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Old 02-13-2019, 09:02 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by LadyOfLight View Post
Ok, let's be fair. None of them are "overburdened" as you suggested. I *bought* the space, spent 20,000 xim on EACH account, which is money in YOUR pocket btw, to be able to take care of my clan!!

It's very frustrating to find that after spending 240,000 xim, just for this one thing alone on all accounts, that you cannot find it in yourself to honor what is right and fair to help me. I have more than paid for this small inconvenience to you! And that 240,000 doesn't account for the hundreds of other dollars I've spent on other things! Or what I've spent for other people, since you had taken away the ability to rent horses for so many years, I had just about every clannie asking me for xim to buy a mount, and I did that for them, just so they could play the game reasonably!

I have been playing since 2009, and it took you NINE years to finally have a resolve for clans having items!! So ya, I did what was necessary at the time! Let me also point out that back when they were created, your ticket system was absolutely terrible!! And you guys were notorious for never getting back to people. Although I'm VERY pleased to see that you have made great efforts to improve this, don't put the burden on me that ngd has been so hard to work with, and that getting even a simple question answered was next to impossible!

It's not like what I have just said is a secret, or wasn't felt by all . I too am glad you guys are finally fielding questions!

And just an FYI, not all of the accounts are low lvls. I have one of each class that are WM, and an additional conj and barb.

I still didn't get an answer as to how long Haven will be accessible.

I was only stating facts here and have meant no disrespect.

Peace out!
why don't you use the auction house? you can "sell" your items there and buy it with your main account. so u can have all your items on one char. there is noch weightlimit for items from the owl.

and sorry, but i don't think it is necessary to have 100 acc with crap items^^also in the past, it was not allowed to have 12 accounts you should glad that nod tolerates that issue.
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Old 02-13-2019, 09:13 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by LadyOfLight View Post
Just drop all the staffs with 10 piercing damage and armour with resist cold and you'll be fine
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Old 02-13-2019, 11:31 PM   #83
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Just for the sake of positivity, my character transfers went well and support dealt with my question promptly.

Many thanks for the work on these transfers.

Also to people with 1000 spare items, share the wealth!
Valour Mutiny Wra Nohadon Thirteen Valourious
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Old 02-14-2019, 01:58 AM   #84
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If you transfered with WMC quests from Haven and completed them afterwards at RA, even if they had been freshly taken before moving to RA, you will not get rewarded upon completing them. It's a measly amount so I tried dropping and retaking them which fixed the quest rewards. But me and few other players have the same issue with old noble quest and I think we wouldn't be able to pick it again. If this was not intended should we wait for a fix or should we have each case handled individually by support?
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Old 02-14-2019, 02:12 AM   #85
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Default Another Question

When I transferred my barb from Haven, I had there a 50 item account stash. In RA it is a 5. I have submitted a ticket, they have answered it, first response stated "Hi,

We made a quick-fix for this issue yesterday. Can you confirm if the problem persist? If it does, please inform us the account name.

Champions of Regnum Support" , second stated "Hello,

It should be fixed now, please le us know if it is ok.

Champions of Regnum Support". yes, a second response and neither time has it been fixed. Any idea when this should be fixed? My husbands account is the same way and to move his items he is currently overburdened so he has to have that 50 stash available as soon as he gets to RA.
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Old 02-14-2019, 04:35 AM   #86
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Originally Posted by Adrian View Post


There must be free character slots in the destination server for a transfer to be possible. Also, if characters exist in the destination server, they all must be from the same realm as the ones in the origin server. In some special cases we can make exceptions. Please contact Support for these matters.
Does this mean that if we have 6 characters on one account we need to buy extra character slots on Ra?

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Old 02-14-2019, 05:56 AM   #87
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Originally Posted by Az. View Post
Does this mean that if we have 6 characters on one account we need to buy extra character slots on Ra?

This was answered in previous comments. No you don't have it to buy the char scroll, you can transfer them anyway. I guess technically you could now have an account with 12x chars on it even.

About the players with such loads of items. I don't understand. Me and others who might trade a lot on commerce had no problems with moving our inventory. Think most should really reconsider what kind of ''useful'' items you are still carrying around in hope that someone could use them one day. Sounds like virtual world hoarding issues. Most of of that stuff is probably not worth keeping really.

About transfer. I would like to report one thing I noticed. The items that are now bound can still be put in the clan chest, which is probably not intended to be so. (Now Hurry up and move them around before its changed jaja)
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Old 02-14-2019, 06:53 AM   #88
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OK, thank you.
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Old 02-14-2019, 10:01 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by Adrian View Post
For Valhalla we're planning to do some well planned advertising, as German users react better to it.
Speaking as a new user of Valhalla (and only 170 ping; I expected it to be higher), thanks. Valhalla needs more users.

I understand from conversation here on Valhalla that most on Valhalla speak German, English, and Spanish? So perhaps a wider net than just Germany.

But good. Marketing.
Syrtis, RA: Marila, Mariala, Marily, Mariliju, Marilise
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Old 02-14-2019, 10:23 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by rinky View Post
Speaking as a new user of Valhalla (and only 170 ping; I expected it to be higher), thanks. Valhalla needs more users.

I understand from conversation here on Valhalla that most on Valhalla speak German, English, and Spanish? So perhaps a wider net than just Germany.

But good. Marketing.
make valhalla great again as an european server
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