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Old 09-13-2010, 10:41 AM   #71
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Originally Posted by doppelapfel View Post
So other ppl being overpowered is a reason for you being op too? Its not practically useless, its harder to use than spells like berserk or tfb but its not useless.
¿Who says it's overpowered?
It's practically useless, if they reduce it's time or attack bonus it will be a total waste of mana and points, but it seems some people are deceived with a shiny high number. If this is overpowered then cold blood is hyper-mega-ultra-overpowered.

¿What is better to do in 5sec with your enemy not moving?
Ful+2hits=300% your damage with shiny damages / 3hits: 300% your damage and 240 less mana.
You need to be able to hit 3 times to do 50% more damage or one hit + south cross to do 25-30% more damage with fulminating, if they nerf more...
Ful+hit / south cross.
Ful+south cross / Spiritual blow + south cross
It's not very difficult to see that there are better alternatives all the way.

Mana usages for typical barbarians:
TFB + Berserk : 440-480 mana.
Accurate swings/Brutal Impacts/Agile maneuvers + Frenzy: 215-265 mana.
UM: 300 mana. / Spring :130 mana / Kick:140 mana
South-cross: 200 mana / Beast attack : 260 mana
Fulminating : 240 mana

In conclusion, if you have very high va, very high mana and you don't get confused quite often I wish you good luck taking advantage of fulminating. For me it's only useful with secondary areas.
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Old 09-13-2010, 10:49 AM   #72
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Originally Posted by e30ernest View Post
This is assuming that it is always the barb that has to CC his target. In an RvR setting, that Knock can come from other allies. You can very well have all 3 attacks under Fulminating quite easily with some teamwork.
Very situational, you'll need a knock just in front of you and face him quickly, and casting fulminating you lose one hit, teh same as casting kick.
Enemies also can have teamwork, one dispell or one confuse (there are more archers than support conjurers) to you and bye bye, if you don't have UM good luck.
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Old 09-13-2010, 10:50 AM   #73
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Originally Posted by Kaixo
but it seems some people are deceived with a shiny high number.
Including the enemy.

In certain other games, PvPers have a word for people like you: PvE heroes.

With high sustained DPS, people have the opportunity to escape. Have you ever noticed how, pre-SM nerf, SM mages who weren't doing enough dmg to kill people in the first 7 or so seconds of attacking them never got the killing blow? It's because people notice and expect it when you're outputting high sustained dps.

Would you rather be able to do 4k dmg in one hit, then do 0 dmg for the next 20 seconds, or do 6k dmg over 20 seconds? Of course the 1hit option is better because people can't escape, people can't get healed, etc.

On a door, yes, fulminating is a dps loss, and yes, that's bad. Same on a superboss. In PvP though, correctly used, it is extremely effective and arguably overpowered.

There are times for sustained dmg and burst dmg. Burst dmg is used to get the kill. Sustained dmg is merely used to set it up.
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Old 09-13-2010, 10:51 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by Kaixo View Post
to you and bye bye, if you don't have UM good luck.
Its not just barbs that have confuse completely ruin their battle, and thats why the skill is so overpowered. It can completely take some people out of a battle, cripple others, and just make others miserable.

I really hope it gets looked at in terms of balance.
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Old 09-13-2010, 11:06 AM   #75
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Its not just barbs that have confuse completely ruin their battle, and thats why the skill is so overpowered. It can completely take some people out of a battle, cripple others, and just make others miserable.
Yes, I think i have said the same thing in all balance updates, It's curious how it remains (the same for darkness) and at the same tieme other skills are nerfed.

Would you rather be able to do 4k dmg in one hit, then do 0 dmg for the next 20 seconds, or do 6k dmg over 20 seconds? Of course the 1hit option is better because people can't escape, people can't get healed, etc.

On a door, yes, fulminating is a dps loss, and yes, that's bad. Same on a superboss. In PvP though, correctly used, it is extremely effective and arguably overpowered
The problem is that you are already losing one hit while you cast it, and it's very difficult that you manage to compensate that hit.
Majority of barbarians for example don't use spiritual at lvl 5 and they have a good slow or very slow weapon. I can't see too many changing their weapons to medium (and low lvl) and they are better expending their points for example in spiritual blow, you can use it before you arrive, if people try to escape...
I think it's a good skill for grinding and for expansive wave for example, I don't like it for pvp.
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Old 09-13-2010, 11:30 AM   #76
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You're also missing that barbs have the best melee CC in the game.

3 reliable knocks, 1 stun, dlimb, howl, combined with the new UM and the new spring. Getting kited or your opponent escaping really should not be a problem for barbs, and that's why fulminating is so useful. You can stun someone before you buff with fulminating and hit them. You can knock someone, then buff with fulminating and hit them.

Originally Posted by Kaixo
I can't see too many changing their weapons to medium
Well that's their loss. Weapon switches are very simple, and people used to do it all the time to apply dlimb or MS someone. Weapon switches to get the most out of fulminating is not any different.

I agree that fulminating is awkward and clunky to use, but the fact remains that it's overpowered. Constantly rebuffing with SM was also awkward but that did not change the fact that an SM mage, both warlocks and conjus, who knew what they were doing weren't near undefeatable in 1v1 with it. Fulminating does weaken barb gameplay experience and that isn't purely because it's EZmode.
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Old 09-13-2010, 12:29 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by Kaixo View Post
Ful+2hits=300% your damage with shiny damages / 3hits: 300% your damage and 240 less mana.

Ful+2hits = 300% damage - 2 * armour reduction
3hits = 300% damage - 3 * armour reduction.

Which makes it an effective tool against other melee fighters, knights especially.
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Old 09-13-2010, 12:39 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by Arafails View Post

Ful+2hits = 300% damage - 2 * armour reduction
3hits = 300% damage - 3 * armour reduction.

Which makes it an effective tool against other melee fighters, knights especially.
Also, you wont lose a full attack cycle on Fulminating as it is kinda off the swing timer and can be piggybacked on a normal.
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Old 09-13-2010, 01:08 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by Necrovarus View Post
You can stun someone before you buff with fulminating and hit them. You can knock someone, then buff with fulminating and hit them.
Kick, you have to wait the gdc, you hit, then you lose one hit and some time casting fulminating (0.5seg casting time + animation), if you are able to hit 3 times good for you. With my slow sword and my equipment (13%va) it was one hit and one hit with fulminating to one mob with kick 4 before he stands up, probably (i haven't tried this) 2 hits with tfb (+28%va) and kick 5. And this if you don't have any problems positioning yourself.

Tested 5 times: Medium weapon against a mob that is already hitting me, 23-28% va, only 3 hits with fulminating, practically losing between 1-2 hits while casting it.

I agree that fulminating is awkward and clunky to use, but the fact remains that it's overpowered. Constantly rebuffing with SM was also awkward but that did not change the fact that an SM mage, both warlocks and conjus, who knew what they were doing weren't near undefeatable in 1v1 with it. Fulminating does weaken barb gameplay experience and that isn't purely because it's EZmode.
And what do you suggest to balance the power, reduce it's duration to 3sec or damage bonus to 25%?

Originally Posted by Arafails
Ful+2hits = 300% damage - 2 * armour reduction
3hits = 300% damage - 3 * armour reduction.
You can also lose 150 damage of TFB.

Last edited by Kaixo; 09-13-2010 at 03:09 PM.
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Old 09-13-2010, 02:28 PM   #80
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Soulkeeper still not working in Amun.
For the love of stars. FIX IT!

Remember: there are warlocks in the game too.

EDIT: And stupid warlocks, like me, dont read descriptions. "Can't be used on creatures"
Ignore this report, please.
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Last edited by Snoid; 09-13-2010 at 02:49 PM.
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