not error at all. u calculated on your 380 dmg on some archer that had protection spell. Guess what, I bet u ll hit me with 230. wanna try? lets meet at pb once just to test numbers.

edit: i sw your aclculation now. first, i dont say u bla bla bla and u dont read. i m trying to point u smthg but its ok if u dont want listen. i m not always right and i admit when i m wrong.
lethal strike for me was max 700, i ve never passed 1k. as i said, that might be because i dont have high dexterity, i didnt focus on that atribute. So, if u focus on it to boost smthg else, u ll use smthg else again and all again.
its really funny to see that barb is whining so much at marksman, i expected different.

oh dear god...did you saw the image i post well? did you really saw? I, A barb, i done 300 on a hunter, did you saw?

EDIT: and did you saw the dmg i getted? did you saw?
EDIT: and you can do 700 with ur lethal attack but that's cuz u problaby have lots of evasion.
Happy ups...I've forgot the rest.
Oh, wait, I've already remenber, Happy
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Old 12-13-2007, 10:39 PM   #55
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Originally Posted by valterbla
oh dear god...did you saw the image i post well? did you really saw? I, A barb, i done 300 on a hunter, did you saw?

EDIT: and did you saw the dmg i getted? did you saw?
well a barb is probably the hardest class for me to kill as a hunter because they resist so damn much piercing damage. Hunters, also do not hit that high, and we lack the offense to do too much. We really do need the defense because if we didn't have that we would have nothing.
Refetan 60 barb, Schlong 59 lock - Haven Syrtis
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Old 12-13-2007, 10:46 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by valterbla
oh dear god...did you saw the image i post well? did you really saw? I, A barb, i done 300 on a hunter, did you saw?

EDIT: and did you saw the dmg i getted? did you saw?
EDIT: and you can do 700 with ur lethal attack but that's cuz u problaby have lots of evasion.
We hunters, are like knights are, a defensive sub class. Mind Squasher and we're done, believe me. Even with normal hits.
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Old 12-13-2007, 11:14 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by bigjim
Blood, how about you pull the twig out of your ass and grow up. I was not stating for or against anything. I was actually about to make the comment that something needs to be done with the marksmen class regarding defense/offense. If you would quit making personal attacks that make no sense it would probably benefit the whole forum. Good luck with your tirade, and maybe you should go to a therapist to get the inner workings of your brain checked. Oh btw, this was when recharged arrows was bugged.
Well thats a personal attack... But i am just agreeing what you said. Are you a bit paranoic lately Mrs elf. I said the same thing abouth recharged arrows just a few post ago.
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Old 12-14-2007, 12:18 AM   #58
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As I said earlier, from my own experience, despite the fact that we have a lot of attack spells, we can't use them as well as others. Marksmen have area of effect spells, but not as good as warlocks. We can knock people down, but not as long as warriors. We can cast a non-attack spell, but without the duration of conj's. We can hit hard, but nowhere NEAR as hard as barbs. We can buff our defense, but nowhere near a knight's. And we burn mana like cars burn gasoline.(unless you have a hybrid
If NGD took away any of our spells that would really be bad for us and not we wouldn't be able to do our job as well.
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Old 12-14-2007, 12:40 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by BlooD
Well thats a personal attack... But i am just agreeing what you said. Are you a bit paranoic lately Mrs elf. I said the same thing abouth recharged arrows just a few post ago.
cute........................................ grow up man.
Refetan 60 barb, Schlong 59 lock - Haven Syrtis

Last edited by bigjim; 12-14-2007 at 12:51 AM.
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Old 12-14-2007, 01:11 AM   #60
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okey this is getting EXTREMELY STUPID.

Barbs are crying around all day because their NORMAL hits are LESS than a marksman's STRONGEST spell (in terms of damage dealing) WITH buffs.

Warlocks are crying all day because they cannot kill marksmen without attacking them.

Hit me, nail me, make me God.
Panoramix :: Half Elf Hunter ## Miraculix :: Half Elf Marksman ## Aspirinix :: Wood Elf Conjurer
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