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General discussion Topics related to various aspects of Champions of Regnum

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Old 12-21-2013, 10:23 AM   #61
Join Date: Nov 2010
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I don't like the extra guards to prevent capping in forts. What I'm afraid of is that it is in effect a nerf on hunters, in particular their stealth ability to hide in a fort and cap it later. This is how hunters can be a decisive influence in fort battles. We'll see how it plays out. As for annoying behaviour in the wz: the most annoying is still ganking. I don't expect or want any action taken against ganking though. It's part of the game.
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Old 12-21-2013, 01:53 PM   #62
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No one can nerf a hunter who got 2 rings & a ammy ... OMG they are few, Hunters who cant afford them wont get stealth advantage :0 another pay to win thing wtf... maybe with troll i might be able to kill both guards :3

NGD you need to listen to people
Hunter AJ
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Old 12-21-2013, 02:33 PM   #63
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These changes are pretty good, people just bitching for no reason
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Old 12-21-2013, 02:42 PM   #64
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modifying a fort mechanism just to suit a class is not an approach I am comfortable with.

Hunters need a whole vision. Not piecemeal fixes as I read above in last few pages.
1. Vision for hunters for RvR. I don't think there has really been one.
2. Hunter with pets in RvR. There is no vision for that either.
3. Where does a hunter fit ? Melee, short mid range( 10- 20) mid range (25).

Once you define all this then you can proceed with a concept for the class from the ground up.

Of course , all this is stunted by the shared tree system.

Same applies to forts. In my view, under no circumstances should a single player be able to ninja a whole fort. Placing 2 guards is a decent solution yes but will it give the impact one is looking for?

I had a whole radical view on that. Of course it may be impossible to do but I am merely dealing with the theoretical and not the actual these days.

1. Eliminate fort levelling
2. Mechanism could be that you have to kill all the NPCs in the forts to enable flag for capture. Add visual aids like gate health bar , capture progress bar on flag.
3. Gate is weak, emphasis on open fort with AI guards and live players as the emphasis.
4. New gold sinks.
4a. gate rebuild gold sink.
4b. purchase guards who have died. (this idea sucks , maybe lol)
4c. Option to purchase special guard captain such as mage captain or warrior captain.
5. Gate and guards will not re spawn except in circumstances of a reset like invasions. (Maybe.Maybe not. I haven't quite worked this one out yet)
6. Optionally, have a forward position away from forts that must be captured ( simple point no doors/walls, weakish guards) in order to unlock requisite fort gate for attack.

I won't go further, I an trying to cut back on long posts these days.

Last edited by bois; 12-21-2013 at 04:05 PM.
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Old 12-21-2013, 03:07 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by bois View Post
modifying a fort mechanism just to suit a class is not an approach I am comfortable with.
Hunters need a whole vision. Not piecemeal fixes as I read above in last few pages.
1. Vision for hunters for RvR. I don't think there has really been one.
2. Hunter with pets in RvR. There is no vision for that either.
3. Where does a hunter fit ? Melee, short mid range( 10- 20) mid range (25).
Once you define all this then you can proceed with a concept for the class from the ground up.
Of course , all this is stunted by the shared tree system.
Same applies to forts. In my view, under no circumstances should a single player be able to ninja a whole fort. Placing 2 guards is a decent solution yes but will it give the impact one is looking for?
I had a whole radical view on that. Of course it may be impossible to do but I am merely dealing with the theoretical and not the actual these days.
1. Eliminate fort levelling
2. Mechanism could be that you have to kill all the NPCs in the forts to enable flag for capture. Add visual aids like gate health bar , capture progress bar on flag.
3. Gate is weak, emphasis on open fort with AI guards and live players as the emphasis.
4. New gold sinks.
4a. gate rebuild gold sink.
4b. purchase guards who have died.
4c. Option to purchase special guard captain such as mage captain or warrior captain.
5. Gate and guards will not re spawn except in circumstances of a reset like invasions. (Maybe.Maybe not. I haven't quite worked this one out yet)
6. Optionally, have a forward position away from forts that must be captured ( simple point no doors/walls, weakish guards) in order to unlock requisite fort gate for attack.
I won't go further, I an trying to cut back on long posts these days.
Text Text Text n Text
+1 Good Suggestion (except bringing dead guards alive with gold lol )
Hunter AJ
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Old 12-21-2013, 04:03 PM   #66
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Yeah, that one kinda sucked to be honest. I left it in anyway to stimulate conversation.
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Old 12-21-2013, 05:31 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by roonwick View Post
ganking ( ...) It's part of the game.
ganking is like one of the most boring and unfair parts of the game. fighting fair shoud be encouraged...
IMO hunters should not be able to cast in the first 3 seconds after uncamoing
or at least no CC...

Originally Posted by roonwick View Post
This is how hunters can be a decisive influence in fort battles
this is how camo and stalker are even more abusive... IMO camo and stalker should have more llike a "transport" aspect.... i mean takin groups-or single player-to a place they couldn't go w\o invisibility... but to solo a fort?

even the obvious run (from fight) and (escape with) camo... it is another thing that could dissapear IMO
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Old 12-21-2013, 05:36 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by roonwick View Post
I don't like the extra guards to prevent capping in forts. What I'm afraid of is that it is in effect a nerf on hunters, in particular their stealth ability to hide in a fort and cap it later. This is how hunters can be a decisive influence in fort battles. We'll see how it plays out. As for annoying behaviour in the wz: the most annoying is still ganking. I don't expect or want any action taken against ganking though. It's part of the game.
It shouldn't cost 300k just to prevent one hunter from being a douche. I am so happy for this change.
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Old 12-21-2013, 05:40 PM   #69
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Originally Posted by xayne View Post
It shouldn't cost 300k just to prevent one hunter from being a douche. I am so happy for this change.
+1 happy to see that NGD though on this too
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Old 12-24-2013, 12:31 AM   #70
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I know it's the holidays, but here's a quick question I really hope someone can answer.

When will the season 1 statues of the battle islands be finished and when will we get to see the start of season 2? Also, please be considerate of promoting these battle seasons more, not many people seem interested in them (or the armor). Perhaps you should put WM kills/RPs back into the islands.

It's such a wonderful PvP/RvR feature that's sadly gone to waste.
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