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General discussion Topics related to various aspects of Champions of Regnum

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Old 01-08-2009, 10:29 AM   #61
Angelwinged_Devil's Avatar
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Originally Posted by monktbd
Would be great although some more insight how the quest scripting engine in Regnum works and what is actually possible would be needed for that (if we want to design quests that go beyond the usual quest scope of "go to z, kill x monsters, bring item back to y, etc..).
of course there could be a sticky with available options you could scribe quests to, atm there's
kill x creatures
kill x creatures to get z amount of y(item)
kill creatures till you get x(item)
go some place
talk with people
interact with objects
kill x alsius/ignis/syrtis (listed alphabetical)

I would like to see something about capturing a realm structure, or a specific structure, or invade some realm, I guess the capturing of a structure (coding wise) would look like the spot where you get rewarded
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Old 01-20-2009, 11:22 PM   #62
Syd_Vicious's Avatar
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Well to get back on topic, besides player based incentives, something does need to be done in the interim about the ridiculous imbalances between time zones.

It serves no purpose to be powerless for a realm to stop an invasion because they do not have many people online to defend or can defend. It is also a great morale inhibitor to know that realms can work all day long to invade and accumulate all, but one gem. Just to have all the gems gone when they come to play the next day.

This is not a flame post or a post against any realm as players do not control when other players are on. This is squarely for NGD.

The only other recommendation I would have is kind of like the gem power recommendation, but mine is that Picking up an enemy realms gem is -30% HP rather than 1000%hp as a bonus. Also if a gem is inside the inner realm then it can not be taken outside by someone from that realm, it has to be done by someone from an opposing realm.
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