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General discussion Topics related to various aspects of Champions of Regnum

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Old 08-04-2018, 09:02 PM   #51
Join Date: Jan 2018
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I'd love if:
"You have played in different realms within a lapse of 30 days with a toon level 30 or higher. In order to avoid multirealming, you won't be able to do the next actions in the game: Get items and/or souls from bosses (dragon items included) get into the portal; carry gem when invading.
Days left: "X days"


And, and... I know it is not the main topic but, could you please down the numbers of unique players we have to kill around fortresses? 15 would help a lot. We, unquestionably, have less people than Ra, yet the number of unique players asked by the WMQ is stillthe same in both servers... Last night Ignis invaded with 7-8 people (when I defended) and we were three defending.... None of us could finish the quest.

Thank you for reading.
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Old 11-18-2018, 09:42 PM   #52
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Coming back to this old thread or should I have made a new one?

What is worked on right now? I assume it has to do with the new Towers? Christmas event? Fixing bugs from the last update?
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Old 11-19-2018, 01:44 PM   #53
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Hi there

Yes, we are working on towers. We have some issues to fix since this towers are new, build from 0 and will have a new gameplay, different from what Regnum alredy have.

As soon as we have something to show, or to test at Amun..I will spam it everywhere!
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Old 11-26-2018, 07:39 PM   #54
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I was about to post this:

Well, I don't intend to be the "bad guy" here but... Why did you work on creating new armors for guards? I don't understand; no one asked for them. They look nice tho, but you could have work on that later on. First Bugs to be fixed or balance ingame, both of them I will always applaude. However, these small changes (mana cost on barbs skills and CD on S.Servants) could have also waited. Not that we don't want them, I bet these changes have been asked since... pft, many years ago, we could have waited a bit more. I just don't get the point of delaying "big" updates wit such small fries.

But then I thought "We are never happy. Adrian (and idk who else) is doing his best and we always complain." And it's true, isn't it? I bet I'm not the only one who thinks the same, or at least I hope I'm not the only one. Those who still love the game should be patient and support, no throw trash at it. Just sharing my thoughts.
Kind regards.
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Old 12-02-2018, 11:20 PM   #55
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Thumbs up

Originally Posted by Aver View Post

But then I thought "We are never happy. Adrian (and idk who else) is doing his best and we always complain." And it's true, isn't it? I bet I'm not the only one who thinks the same, or at least I hope I'm not the only one. Those who still love the game should be patient and support, no throw trash at it. Just sharing my thoughts.
Kind regards.
Actually you're right!

I don't think it's just me neither but these small steps NGD makes to keep going forward are still bringing old users back As Well as newcomers, Keep it up brothers
Ex 300, ex mirmidones, ex La banda and ex forsaken... no chance
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Old 12-04-2018, 02:30 PM   #56
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Originally Posted by mind-trick View Post
I still feel like this game can be saved, because it doesnt suffer from powercreep and at least didnt go p2w like most other mmo's (that are dead by now) do.

Actually it appears to me that NG3D is not a popular engine so i suppose that makes it harder

And for the record, i only mentioned these latest updates to show what youre capable of as a small team. Like i said before, these just didnt have a big enough impact

Hello, can you please explain why you think this game is not p2w? Because I will strongly disagree with you on that
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Old 12-04-2018, 04:19 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by SenpaiReb View Post
Hello, can you please explain why you think this game is not p2w? Because I will strongly disagree with you on that
My answer is not his, but I'll share it anyways: On Ra, you can get Champion gear, which is very good. You gather some magnas and you can enhance those pieces. You can also "drop" dragons gear, which is pretty OP for some classes (Knights, Hunters [to run] and Mages [good CS, bad resist]) How to get magnas? They appear on the ground, or you can kill mobs an sell their loot. Just giving ideas of how to get better stuff without investing a single penny.
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Old 12-04-2018, 05:11 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by Aver View Post
My answer is not his, but I'll share it anyways: On Ra, you can get Champion gear, which is very good. You gather some magnas and you can enhance those pieces. You can also "drop" dragons gear, which is pretty OP for some classes (Knights, Hunters [to run] and Mages [good CS, bad resist]) How to get magnas? They appear on the ground, or you can kill mobs an sell their loot. Just giving ideas of how to get better stuff without investing a single penny.
Yes, you can indeed getnice stuff without investing a single 'penny'. But if you really want to win, you will have to invest in boxes with xymerin. So there is a substantial difference between getting nice stuff and op stuff (think about top bonus, think about top speed movement, etc, etc.)

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Old 12-04-2018, 09:08 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by Aver View Post
...you can get Champion gear, which is very good. You gather some magnas and you can enhance those pieces...
Hiya'. Did you mean Ximeryn (which costs real ca$h), to purchase major or minor Armor Enhancements that reduce damages? Or have I remained obliviously ignorant of how to enhance armors with magnanite for the last 9 years? Cheers!....

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Old 12-04-2018, 09:30 PM   #60
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Hehe I bet he got confused. Nice gear wont save you in ra mate I guarantee that. To enjoy the best of this game you need at least decent gear in order to survive 5 total minutes in a war and actually have some chance of getting some pvps. Whoever says he didn't waste a penny to get his OP gear either is liar or he was so lucky dropping a boss ring which he sold. The only way to get op without money is to REALLY NO LIFE magna hunting (you need to be a psycho to do that) and after a year of collecting u manage to get SOME parts.rinding is another joke for getting good stuff. Chances are very low and the best you can get after hours of grinding is maybe a +15 gem. In conclusion I want to say that this is the most p2w based game I've ever played. Now the big joke comes: the basic way to get gear is from boxes. 1 box costs nearly 10$ which will 70% give you something really shit worth of 100 mags. In other p2w games, you spend 10$ and you 100% get something valuable. But this doesnt happen in regnum. It's like gambling, 1 win from time to time doesnt mean anything. It's sad and frustrating but it's the truth. Cheers!
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