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Old 08-06-2008, 04:05 PM   #1
Mikka's Avatar
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Default Sexist Reloaded

OK, deep breath. I'll try to not lose my temper and start swearing at you
if you'll have the courage to not delete this post just because you can't
take critisizm. Deal?

The latest change to the walk animation for female characters carries with
it clearly suggestive (at best) or downright slutty (at worst)
connotations. This is sexist and demeaning to every female player of the
game. And the fact that you assumed that I wanted to send those signals to
every boy on the server and removed my choice to decide if and when i want
to be a sex object to somebody is, quite frankly, personally insulting. Had
this been a choice like waving, running, dancing I would still not approve
of the idea, but hey, I can live with it since I have the choice of saying
"I don't want to be a sex object to every guy on the server" (or do as the
case may be). You didn't give me that choice. You assumed that every girl
on the server wants to be a sex object for every teenage boy and impolite
adult male playing the game. Unrequested and innapropriate comments are
already a way of life in RO (less than other games admittedly). But now
you've added fuel to that fire. Thanks.

So, in summary, you have made a change to the game that:

1) Does absolutely nothing to enhance gameplay. 2) Forces (it's not an
option like dancing) the female players into behaving in a suggestive
manner with absolutely no regard to their desires or feelings. 3) Adds fuel
to something that is already a problem for every female Internet game
player (most play male characters exactly for that reason). 4) Is sexist,
demeaning and insulting.

So exactly what was this completely idiotic and inconsiderate change
supposed to accomplish?

Would it be OK to make all the male players walk in a really gay manner and
have to put up with sexual innuendo, ridicule and remarks? Didn't think so.
What makes you think that I appreciate your forcing me to behave that way?

Bah, I don't even know why I'm posting this. If any of you had an iota of
sensitivity or concern for the feelings of your female players this would
never have happened to begin with. Just more proof that you no longer care
about the people who play your game. Was the reason this change didn't sit
on Amun for weeks for people to see that you knew we'd be upset and didn't
care? Or was it a last minute, untested change that you just threw out
there without caring what it might do to gameplay or players feelings?
Either way it sure looks to me like you don't care at all about the user
community, especially the women.

Please either remove this worthless and insulting garbage change, or
provide me the alternative of converting my characters to male ones with
different names so that I can avoid acting like the slut you are forcing
the females to be.

Thank You


P.S.: Somebody at NGD owes the women of this game an apology for implying that we all want to be/act like little sex toys for the boy's amusement. Yes, it is a PERSONAL insult.
-= Yaara Heren Hyarmenor =-
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Old 08-06-2008, 04:50 PM   #2
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It’s clear that you have a very extreme take on this...
I would like to see what other people have to say.
As I said before all of the character graphics are stylized, and not realistic.
Character designs have sexy/heroic proportions, especially female characters.
We are just trying to enhance the animations to follow that look.

1) This animation has better quality and expression, thus enhancing characterization and immersion (which does add to the gameplay).

2) We consider walking to be a secondary animation, there's actually no reason to walk in Regnum and that's why enhancing those animations has had such a low priority. To walk is only used to show off right now, so you can choose not to walk if you don't like how your character is showing off.

3) We are not aware of these comments that you are getting, as we have never received such complaints. Most of the female characters in Regnum are actually guys, so people should stop hitting on female characters unless they are looking for a big surprise.

4) We have no intention to insult anyone. If you look at other MMORPGs, Regnum has been much more respectful in these matters. To us it is more demeaning to only make animations for male characters and use the same for female characters just because there are less people using them.

We have consulted all women working at NGD's offices and none of them believe that this animation is over exaggerated or sexist.
We have also asked our friends and girlfriends about it, and even the most feminist said that the animation is fine.

I don’t know if I can change your opinion, I do hope however hope that you will at least understand our decision and not feel insulted or aggravated.

Best regards,

- Chilko

PS: Maybe there is a cultural difference, please understand that we are Argentineans and our version of “Dancing with the Stars” features Pole Dancing.

Last edited by chilko; 08-06-2008 at 08:23 PM.
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Old 08-06-2008, 05:15 PM   #3
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I don't agree with the new walking animation for girls, it's not nice for me, as a woman, seeing my character walking like a slut.
This game has something special, it's played by families, parents and sons, couples, older people and for a big amount of women. I'd not like this to become something like Lineage.

Pd: I'm From Argentina
( )
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Old 08-06-2008, 06:02 PM   #4
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and there was the marmots that packaged chocolate!
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Old 08-06-2008, 06:06 PM   #5
Valorius's Avatar
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Last night i didn't really see any noticeable difference in the walk animation. I just assumed that NGD changed it back to original right away amid the calls of sexism.

Is the new walk still implemented? If so, i honestly didn't see anything bad about it, though it still looks more like marching than walking to me.
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Old 08-06-2008, 06:08 PM   #6
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I'd like to hear more from the other female players from the game. We have a few from our clan. I'll post a link to this in our forums and hopefully they would give you a better idea of what they think. Personally, I don't care about the new animation, I find it funny but not offensive in any way. But I'm a guy so my vote doesn't count.
On Regnum Sabbatical
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Old 08-06-2008, 06:19 PM   #7
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I agree with mikka and vicelica, i think that females walk like sluts.
As i said in spanish forum, the only result of the new walking of females is encourage men to be more harassing.
Puppy - -Puppyn
... Larga vida a Yaara Heren Hyarmenor...
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Old 08-06-2008, 06:32 PM   #8
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I think the same as Puppyn,mikka and vicelica,but as long as we have /ignore command i think i can live with it.
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Old 08-06-2008, 06:33 PM   #9
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a support to mikkas claims:
a girl in my clan complained about the new animation as well.
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Old 08-06-2008, 06:43 PM   #10
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Well, at first i'm a man playing female characters (at least on Ra, male on other places).

Before they weren't so many kiddies playing and there were no problem.

Now, you can't rest without a male char coming near imitating some sort of bj, other sitting on my dead body like they were f... me and a lot more....

So Chilko, 2 things to say :

- this change by itself, i don't find it offensive, the problem is some players who should get a g/f in real life.
- we asked for gender change as premium, we still don't have it, even with default skin it would be alright.
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