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Old 10-25-2015, 12:02 PM   #71
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 17
argadiello is on a distinguished road


|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |

|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


|                    -    0 | 1402 | 1402 |    1 |    1 |   31 |    2 |

|                  -    1 | 1399 | 1398 |    0 |   42 |  290 |   41 |

|                   No response from host -  100 |  281 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |

|   153.Red-81-46-0.staticIP.rima-tde.net -    1 | 1356 | 1344 |    0 |   59 |  619 |   55 |

|                -    1 | 1399 | 1398 |    0 |   56 |  303 |   56 |

|xe1-2-6-0-grtpareq1.red.telefonica-wholesale.net -    1 | 1368 | 1359 |    0 |   84 |  679 |   69 |

|                   prs-b8-link.telia.net -    1 | 1399 | 1398 |    0 |   76 |  468 |   74 |

|                  prs-bb3-link.telia.net -    1 | 1399 | 1398 |    0 |   77 |  466 |   73 |

|                  ldn-bb3-link.telia.net -    1 | 1391 | 1388 |    0 |   87 |  286 |   85 |

|                   ldn-b3-link.telia.net -    1 | 1395 | 1393 |    0 |   80 |  300 |   78 |

|citynetwork-ic-307873-ldn-b3.c.telia.net -    4 | 1216 | 1169 |    0 |   94 | 1027 |   85 |

|                 -    5 | 1192 | 1139 |    0 |   81 |  451 |   76 |


   WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider
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Old 10-25-2015, 09:04 PM   #72
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Talking tracerroutes

ayer y hoy esta re lento entre en paginas de internet bien, supongo que podra ser pr las elecciones? y que la red este abarrotada gracias
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Old 10-26-2015, 03:12 PM   #73
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Sigo con ping arcoiris, recien entre y me costo ingresar al juego por el ping alto, luego se puso estable en verde pero cada 10 segundos se pone amarillo e rojo estando en una zona solo (injugable), dejo el traceroute de hoy:

Día 9 de lag:

                   WinMTR statistics                                   |

|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


|                               DSL_ROUTE -    0 |  531 |  531 |    0 |    0 |    8 |    0 |

|                 -    0 |  475 |  475 |   23 |  379 | 3750 |   25 |

|                 TGCUY01-Be5.mrse.com.ar -    0 |  474 |  474 |   40 |  393 | 3932 |   44 |

|ae5-0-grtbuecu1.net.telefonicaglobalsolutions.com -    2 |  449 |  441 |   38 |  383 | 3701 |   47 |

|xe9-0-6-0-grtmiabr3.red.telefonica-wholesale.net -    0 |  466 |  466 |  175 |  515 | 3750 |  176 |

|xe2-1-9-0-grtdaleq4.net.telefonicaglobalsolutions.com -    0 |  464 |  464 |  208 |  548 | 3871 |  217 |

|te0-4-0-11.ccr21.dfw03.atlas.cogentco.com -    0 |  464 |  464 |  221 |  551 | 3937 |  223 |

|   be2032.ccr22.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com -    0 |  465 |  465 |  214 |  545 | 3926 |  217 |

|   be2443.ccr22.iah01.atlas.cogentco.com -    1 |  460 |  459 |  218 |  551 | 3937 |  220 |

|   be2690.ccr42.atl01.atlas.cogentco.com -    0 |  464 |  464 |  217 |  548 | 3937 |  219 |

|   be2113.ccr42.dca01.atlas.cogentco.com -    0 |  464 |  464 |  217 |  548 | 3872 |  219 |

|   be2149.ccr42.jfk02.atlas.cogentco.com -    1 |  459 |  458 |  230 |  562 | 4360 |  231 |

|   be2490.ccr42.lon13.atlas.cogentco.com -    0 |  460 |  460 |  295 |  616 | 3923 |  296 |

|   be2494.ccr22.lon01.atlas.cogentco.com -    0 |  459 |  459 |  302 |  622 | 3935 |  303 |

|be2208.rcr21.b015589-1.lon01.atlas.cogentco.com -    0 |  459 |  459 |  298 |  619 | 3924 |  300 |

|                   -    5 |  396 |  378 |  295 |  655 | 3867 |  310 |

|                 -    6 |  390 |  370 |  291 |  635 | 4223 |  299 |


   WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider
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Old 10-26-2015, 04:52 PM   #74
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Longchamps, Picardie
Posts: 41
patsy is on a distinguished road

Estos dos días me anduvo peor


| WinMTR statistics |

| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


| - 0 | 522 | 522 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 1 |

| - 1 | 518 | 517 | 0 | 38 | 348 | 57 |

| TGBRR01-Be5.mrse.com.ar - 0 | 522 | 522 | 27 | 40 | 347 | 32 |

|ae5-0-grtbueba3.net.telefonicaglobalsolutions.com - 0 | 522 | 522 | 26 | 40 | 345 | 32 |

|et-25-0-0-1-5-grtmiabr3.net.telefonicaglobalsolutions.com - 0 | 522 | 522 | 165 | 179 | 414 | 168 |

|xe2-1-5-0-grtdaleq4.net.telefonicaglobalsolutions.com - 1 | 518 | 517 | 194 | 215 | 472 | 196 |

|te0-3-0-11.ccr21.dfw03.atlas.cogentco.com - 0 | 522 | 522 | 214 | 225 | 461 | 215 |

| be2031.ccr21.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com - 0 | 522 | 522 | 211 | 221 | 450 | 218 |

| be2441.ccr21.iah01.atlas.cogentco.com - 0 | 522 | 522 | 210 | 221 | 458 | 210 |

| be2687.ccr41.atl01.atlas.cogentco.com - 0 | 522 | 522 | 218 | 228 | 465 | 222 |

| be2112.ccr41.dca01.atlas.cogentco.com - 0 | 522 | 522 | 208 | 220 | 435 | 215 |

| be2148.ccr41.jfk02.atlas.cogentco.com - 0 | 522 | 522 | 226 | 236 | 453 | 231 |

| be2317.ccr41.lon13.atlas.cogentco.com - 0 | 522 | 522 | 289 | 301 | 557 | 292 |

| be2163.ccr22.lon01.atlas.cogentco.com - 0 | 522 | 522 | 285 | 297 | 554 | 288 |

|be2208.rcr21.b015589-1.lon01.atlas.cogentco.com - 0 | 521 | 521 | 283 | 291 | 529 | 285 |

| - 8 | 398 | 367 | 296 | 322 | 1311 | 300 |

| - 8 | 406 | 377 | 284 | 295 | 591 | 290 |

|________________________________________________| ______|______|______|______|______|______|

WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider
No hay opiniones estúpidas, sólo estúpidos que opinan.
Les Agneaux se convertissent en Lions,
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Old 10-26-2015, 08:39 PM   #75
nykh's Avatar
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Posts: 65
nykh is on a distinguished road

Mucho lag desde el domingo 18/10 durante el día


|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |

|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


|                         Broadcom.(null) -    0 |  367 |  367 |    0 |    0 |    1 |    1 |

|                   No response from host -  100 |   75 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |

|                 TGCUY01-Be1.mrse.com.ar -    0 |  372 |  372 |   34 |   52 | 1055 |   36 |

|ae5-0-grtbuecu1.net.telefonicaglobalsolutions.com -    5 |  312 |  297 |   31 |   47 | 1119 |   35 |

|xe9-0-6-0-grtmiabr3.red.telefonica-wholesale.net -    0 |  370 |  370 |  167 |  197 | 1234 |  173 |

|xe4-0-8-0-grtdaleq4.red.telefonica-wholesale.net -    0 |  370 |  370 |  198 |  228 | 1266 |  203 |

|te0-3-0-11.ccr21.dfw03.atlas.cogentco.com -    0 |  371 |  371 |  219 |  236 | 1285 |  223 |

|   be2032.ccr22.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com -    0 |  371 |  371 |  222 |  240 | 1286 |  223 |

|   be2443.ccr22.iah01.atlas.cogentco.com -    0 |  370 |  370 |  213 |  229 | 1281 |  217 |

|   be2690.ccr42.atl01.atlas.cogentco.com -    0 |  371 |  371 |  222 |  239 | 1287 |  223 |

|   be2113.ccr42.dca01.atlas.cogentco.com -    0 |  371 |  371 |  211 |  228 | 1263 |  212 |

|   be2149.ccr42.jfk02.atlas.cogentco.com -    0 |  371 |  371 |  228 |  246 | 1313 |  233 |

|   be2490.ccr42.lon13.atlas.cogentco.com -    0 |  370 |  370 |  292 |  307 | 1350 |  295 |

|   be2178.ccr21.lon01.atlas.cogentco.com -    0 |  369 |  369 |  292 |  310 | 1460 |  294 |

|be2207.rcr21.b015589-1.lon01.atlas.cogentco.com -    0 |  370 |  370 |  292 |  309 | 1350 |  296 |

|                   -    6 |  308 |  292 |  288 |  316 | 2514 |  292 |

|                 -   10 |  273 |  248 |  285 |  312 | 1329 |  297 |


   WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider
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Old 10-26-2015, 09:01 PM   #76
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 4,089
Frosk will become famous soon enough


Para la tranquilidad de todos aquellos que están publicando sus traceroutes, les queremos decir que agradecemos mucho que estén haciendo ésto, y por supuesto, la enorme paciencia que están teniendo.

Como algunos habrán visto, en el launcher se puede visualizar un servidor denominado "Tardis". Allí estamos trabajando (es privado, así que users no pueden ingresar) para intentar buscar alternativas para remediar esta situación de la manera más eficiente posible.

Estamos a full con este tema y a la espera de novedades de nuestro datacenter, por lo que les pedimos paciencia, ya que ésto será algo temporal que se solucionará pronto.

Muchas gracias, nuevamente.

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Old 10-27-2015, 03:21 PM   #77
F-Dartz's Avatar
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Location: Argentina, Bs As, Chivilcoy
Posts: 956
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Traceroute de hoy:

               WinMTR statistics                                   |

|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


|                               DSL_ROUTE -    0 | 1272 | 1272 |    0 |    0 |    1 |    0 |

|                 -    0 | 1273 | 1273 |   23 |   25 |   68 |   25 |

|                 TGBRR01-Be5.mrse.com.ar -    0 | 1273 | 1273 |   40 |   43 |  100 |   41 |

|ae5-0-grtbueba3.net.telefonicaglobalsolutions.com -    0 | 1273 | 1273 |   38 |   41 |  127 |   52 |

|et-25-0-0-1-5-grtmiabr3.red.telefonica-wholesale.net -    0 | 1273 | 1273 |  176 |  182 |  307 |  178 |

|xe3-0-8-0-grtdaleq4.net.telefonicaglobalsolutions.com -    0 | 1273 | 1273 |  209 |  214 |  316 |  212 |

|te0-3-0-11.ccr21.dfw03.atlas.cogentco.com -    0 | 1273 | 1273 |  220 |  224 |  278 |  221 |

|   be2032.ccr22.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com -    0 | 1273 | 1273 |  220 |  224 |  240 |  222 |

|   be2443.ccr22.iah01.atlas.cogentco.com -    1 | 1269 | 1268 |  220 |  233 |  291 |  232 |

|   be2690.ccr42.atl01.atlas.cogentco.com -    0 | 1273 | 1273 |  221 |  225 |  249 |  225 |

|   be2113.ccr42.dca01.atlas.cogentco.com -    1 | 1269 | 1268 |  220 |  233 |  291 |  232 |

|   be2149.ccr42.jfk02.atlas.cogentco.com -    1 | 1269 | 1268 |  227 |  242 |  894 |  234 |

|   be2490.ccr42.lon13.atlas.cogentco.com -    0 | 1273 | 1273 |  302 |  304 |  326 |  304 |

|   be2494.ccr22.lon01.atlas.cogentco.com -    0 | 1273 | 1273 |  299 |  304 |  362 |  305 |

|be2208.rcr21.b015589-1.lon01.atlas.cogentco.com -    1 | 1265 | 1263 |  297 |  304 |  359 |  308 |

|                   -    4 | 1125 | 1088 |  300 |  309 | 1293 |  343 |

|                 -    8 |  987 |  915 |  297 |  305 |  335 |  305 |


   WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider
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Old 10-28-2015, 03:28 PM   #78
Join Date: Nov 2014
Posts: 4
racetech199 is on a distinguished road


| WinMTR statistics |

| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


| - 0 | 430 | 430 | 0 | 1 | 7 | 1 |

| host1.190-221-82.telmex.net.ar - 0 | 430 | 430 | 2 | 4 | 10 | 3 |

| - 0 | 430 | 430 | 2 | 4 | 15 | 4 |

| - 0 | 430 | 430 | 3 | 7 | 22 | 5 |

| - 0 | 430 | 430 | 2 | 7 | 25 | 5 |

| - 0 | 430 | 430 | 3 | 8 | 25 | 8 |

| - 0 | 430 | 430 | 3 | 7 | 22 | 7 |

| 7-2-34.ear4.Miami2.Level3.net - 25 | 218 | 164 | 124 | 126 | 161 | 125 |

| No response from host - 100 | 86 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| - 0 | 430 | 430 | 271 | 273 | 293 | 272 |

| No response from host - 100 | 86 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| No response from host - 100 | 86 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| No response from host - 100 | 86 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| ae-44-44.ebr2.Paris1.Level3.net - 0 | 430 | 430 | 271 | 273 | 287 | 273 |

| ae-82-82.csw3.Paris1.Level3.net - 0 | 430 | 430 | 271 | 273 | 286 | 272 |

| ae-84-84.ebr4.Paris1.Level3.net - 0 | 430 | 430 | 271 | 273 | 284 | 272 |

| ae-47-47.ebr1.Frankfurt1.Level3.net - 0 | 430 | 430 | 271 | 274 | 290 | 273 |

| ae-71-71.csw2.Frankfurt1.Level3.net - 0 | 430 | 430 | 271 | 273 | 287 | 273 |

| ae-73-73.ebr3.Frankfurt1.Level3.net - 0 | 430 | 430 | 271 | 273 | 289 | 275 |

| No response from host - 100 | 86 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |

| ae-42-42.ebr1.Stockholm2.Level3.net - 0 | 430 | 430 | 271 | 274 | 309 | 274 |

| ae-101-101.ebr2.Stockholm2.Level3.net - 0 | 430 | 430 | 272 | 274 | 282 | 273 |

| ae-115-3501.bar1.Copenhagen2.Level3.net - 0 | 430 | 430 | 271 | 275 | 369 | 316 |

| ae-7-9.bar1.Oslo1.Level3.net - 2 | 400 | 392 | 287 | 289 | 325 | 288 |

| IP-ONLY-TEL.bar1.Oslo1.Level3.net - 0 | 430 | 430 | 287 | 291 | 309 | 294 |

| noosl0001-rc3.ip-only.net - 0 | 430 | 430 | 287 | 291 | 303 | 288 |

| segot0001-rc3.ip-only.net - 0 | 430 | 430 | 295 | 300 | 340 | 302 |

| - 0 | 430 | 430 | 295 | 302 | 340 | 305 |

| - 0 | 430 | 430 | 299 | 305 | 342 | 301 |

| uklon0001-rc2.ip-only.net - 0 | 430 | 430 | 342 | 346 | 373 | 347 |

|________________________________________________| ______|______|______|______|______|______|

WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider
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Old 10-29-2015, 05:00 PM   #79
Mildred91's Avatar
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Posts: 117
Mildred91 is on a distinguished road


| WinMTR statistics |

| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |


| - 0 | 310 | 310 | 0 | 19 | 633 | 0 |

| dsl-servicio-l200.uninet.net.mx - 0 | 310 | 310 | 7 | 89 | 1140 | 20 |

| bb-la-grand-8-tge0-13-0-7.uninet.net.mx - 0 | 310 | 310 | 49 | 132 | 1121 | 66 |

| ffm-b11-link.telia.net - 0 | 310 | 310 | 62 | 146 | 1028 | 63 |

| nyk-bb2-link.telia.net - 0 | 310 | 310 | 132 | 232 | 1395 | 195 |

| ldn-bb2-link.telia.net - 0 | 310 | 310 | 192 | 280 | 1417 | 210 |

| ldn-b3-link.telia.net - 0 | 309 | 309 | 193 | 273 | 1272 | 196 |

|citynetwork-ic-307873-ldn-b3.c.telia.net - 0 | 310 | 310 | 202 | 287 | 1295 | 202 |

| - 0 | 310 | 310 | 203 | 287 | 1393 | 208 |

|________________________________________________| ______|______|______|______|______|______|

WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider
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Old 10-30-2015, 02:08 AM   #80
Alextrix's Avatar
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Location: Argentina, buenos aires, la costa.
Posts: 269
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Aca esta , no se si es tarde
| WinMTR statistics |
| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
| - 0 | 1014 | 1014 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
| be2113.ccr42.dca01.atlas.cogentco.com - 11 | 703 | 631 | 0 | 203 | 4783 | 280 |
| - 9 | 740 | 675 | 0 | 165 | 3810 | 281 |
| be2055.ccr22.mia01.atlas.cogentco.com - 9 | 745 | 683 | 0 | 181 | 4397 | 111 |
| host237.200-117-126.telecom.net.ar - 13 | 658 | 576 | 0 | 226 | 4489 | 737 |
|be2207.rcr21.b015589-1.lon01.atlas.cogentco.com - 7 | 793 | 743 | 0 | 153 | 4965 | 36 |
| host237.200-117-126.telecom.net.ar - 11 | 696 | 621 | 0 | 203 | 3661 | 530 |
| be2149.ccr42.jfk02.atlas.cogentco.com - 7 | 801 | 752 | 0 | 201 | 3411 | 165 |
| - 7 | 792 | 741 | 0 | 172 | 4901 | 2 |
|te0-0-0-4.ccr21.mia03.atlas.cogentco.com - 9 | 748 | 684 | 0 | 210 | 4894 | 89 |
| - 10 | 712 | 641 | 0 | 234 | 3487 | 360 |
| be2123.ccr42.atl01.atlas.cogentco.com - 11 | 710 | 638 | 0 | 216 | 4677 | 34 |
| host166.190-225-252.telecom.net.ar - 8 | 754 | 694 | 0 | 229 | 4280 | 505 |
| be2490.ccr42.lon13.atlas.cogentco.com - 7 | 775 | 723 | 0 | 227 | 4414 | 286 |
| host238.200-117-126.telecom.net.ar - 9 | 739 | 673 | 0 | 239 | 3980 | 29 |
| be2178.ccr21.lon01.atlas.cogentco.com - 11 | 704 | 630 | 0 | 235 | 4649 | 33 |
| et-4-3-0.miami15.mia.seabone.net - 12 | 688 | 611 | 0 | 224 | 4267 | 286 |
| - 10 | 723 | 655 | 0 | 225 | 3778 | 10 |
| - 2 | 965 | 953 | 1 | 202 | 1698 | 28 |
|________________________________________________| ______|______|______|______|______|______|
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