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Old 06-17-2008, 05:49 PM   #61
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Originally Posted by BlooD
And if they screw up hunters because they nerf evasion, and they will be not much nerfed. They will give them things to their own trees, since there is a lot of useless spells in them.
I will not argue since i have no sotw and no spell elude :P It would be much nicer if this change (i prefer calling it change) would be more precise. Too general words are mostly source of flames. We have magnet suggestions about evasion tree - most of them are hard to comment in non offensive way but it is base for discussion. Yes i can fight without spell elude and i am using dodge only from time to time and basically i can survive (btw i won 2 pvp with imo great barb without sotw and spell elude). But other site, now i only wait for flaming ppl on ambush from camu esp. warlocks :>
When we are tanks we can fight less dirty, when we can't compare with our defense then we will start fighting in way that will start more flames.
But i don't care ;P

Originally Posted by gamemod
Please continue with the main topic.
I understand and assume that 2/3 of posts in topic Confuse will be deleted too. Same as 5/7 posts in whole forum.
Yes it was sarcastic.
In the future we will jump!
<DkySven> the big problem with balance discussions on the Regnum forum is that a lot of people just suck at playing their class

Last edited by zielski; 06-17-2008 at 06:12 PM. Reason: Double post.
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Old 06-17-2008, 09:32 PM   #62
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Originally Posted by magnet
What happen with SotW?:
- some hunter come out of camou, confuses a Conjurer, use Dirty Fighting, when people start focusing on him he casts SotW, the lone Conju stands no chance even running around a tree (because hits are instant and SotW gives speed bonus): there can be 5 allies with him, if no other is a Conju, the Conju will die and the Hunter cannot be stopped. This is what I call serious imbalance
This is exactly what killed the fun of Regnum for me. Most everyone seems to be screaming for SotW to be modified so it isn't "God Mode" but NGD hasn't done anything about it. This added to bugged fort doors and other imbalance issues that NGD hasn't fixed for months has ruined the game.

I have to say that my life has significantly improved since quitting Regnum. In the last three weeks, I've gotten 10 times as much exercise, spent a lot more time with my family and friends, and started taking martial arts classes again. I dusted off my scuba gear, and will go diving this weekend, something I have not done since I started playing Regnum. It is good to have a life again. I strongly encourage any of you that are spending far too much of your lives playing a meaningless broken game to re-join the world of real people, you might be surprised how rewarding it can be.


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Old 06-17-2008, 11:47 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by magnet
Wtf? Mind Squasher existed before you even started playing. More proof that you are nuts .
It didn't work. Please note that i said "When it was implemented." Ie, when it was fixed. Not when it was conceived.

Originally Posted by misaccc
Btw today a syrtis hunter went sotw and camo at limit while us 5 were attacking like mad...wiiii
I agree, that is a lame tactic to just stand there in the open and cast it. Of course you're REALLY relying on pure luck, because SoTW fails quite often.

WRT going invis, I only use SoTW to open up a gap(for the speed boost) and hide behind a rock or tree to cast Invis.

As for mindsquasher, one spell that trumps all your buffs, and can hit past DI, yeah, sorry, i feel that to be overpowered. Ignoring buffs like ethereal arrow is one thing. REMOVING them is something else entirely. So yeah, i feel mindsquash is overpowered. But because so few use it, it really doesn't much matter in the grand scheme of things.
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Old 06-18-2008, 12:08 AM   #64
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Mind Squasher is still not spell that works 100% of the time. It is only what 50% chance when it lands to remove buffs.

The main problem with SotW is not the evade rate it is the lack penalty for using it. On top of the no damage spells it should also increase the users miss rate. Wind will change how an arrow flies. There should be a -100 protection too. So when you do land a hit it hurts more. The only other change to balance out the SotW and camo combo is that any hit should cancel camo not just normal shots.
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Old 06-18-2008, 12:11 AM   #65
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Originally Posted by Tyr
Mind Squasher is still not spell that works 100% of the time. It is only what 50% chance when it lands to remove buffs.

The main problem with SotW is not the evade rate it is the lack penalty for using it. On top of the no damage spells it should also increase the users miss rate. Wind will change how an arrow flies. There should be a -100 protection too. So when you do land a hit it hurts more. The only other change to balance out the SotW and camo combo is that any hit should cancel camo not just normal shots.
The SoTW spell doesn't actually have anything to do with wind. It's just the name of it, and "The archer moves like the wind" or whatever.

SOTW was already massively nerfed once. It's fine how it is now except for 2 possible changes: 1, no casting invis from it(though i would want an off switch in that case), and 2, no sitting down while under SoTW(to regen mana). This is an ulber, ulber cheap tactic.
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Old 06-18-2008, 12:21 AM   #66
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Originally Posted by Valorius
SOTW was already massively nerfed once. It's fine how it is now except for 2 possible changes: 1, no casting invis from it(though i would want an off switch in that case), and 2, no sitting down while under SoTW(to regen mana). This is an ulber, ulber cheap tactic.
It was not that nerfed.... It just stops us from casting a volley of damage spells with an extreme evade rate. The sitting and mana regen I 100% agree. The camo is fine under SotW and if it was just canceled on any type of hit normal or spell shot. We both know SotW is not 100% effective and there is plenty of shot that get past. That little change would prevent SotW and camo work as much.

And yes I know it has nothing to do with the wind but I was thinking more of the animation not the description.
Tyr - Conjurer | Lasher - Hunter | Eoin - Marksman |Woden - Barbarian
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Old 06-18-2008, 12:26 AM   #67
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So a spell that has (usually) about 20-30% chance of clearing your buffs is overpowered but a spell that gives ya 70% chance of evading everything is not...pfft...i fought 4 sotw archers today...i didnt hit them once when they used it...but its ok because i have mind squash right?(all 4 evaded;D )
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Old 06-18-2008, 12:30 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by misaccc
So a spell that has (usually) about 20-30% chance of clearing your buffs is overpowered
It's 50%

Originally Posted by misaccc
but a spell that gives ya 70% chance of evading everything is not...pfft...i fought 4 sotw archers today...i didnt hit them once when they used it...but its ok because i have mind squash right?(all 4 evaded;D )
SoTW (using your % chance) also has a 30% chance of not working at all. I've been killed from full health in 2 hits while 'protected' by SoTW before.

And i did just admit two areas of SoTW that should be adressed. Though for some reason, Blood found it hilarious that i think it's ulber cheap to sit down mid fight (with barbs swinging axes at your head) and build mana while under SoTW (usually this is done so the archer can stand up and cast invis with the aforementioned barbs swinging axes at his head).

Shrug, what can you do.
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Old 06-18-2008, 12:36 AM   #69
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Oh no it aint...you see most people have mind squash on 4(40%)...but we all have evade,resist and knights blocks layers...add the buffs layer...and there you go...
And no sotw has 30% chance of failing to stop 1 hit...and if you were buffed before casting it there is almost no chance you get hit....
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Old 06-18-2008, 12:39 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by misaccc
Oh no it aint...you see most people have mind squash on 4(40%)
By choice.

Originally Posted by misaccc
And no sotw has 30% chance of failing to stop 1 hit...and if you were buffed before casting it there is almost no chance you get hit....
Yet somehow i get hit at least once every time it's cast, and sometimes many, many times. And ya gotta love when you get knocked down or confused or mindsquashed while under SoTW. Woowhoo, 450 mana out the window for nothin'!

Go figure.

I swear every time you die under SoTW if you listen real close you can hear the server laughing at you. :-P
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