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Old 12-04-2007, 12:46 AM   #1
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Default Does this seem like excessive damage?

Look at the attached damage log and see if the damage seems excessive. BTW there were 4 more serpant bite messages This means that a marks (I think) can hit for 2600+ with two spells. Sheeze, that's as much as a barb. I'm not trying to start a flame war, just wanting to get others opinions on the high damage.

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Last edited by ByteMe; 12-04-2007 at 03:51 PM.
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Old 12-04-2007, 01:00 AM   #2
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Oo thats much...nerf em now!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 12-04-2007, 01:05 AM   #3
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Actual Marksman situation is being discussed a lot this days... 1k+ Ranged hits shouldn't exist. I hope that a fair solution will come soon.
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Old 12-04-2007, 01:05 AM   #4
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that was at least 3 spells or youre a mage with bad armor ag. piercing. Serpent only hits that well with DS
Fix the Marksman subclass: Suggestion
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Old 12-04-2007, 01:08 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Aensor
that was at least 3 spells or youre a mage with bad armor ag. piercing
Byte is a Knight, as I am... and I can't believe some of the hits we take... even with Very Good armor for piercing damage. If Knights take those kind of hits... now you know why mages last so little
<Krishna> <Krieger><Avalancha de Disney >
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Old 12-04-2007, 01:08 AM   #6
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Were you death sentenced?

Also, Lethal Strike only has a small chance of doing that much damage.

Either way, marksmen are a little OTT atm

edit: oh you're a knight. that is actually a joke. lol.
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Old 12-04-2007, 01:20 AM   #7
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thank you byteme for this thread ,

ive been saying that marks are over powered compared to the other classes

and most people agree, even some marks will tell u

the only people i see not agreeing is the ones who have a mark as there main char, so im not surprised there

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Old 12-04-2007, 01:36 AM   #8
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i got hit by a marks once from long range and took almost 1500 dmg.

for my hunter to get anywhere near that kinda dmg (rep shot) i have to get so close i can smell their breath.

then there's that lightning strike thingy - around a 1000 dmg area 10 and slow everyone down.

if there is a class that's overpowered at the mo its marks.

i suppose there's the consolation that we all have them on our side.

and i'm not sure what should be done about it - coz if marks were nerfed people would complain that another class was overpowered, and on it would go.

And by the way, when will it be the turn of the hunter to be overpowered? The RP rankings must be at least some indication of success - and how many hunters you see there?

The new knight spell which takes away control of pets is not going to help this.
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Old 12-04-2007, 01:56 AM   #9
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I'm a marks myself and I can't believe anyone can hit THAT much on a knight even if they had DS and recharged arrows lvl5. I've been hit with similar spells unbuffed and never took that much damage (although I did die in just 3 shots). I also note that the marks in question is Vengala, and he's often been extremely lucky with his lethal strike (dealt 2000+ damage on me and a few other people a few times already).
*end.transmission - amade*

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Old 12-04-2007, 02:23 AM   #10
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Well, you can reach that when you cast death sentence and sudden strike on a person, then use recharged arrows and a slow bow.

The discussion about marks are overpowerd is just now because many marksmen build up their skills in this way lately. But when you build up your skills like this you are not overpowered in other combat situations. He lacks either on protection/evasion spells or on other damage spells, that means the marks need to relay on these spells.

When you don't switch from fast to slow bow in mid combat you cast death sentence, then you need 3,5sec, then you cast sudden strike, wait 3,5 sec, cast serpent bite, wait 3,5 sec and cast lethal strike(with a 34% chance of high dmg) [not to forget to have recharged arrows activated]. But when you switch weapon...then you are really deadly...

As I said marks have to relay on this spells to kill someone, like a real sniper. And that is what marks are.

In my humble opinion marks are not overpowerd, they are just balanced. But as you can see I say that just because I am a marks, so I don't want to loose power...and I cannot really realize how strong marks really are since I am one.

And yes, I agree with wudy, that the rp ranking is a indicator of success, and of power of a class. I guess that is why barbs will loose some powers. Actually barbs have much rp because they deal much dmg, and when an enemy has only 100 dmg left because others hit him, and the barb hits it then for 1000dmg, then the barb gets rp as if he had dealed 1000dmg and not 100, but that is another issue.

Edit: Yes, Vengala is well know as someone who's lethal strike does almost always highest damage, and who hits you 5 times when you attack once...I still test how he does it...and when I found out all elves will die...muhaha
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