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Old 12-12-2016, 10:20 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Dilith View Post
I know merge is no possible for now but... ¿would anyone be mad if they shut down Haven and transfer our characters to Ra? And if so, how many of you would be... ¿10... 20? ¿Would it be a significant loss for NGD as company?
I know most players will keep playing, don't lie to yourself saying "I'll quit"

PD: Looks like my comment is not related to the main topic, but since population ingame is the real problem, which affects gameplay and TDM, I wanted to point it out :d
I understand that I probably fall in the minority on this, but in all seriousness and quite frankly I would quit if they shut down Haven, and my sister would too since she's really only in it to play with me, good as she may be on her own. I think we're probably not the only ones who would.

*end thread hijack*
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Old 02-01-2017, 05:10 AM   #12
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Not one match within its time period.
Alsius could play matches with themselves only, greens not joining at all most of the time
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Old 02-04-2017, 04:02 PM   #13
Elva Hunter
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Originally Posted by Kimahri_Ronso View Post
Alsius could play matches with themselves only, greens not joining at all most of the time
Personal effort should be more valued. Many important things in the game can only be achieved with the help, and why not talk, dependence, goodwill, of other players. And this is very bad. Because it makes the personal growth of each player depends on other players. So that the game and the possibility of growth is literally more trapped, tied by others.

I have talked about this issue many times in the forum, but I always come back to it, not by my own choice, but because this post reveals, once again, the need to be more flexible, access to all titles and possibilities of the game, not Only for those who play in a group or who have a group to play, or who are included in one. But also for those who prefer to follow their own goals and move forward without having to wait or depend on anyone.

I commented on an earlier occasion, about the wm and champions coins. It is absurd that personal gameplay is restricted to strongholds or group combat. So that currently you only win champions coins if you have a group of 8 more players in total so that you have the chance, after 8-9 minutes of starting, maybe if you are lucky, win some champion coins, and if not You will have to make do with the fact that, after all the waiting time to enter a match, and spend another 8-9 minutes on a map stuck and without many possibilities, get only 300-400 champions coins. This is absurd. No one wants to play a game and spend a lifetime to reap only 1 title. The titles should be naturally obtained, and as far as possible, quickly and not so complicated, in order to leave the player at the next level once and for all.

It would be ideal if battles in the arena, between players of the same realm, and inter-realm, that is, players of a kingdom against a player of another kingdom (and that yes Dr. Adrian, we know that it is possible, since they are players of the same server), Give the champions coins to the winner.

This would make the process much simpler. Who wanted to battle in a group, that went to the tdm. Who wanted individual battles, to go to the arenas.
The amount of champions coins and wmc, obtained in fights of players of the same kingdom should, of course, be inferior to those obtained between fights of players of different kingdoms.

In addition, an "invitation" system could be developed. So that players in one realm would send a challenge request to the online player in the other Realm, and if I accepted that the two would already be teleported to the instance immediately, just as it happens with the tdm. But of course, with the same rules (not being in combat, etc). Soon, this would make the entire process of getting champion coins and wmc much more uncomplicated. Everyone could be happy, and I guarantee that we would never have a forum post again complaining about TDM delay. And I would bet one of my bows as I am correct.
That would be a significant and very positive change to the game, especially now that many changes are being implemented due to the new version.

Best Regards,

Elva Hunter - Elite of Syrtis.

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Old 02-04-2017, 08:55 PM   #14
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Something, yes, but what? I can count the # of matches (old & new) I've done on my hands. Last TDM I tried a month or so ago, we ended up after about 1/2 an hour with a 'team' of 2 support conjs & a lower-lvl hunter versus 60th-lvl vicious-killers-of-same. I suppose we didn't have to try & fight this futile battle. I guess we could have just patiently stayed in the very back of our realm's safe-zone, quietly remain unseen, taken our consolation-prize of 400 cc's & just stfu. Still, have not queued since then as "what's the point?" has darkly clouded the skies of any personal desire to do so....

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Old 02-07-2017, 11:58 AM   #15
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i rarely join TDM,cuz basically its retarded.you get class mismatches 90% of the time.the save area's are just barb camping grounds cuz you cant cast there but they can kill you with norms.

add on top of that,the players who feed kills to the other team so your team dosnt win.its just a terrible concept made even worse by poor sportsmanship.

what ever happened to capture the flag?
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Old 02-07-2017, 12:21 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Dumberest View Post
i rarely join TDM,cuz basically its retarded.you get class mismatches 90% of the time.the save area's are just barb camping grounds cuz you cant cast there but they can kill you with norms.

add on top of that,the players who feed kills to the other team so your team dosnt win.its just a terrible concept made even worse by poor sportsmanship.

what ever happened to capture the flag?
The whole point of TDM is to kill steal, and it is usually always possible to win. You'll always get feeders in your team but at least you get 400 coins even if you lose. Could be worse.
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Old 02-07-2017, 02:33 PM   #17
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The biggest issue (after getting a match at last) is the safe area.

As Tania mentioned it, you can get hit there where you cannot even buff up.
Should be fixed ASAP. Give sanctuary to players in the safe area, disallow even buffing! The movement speed buff can stay after getting killed.

Also, is it possible to make players face towards the battlefield after getting resurrected? It's quite annoying to have yourself facing towards the mountain, unable to get back to the fight... losing 1-2 sec of the speed buff cuz you need to find the right position. Give straight-ahead position towards the middle of the arena after resurrecting!
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Old 02-18-2017, 06:26 PM   #18
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I was online for the whole time of TDM in last three days and all what I got is 6 matches and about 15 canceled. How im supposted to get champion gear with this? At least raise champion coins reward...

Also TDM queue is bugged all the time.
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Old 02-18-2017, 08:07 PM   #19
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i agree with sentan, i was online for 2 hours of tdm and not even a single game

i have perfect solution for this, delete syrtis pl0x ty
they are a realm which takes no risks, with 5 knights and 2 barbs standing outside the door with the rest of archers and warlocks ontop of stairs, 0 risk

and when door goes down after 2 hours of fighting, half of them magically disappear, (relog?)

and if we show up at herb, most of the time they give up after 2-3 tries,on the other hand we try very hard to get back our green agg fort

syrtis wm quest is so hard to finish im forced to step so low as to kill poor unchallenging to unranked newbies in order to get a unique kill

and that doesnt even bother me but what bothers me is non of them is interested in tdm and the other 2 realms have to pay for it
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Old 02-19-2017, 01:35 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by hardboy View Post
i agree with sentan, i was online for 2 hours of tdm and not even a single game

i have perfect solution for this, delete syrtis pl0x ty
they are a realm which takes no risks, with 5 knights and 2 barbs standing outside the door with the rest of archers and warlocks ontop of stairs, 0 risk

and when door goes down after 2 hours of fighting, half of them magically disappear, (relog?)
thats funny.why most syrtis magically disappear after 2 hours is because you alsius gave up and most got bored and logged or went hunting or went to cs.they didnt log out as fort door was gone.

so many times im at aggs and we have 8-10 and alsius have the same numbers,then one of your guys quits after 2 tries then another quits after the next try and before long your out numbered and cant win it back so the rest of you slowly give up.we hang around hoping you try again,but you never do and then slowly our guys leave one by one cuz they are bored abd alsius never even looked to see we had less.
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