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Soporte Técnico Consultas sobre problemas técnicos del juego a usuarios de la comunidad

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Old 10-30-2014, 06:09 PM   #1
FadeToBlacK's Avatar
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Question Como puedo solucionar esto?

Que tal gente como andan? les explico, no juego hace mas de 1 año y en estos dias me dieron ganas de volver a jugar. El problema es que no puedo hacer andar el juego, me desconecta despues de seleccionar personaje, siempre carga lo mismo de la barra de carga y luego me desconecta, ya intente desinstalado e instaldo de nuevo, borrar drivers volver a instalar, actualizarlos, borrar archivos idx, probe con otras cuentas, otro reino y no, siempre lo mismo. Alguien me podria ayudar?

Mi pc:

Procesador: i5 760
Mother: p7h55d -m pro
Video: AMD 6870

este es el error_log:

[28/10/2014 14:37:37] [ShaderGL][d3d_shader.cpp(1842)] Technique ShadowMap not found in shader lightmap
[28/10/2014 14:37:37] [ShaderGL][d3d_shader.cpp(1842)] Technique ShadowMap not found in shader lightmap_at
[28/10/2014 14:37:37] [ShaderGL][d3d_shader.cpp(1842)] Technique ShadowMap not found in shader material.texture
[28/10/2014 14:44:46] [ShaderGL][d3d_shader.cpp(1842)] Technique ShadowMap not found in shader lightmap
[28/10/2014 14:44:46] [ShaderGL][d3d_shader.cpp(1842)] Technique ShadowMap not found in shader lightmap_at
[28/10/2014 14:44:46] [ShaderGL][d3d_shader.cpp(1842)] Technique ShadowMap not found in shader material.texture
[28/10/2014 14:55:45] [ShaderGL][d3d_shader.cpp(1842)] Technique ShadowMap not found in shader lightmap
[28/10/2014 14:55:45] [ShaderGL][d3d_shader.cpp(1842)] Technique ShadowMap not found in shader lightmap_at
[28/10/2014 14:55:45] [ShaderGL][d3d_shader.cpp(1842)] Technique ShadowMap not found in shader material.texture
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] mesheffect.additive: Forward failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] mesheffect.additive: ShadowMap failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] mesheffect.additive: Reflection failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] mesheffect.modulate: Forward failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] mesheffect.modulate: ShadowMap failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] mesheffect.modulate: Reflection failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] mesheffect.lerp: Forward failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] mesheffect.lerp: ShadowMap failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] mesheffect.lerp: Reflection failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] mesheffect.replace: Forward failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] mesheffect.replace: ShadowMap failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] mesheffect.replace: Reflection failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] particle.additive: Forward failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] particle.additive: ShadowMap failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] particle.additive: Reflection failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] particle.modulate: Forward failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] particle.modulate: ShadowMap failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] particle.modulate: Reflection failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] particle.lerp: Forward failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] particle.lerp: ShadowMap failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] particle.lerp: Reflection failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] particle.replace: Forward failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] particle.replace: ShadowMap failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:01] [RenderizerD3D9][d3d_shader.cpp(643)] particle.replace: Reflection failed: D3DERR_INVALIDCALL
[28/10/2014 16:27:25] [ShaderGL][d3d_shader.cpp(1842)] Technique ShadowMap not found in shader lightmap
[28/10/2014 16:27:25] [ShaderGL][d3d_shader.cpp(1842)] Technique ShadowMap not found in shader lightmap_at
[28/10/2014 16:27:25] [ShaderGL][d3d_shader.cpp(1842)] Technique ShadowMap not found in shader material.texture
[28/10/2014 17:53:30] [ShaderGL][d3d_shader.cpp(1842)] Technique ShadowMap not found in shader lightmap
[28/10/2014 17:53:30] [ShaderGL][d3d_shader.cpp(1842)] Technique ShadowMap not found in shader lightmap_at
[28/10/2014 17:53:30] [ShaderGL][d3d_shader.cpp(1842)] Technique ShadowMap not found in shader material.texture
[28/10/2014 17:58:31] [ShaderGL][d3d_shader.cpp(1842)] Technique ShadowMap not found in shader lightmap
[28/10/2014 17:58:31] [ShaderGL][d3d_shader.cpp(1842)] Technique ShadowMap not found in shader lightmap_at
[28/10/2014 17:58:31] [ShaderGL][d3d_shader.cpp(1842)] Technique ShadowMap not found in shader material.texture
[28/10/2014 18:05:27] [ShaderGL][d3d_shader.cpp(1842)] Technique ShadowMap not found in shader lightmap
[28/10/2014 18:05:27] [ShaderGL][d3d_shader.cpp(1842)] Technique ShadowMap not found in shader lightmap_at
[28/10/2014 18:05:27] [ShaderGL][d3d_shader.cpp(1842)] Technique ShadowMap not found in shader material.texture
Desde ya muchas gracias, si falta algun dato mas me avisan.
An Old Dark Shine

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Old 11-10-2014, 12:31 AM   #2
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Nunca mas voy a poder volver a jugar no? :/
An Old Dark Shine

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Old 11-10-2014, 10:33 AM   #3
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Tu sistema operativo? Por Direct3D veo que es Windows, pero qué versión y arquitectura (32 o 64 bit?) También dinos la versión de driver Catalyst de tu tarjeta de video.

Intentaste activar el modo seguro? Está en las opciones del launcher luego de loguearte, en "opciones avanzadas".
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Old 11-10-2014, 03:32 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Adrian View Post

Tu sistema operativo? Por Direct3D veo que es Windows, pero qué versión y arquitectura (32 o 64 bit?) También dinos la versión de driver Catalyst de tu tarjeta de video.

Intentaste activar el modo seguro? Está en las opciones del launcher luego de loguearte, en "opciones avanzadas".
Que tal Adrian, ante todo mil gracias por responder. Te digo, tengo windows 7 64 bits (6.1 compilacion 7600) , acabo de volver a probar intentando en modo seguro, y probe tambien el cliente 64bits junto al modo seguro y sin él.

Estos son los datos del Catalyst:

Versión del paquete de controladores 14.301.1001-140915a-176154C
Versión de Catalyst 14.9
Proveedor Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Versión de controlador 2D
Versión de Direct3D
Versión de OpenGL
Versión de capa
Versión de Catalyst Control Center de AMD 2014.0915.1813.30937
Gracias y sin necesitas algun dato mas avisame.
An Old Dark Shine

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desconecta, error, no carga.

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