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Old 05-29-2013, 02:13 PM   #61
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I think multirealm always bad, for a simple reason: we do not know what your intentions.
You say you play for fun, but what will you do to ensure your enjoyment? Take relic to the enemy? leave dying mate kingdom? Do not give aura, healing, or any kind of support? Giving information to the enemy?
Understand what is the problem? On Server Piranha this kind of attitude is rejected and is prohibited.
You are saying that there is no solution, when in fact it's just ban and delete each kingdom multirealms of important activities, such as invasions, defenses and epic.
You just have to want it.
John Cypher - Bárbaro War Master de

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Old 05-29-2013, 02:20 PM   #62
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It's a game. People like to experience life on all sides of the realms, which is only natural. As long as they're open about it, don't use their accounts to sabotage invasions or relics, then I really couldn't care.
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Old 05-29-2013, 02:58 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by Kitsuni View Post
Pardon the thread title.

Over time I've spoke to many multirealmers, and the large majority that I have known do not realize that they are doing anything wrong by multirealming. They have absolutely no concept of how it harms the game, and believe that they are only having fun by playing the most active realm at any given time. So I've made a little list of reasons why it is harmful, to help educate those who do not quite understand the issues that it presents.

1) Multirealmers tend to join the winning side, not the losing side.
They just want to have fun, afterall, its a game. But this tilts an already unwinnable batle further in the favor of the enemy. In many cases, this can make a critical difference, now that the game has moved from holding multiple forts for a set period of time, to holding only one fort at a time. This makes it easy for just a few more players to heavily influence the outcome.

2) Multirealmers tend to switch sides to kill the noble during invasion.
Who can honestly resist all those warmaster coins? Its not uncommon for people to switch to the winning realm to get noble kills. The problem here is that the invading realm almost always tends to have the advantage, due to how the game is designed, in a way that gives all advantages to the realm that is already advantaged (positive feedback loops). Again, this puts the losing realm at a further disadvantage, not having that player to help defend.

3) Multirealmers cannot be realistically trusted.
Someone who plays multiple realms is a logical intelligence risk and cannot be trusted not to share information. Many people see this as minor; what harm could something like telilng the other realm what fort is going to be attacked? Until a force of only five people get there to find it camped by ten enemies. Those who I have known over the years see this as "creating action", but in reality, its an action-killer, because it tilts balance to the defensive side.

4) It is hard to consider a multirealmer to be an ally.
Many chose not to support multis because they have a tendancy to switch whenever it is convenient for them, not when it is convenient for the realm. This can lead to things like getting killed by a friend and then switching to kill them in return. It creates mistrust between players.

In short... multirealming does have a significant effect on the game. In the old days, it wasn't as common as it was now, as there were no boosts and grinding a char in another realm was very difficult. Now with the introduction of boosts, more premium items, merged accounts, etc. it has become much more common, with many players thinking its just way to enjoy the game better, without realizing that they are making the game worse for everyone else, including their own friends.

I realize that realm pride doesn't mean anything to some people, but it is a very nice concept that can help your realm overcome the odds.
There are so many fallacies, ignorant, and misleading statements and assumptions in this post it is pathetic.
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Old 05-29-2013, 03:26 PM   #64
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Precisely because it is a game, is that we have to consider everyone's enjoyment.
If it were to be multirealm, there would be the option to choose a kingdom. Keep in mind q server Haven only exists because multirealm Gamesamba wins anymore. She's not caring if some go sabotaging, what matters is the ximerim you buy, after all, the money spent on 9 chars, at least, is high.
I think the disadvantages of multireinos is less than the disadvantages. because nimguém can ensure good attitude.
Yes, Regnum is a game, and have clear rules how to choose just one kingdom to defend. Do not like a kingdom, replace. If the community of Haven (the Piranha is forbidden) feel undermined by these players, it would be important to talk with the company and force it to prohibit multirealm.
John Cypher - Bárbaro War Master de

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Old 05-29-2013, 03:43 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by JOPAGO View Post
Precisely because it is a game, is that we have to consider everyone's enjoyment.
If it were to be multirealm, there would be the option to choose a kingdom. Keep in mind q server Haven only exists because multirealm Gamesamba wins anymore. She's not caring if some go sabotaging, what matters is the ximerim you buy, after all, the money spent on 9 chars, at least, is high.
I think the disadvantages of multireinos is less than the disadvantages. because nimguém can ensure good attitude.
Yes, Regnum is a game, and have clear rules how to choose just one kingdom to defend. Do not like a kingdom, replace. If the community of Haven (the Piranha is forbidden) feel undermined by these players, it would be important to talk with the company and force it to prohibit multirealm.
google translate eh um lixo meu amigo.
tente pelo menos revisar o texto depois de usá-lo
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Old 05-29-2013, 04:19 PM   #66
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Eu iria revisar, mas não achei que se importariam com termos em vez da mensagem.
Quando escrevem em portugues traduzido e dá para todos entenderem, ninguém implica com o cara. :/
Fala sério.
John Cypher - Bárbaro War Master de

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Old 05-29-2013, 04:21 PM   #67
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Eu iria revisar, mas não achei que se importariam com termos em vez da mensagem.
Quando escrevem em portugues traduzido e dá para todos entenderem, ninguém implica com o cara lá no nosso fórum :/
Fala sério.
John Cypher - Bárbaro War Master de

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