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Old 11-19-2007, 11:54 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by Bully
Don't know if it's the same one or not , but Kaeleeya, a mage from Syrtis, just outran me all the way from aggers fort to herb bridge. I was using Onslaught at 20% and Spring at 20% and couldn't catch her. So the bug/exploit still exists. Not ashamed either. Stopped, waved at me, and took off again and stayed well ahead of me until backup arrived. That's a long haul and as far as I know mages don't have speed buffs.
Hey, its kaeleeya
1. I wave at every alsuis i see, no matter who they are, if theyre bashing me to death, and I'm sure alot of Alsuis and annoyed Syrtis can vouch for this.
2. I wouldnt have a clue how to use a bug, seriously im a 15 year old girl, not a computer genius
3. I had no idea my "back-up" was comming there were like 2 people hunting and they just happened to be crossing pp.

You can believe what you want, but this is my side of the story
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Old 11-19-2007, 11:57 AM   #62
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Originally Posted by craiyzee
2. I wouldnt have a clue how to use a bug, seriously im a 15 year old girl, not a computer geniu
Without any a priori of what really happened, this is really the worst argument i ever saw.
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Old 11-19-2007, 12:17 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by wakim42
Without any a priori of what really happened, this is really the worst argument i ever saw.
I think that's an honest comment on her part. I wasn't there, but I support her in this because I know that she is a good and honorable person who wouldn't consider cheating in the game. If she was bugged, it would never have been deliberate.

Besides, I don't think the bug still exists but if it does, then we should let NGD and the other players know about it.
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Old 11-19-2007, 12:24 PM   #64
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To Drah: I know I cast Onslaught and Spring several times. It's possible Onslaught buffed her too, I really couldn't tell you.

To Kaeleeya: It really doesn't matter if you knew if back-up was coming or not. That's really not an issue and I didn't mean to imply that it was. To run toward back-up is a perfectly legitimate strategy that everyone will utilize when possible.

What I can say with absolute confidence is there's no way a mage can outrun a barb that's boosting at 20 - 40% over that distance. Whether or not it was intentional, I can't say one way or the other. The fact remains, a problem exists and there are those out there who will not only exploit it, but will seek it to exploit.
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Old 11-19-2007, 12:30 PM   #65
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Yes I know there are people who wish to exploit bugs and such, but I just want to ensure everyone that I am not one of those people.
I had just come online and I ran away because I still had ress dizzy on so I thought I had some kind of chance.
I'm hoping that all the bugs that can be exploited will be fixed soon.

have a nice daaaaaaay
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Old 11-19-2007, 12:31 PM   #66
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it sounds weird, but I know kaeleeya, she'll never seek to abuse a bug or exploit it, but it is a valid comment that she wouldn't know how to unless she was told by someone how to implying I would be guilty if she was using it as I'm a computer genious . But I only know of protection dome which is fixed now. Did you cast any spells on her?
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Old 11-19-2007, 01:02 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by wakim42
Without any a priori of what really happened, this is really the worst argument i ever saw.
this is the most stupid sentence. do u guys have proof that she used bug??? no! then pls shut up and dont blame other ppl for no reason. she was honest with u, she doesnt know even how to use bug. and she waves to all alsius players because she likes how your realm looks, not because she wants to put in your face that she uses bugs and is faster than u. She is in my clan and using bugs is not allowed first from ngd than in clan rules too. so better ask ngd to check if there might be another unknown speed bug when u cast onslought, better than crying around and blaming others.

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Old 11-19-2007, 01:08 PM   #68
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First i didnt tell she used bug (thats the meaning of "Without any a priori of what really happened"). Second telling a 15 year old girl is not able to use bug is just stupid, even a 8 year old one could be able (that was the meaning of "this is really the worst argument i ever saw.").

Now look back in my post and tell me where i told about the waving or even blaming her for using bug.
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Old 11-19-2007, 01:12 PM   #69
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Melquiadesec (something like that) warlock from syrtis has used too the famous dome bug/new spell yesterday.
He used it to kill me, running towards Samal, knowing exactly what he was doing. I went out of range and casted it when there was no chance to get me. I was
No pictures about it,sorry. But maybe if you suffer it too and you get pics, this post will support your version.

Sorry man, but if you exploit bugs you risk to have bad reputation.
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Old 11-19-2007, 01:28 PM   #70
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As for Kaeleeya, yes I can say that it's just in her nature to wave at people even while they're killing her. As far as I'm aware she didn't mean it as a taunt or challenge gesture. Whether or not she was aware of the bug and abusing it I'd have no idea and would rather not speculate.

Ok, now lets move on... But without naming any names. It's not helping anybody. It's best if we can just cast a light on the bug itself and let NGD handle with the abusers by themselves by reporting straight to NGD.
*end.transmission - amade*

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