View Full Version : Hephaestus II the Comeback Intro
09-16-2013, 04:40 AM
I will start making warlock vids on regular basis again. This is sort of an intro video to what's coming in the future. Only now you guys get to pick the topic of my next vid by leaving a comment under the vid and I will pick the one topic with highest rating. Enjoy :)
09-16-2013, 06:51 AM
I will start making warlock vids on regular basis again. This is sort of an intro video to what's coming in the future. Only now you guys get to pick the topic of my next vid by leaving a comment under the vid and I will pick the one topic with highest rating. Enjoy :)
Well done !
I share mine too:
09-16-2013, 07:10 AM
25 seconds in, all I see is a tree stump. No thanks.
09-16-2013, 08:01 AM
Great work! You are boring as usual and I will know to continue staying away from your videos. Thank you.
09-16-2013, 08:05 AM
Great work! You are boring as usual and I will know to continue staying away from your videos. Thank you.
..Perhaps there's a chance for redemption?
09-16-2013, 08:38 AM
Maybe I should create a video of syrtis archer party repeatedly destroying you and the rest of ignis for over 3 hours yesterday evening?
H o u d i n i... We love you too!
09-16-2013, 09:00 AM
Maybe I should create a video of syrtis archer party repeatedly destroying you and the rest of ignis for over 3 hours yesterday evening?
H o u d i n i... We love you too!
char names ?? =)
09-16-2013, 09:05 AM
Nah I'm not getting cocky anyway, just wanted some healthy banter. It was fantastic to battle over and over with you guys for 3 hours, RO might be dying but its not dead yet!
I was on my hunter of course :)
09-16-2013, 09:28 AM
Nah I'm not getting cocky anyway, just wanted some healthy banter. It was fantastic to battle over and over with you guys for 3 hours, RO might be dying but its not dead yet!
I was on my hunter of course :)
ok ok ok pls tell the names of ur chars
09-16-2013, 10:24 AM
good video! :swordfight:
09-16-2013, 03:53 PM
Haters gonna hate.
09-16-2013, 06:29 PM
Maybe I should create a video of syrtis archer party repeatedly destroying you and the rest of ignis for over 3 hours yesterday evening?
A bunch of archers beating a warlock. I didn't see that one coming. You guys are so pro.
09-16-2013, 07:38 PM
Maybe I should create a video of syrtis archer party repeatedly destroying you and the rest of ignis for over 3 hours yesterday evening?
'Syrtis archer party'. Good thing there's more than 1 because you'd get destroyed otherwise. It's a shame ignis doesn't have many good active hunters or marks who know what they are doing.
09-16-2013, 08:37 PM
'Syrtis archer party'. Good thing there's more than 1 because you'd get destroyed otherwise. It's a shame ignis doesn't have many good active hunters or marks who know what they are doing.
Hey! Fuck you! :harhar:
Maybe they finally moved on? :naughty:
09-16-2013, 08:54 PM
Maybe I should create a video of syrtis archer party repeatedly destroying you and the rest of ignis for over 3 hours yesterday evening?
H o u d i n i... We love you too!
I dont really know what to say, 9 archers with boss gear killing a lock in 5 seconds.. i'd love u upload that video so u can see what everyone thinks of ur pro skills, specially of the part we were 4 in pb and u needed 3 camo hunters to kill us, so damn pro, im jelly
Btw tell tiger to keep playing barb, he died 2 times 3v9..
Cant see the video but i guess its good
09-16-2013, 10:56 PM
Wow you guys are so serious, where's the banter? Have some fucking fun you boring cunts:harhar:
All this "omg lolz if u meet me 1vs1 u'd be sorry etc211!" pathetic. You've gotten so angry at this game you cant have a bit of a laugh with the opposing team? Were on opposite teams in an online game, does that make us all enemies?
I'll leave that one with you!
I love u houdini.
09-17-2013, 01:56 AM
ok ok ok pls tell the names of ur chars
that's Alienator which is also tigerous FYI
09-17-2013, 01:56 AM
Well, I will let u guys name the warlock setup and gear for me to use as well for the next vid! I will pick the one with highest rating. That should be fun to watch lol Leave them in the comment.
Setup :
Gear : Tunic/Hat/Gloves of the Stars (what else?) - Moon staff - 2x Rings of Lightning
Video will have to contain at least one old 'known' enemy player, excluding Tigerious, jansuekim and brutal beast
Please upvote, suscribe, comment, like, tweet +1 lolol #fun #bestwarlock4life #egomudfightingthread
(No seriously if you really do it I will even bother to watch)
09-17-2013, 02:01 AM
Setup :
Gear : Tunic/Hat/Gloves of the Stars (what else?) - Moon staff - 2x Rings of Lightning
Video will have to contain at least one old 'known' enemy player, excluding Tigerious, jansuekim and brutal beast
Please upvote, suscribe, comment, like, tweet +1 lolol #fun #bestwarlock4life #egomudfightingthread
(No seriously if you really do it I will even bother to watch it)
just went and saw the setup... what kind of shit setup is that? come on man lol all debuff and lvl 1 dmgs? lmao
09-17-2013, 07:17 AM
Setup :
Gear : Tunic/Hat/Gloves of the Stars (what else?) - Moon staff - 2x Rings of Lightning
Video will have to contain at least one old 'known' enemy player, excluding Tigerious, jansuekim and brutal beast
Please upvote, suscribe, comment, like, tweet +1 lolol #fun #bestwarlock4life #egomudfightingthread
(No seriously if you really do it I will even bother to watch)
19 arcania but no stalagmite(5)? noob
mag mage
09-17-2013, 11:45 AM
I will start making warlock vids on regular basis again. This is sort of an intro video to what's coming in the future. Only now you guys get to pick the topic of my next vid by leaving a comment under the vid and I will pick the one topic with highest rating. Enjoy :)
OMG...Hepha is back?:what:
You're the best warlock of Haven (in my opinion xD), I want to see more this in Champions of regnum:
See you later! :hat:
09-17-2013, 12:50 PM
Wow you guys are so serious, where's the banter? Have some fucking fun you boring cunts:harhar:
All this "omg lolz if u meet me 1vs1 u'd be sorry etc211!" pathetic.
Pvp is everything and can also be fun, yet you hunt in a group of 9 archers which proves you either suck or are too scared to hold your own.
Either way, I'm always ready for a pvp. So ask me if you got ballz.
09-17-2013, 02:05 PM
PvP in a game which is based upon R vs R clearly isn't everything. I almost feel bad for you having to point that out. However, you obviously play for different reasons and that is fine. If a party of syritan archers is going on a 'hunt' you deem all of those players to be poor in performance due to the fact that they are using teamwork aspects? I would bet 80% of those that took part go off and 'hunt' on their own regularly, as do I - sometimes successfully, sometimes otherwise. Such as life.
I would hazard a guess that you would probably beat me in a pvp, I've no shame at all in pondering over that fact. The difference between us then, is that you are better than I at pvping in an online game and flexing your e-guns. Whereas I on the other hand suck at pvp but make up for it in general common sense and brain cells; which (at least at first glance) you seem to be lacking.
But genuinely, come and hunt me sometime in syrtis warzone, I enjoy a challenge.
09-17-2013, 02:27 PM
PvP in a game which is based upon R vs R clearly isn't everything. I almost feel bad for you having to point that out.
That is just an excuse noobs use to hide how much they suck.
However, you obviously play for different reasons and that is fine. If a party of syritan archers is going on a 'hunt' you deem all of those players to be poor in performance due to the fact that they are using teamwork aspects?
There is no teamwork in over 9 archers picking off a group of 7-8 ignis, most of whom are mages.
I would bet 80% of those that took part go off and 'hunt' on their own regularly, as do I - sometimes successfully, sometimes otherwise. Such as life.
I dont care about the others, though it would be nice to have proof you have killed someone alone.
I would hazard a guess that you would probably beat me in a pvp, I've no shame at all in pondering over that fact. The difference between us then, is that you are better than I at pvping in an online game and flexing your e-guns.
At least you got one thing right, i would destroy you.
Whereas I on the other hand suck at pvp but make up for it in general common sense and brain cells; which (at least at first glance) you seem to be lacking.
I'm asian, ive got more brain cells than you ever will.
09-17-2013, 02:34 PM
I'm asian, ive got more brain cells than you ever will.
Small dick, big ego. ;=)
09-17-2013, 02:41 PM
Well I know hephy when we fight in Ra Together, and all I remember is that lock who teachs me all of the class in that moment.
For me the better lock of server.
And Welcome back buddy! =)
Salud! ;)
PS. Stop fighting for nothing guys ¬¬
09-17-2013, 02:54 PM
Small dick, big ego. ;=)
I know babe.
09-17-2013, 03:14 PM
Various childish and ill-informed responses
Another reply rife with intelligence.
I was tempted to go through what you have said and discuss, but that would be monotonous/boring and I would get another childish reply - let's get back to the game.
As Mark Twain once said:
"Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience."
09-17-2013, 03:16 PM
As Mark Twain once said:
"Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience."
You and Krungle must have meetings about this shit. Anyone can google famous quotes.
09-17-2013, 03:36 PM
shadow, if this game were only oriented to RvR, u can delete the hunter class of the game. and one should only boast himself about a "successful party" hunting if it means u won even in clear disvantage. archers staying in range 30+ against few mages is just a ridicle situation
and btw who are your chars?
and btw who are your chars?
09-18-2013, 07:15 AM
Ah, he killed me in a group then danced on me. You are so pro
09-18-2013, 09:24 PM
Everyone knows how to beat 9 archers, half of which have dragon ammy (and more), using HotW and kiting.
Need to try that shit sometime, must be fun. Pew pew pew, victory.
09-19-2013, 05:40 PM
Monday #1
Text text text
09-20-2013, 07:06 AM
Monday #1
Text text text
TroLL MoaR
09-21-2013, 08:25 AM
tssk look at that intro.. howcome goat locks have to copy them red locks
not all of them are pro >.<
anyways gl with ur vids hepha, dont run into me... my bad fps will ruin you >: )
(laptop ftw!)
09-21-2013, 11:04 AM
I think that those videos missing one vital point, he has chat and log turned off.
So to give you big picture here is a sample what Ignis realm chat looks like with Hepha on.
09-21-2013, 11:01 PM
I think that those videos missing one vital point, he has chat and log turned off.
So to give you big picture here is a sample what Ignis realm chat looks like with Hepha on.
wow takes some real hate to screenshot my chat, save it, name it, and then post it under my vid thread in the game forum. great effort and we get it lol
wtf is ur problem dupa really? playing the game since we were together on the same clan in RA with immune, mattdoesrock etc and you still play like a noob?!
Anyway, the point of these videos is to show how warlock fight these days not to show how a player talk in game lol
Besides, I turned chat off to get a better visual of my surrounding and to better select targets that are on the edge of the screen. ur the one that's missing the fucking point. I bet your lvl 60 warlock NICE MAN can't even kill a lvl 40...casting spells like a grandma and still moves like a fucking noob.
09-21-2013, 11:22 PM
wow takes some real hate to screenshot my chat, save it, name it, and then post it under my vid thread in the game forum. great effort and we get it lol
wtf is ur problem dupa really? playing the game since we were together on the same clan in RA with immune, mattdoesrock etc and you still play like a noob?!
Anyway, the point of these videos is to show how warlock fight these days not to show how a player talk in game lol
Besides, I turned chat off to get a better visual of my surrounding and to better select targets that are on the edge of the screen. ur the one that's missing the fucking point. I bet your lvl 60 warlock NICE MAN can't even kill a lvl 40...casting spells like a grandma and still moves like a fucking noob.
Well someone's mad.
09-21-2013, 11:59 PM
wow takes some real hate to screenshot my chat, save it, name it, and then post it under my vid thread in the game forum. great effort and we get it lol
Just filling in your video, showing true Hepha.
wtf is ur problem dupa really? playing the game since we were together on the same clan in RA with immune, mattdoesrock
So what?
etc and you still play like a noob?!
Becuse? Cause im not DoT idiot? Cause I'm not spending whole day pissing off grinders?
Anyway, the point of these videos is to show how warlock fight these days not to show how a player talk in game lol
Like sucker as always, your setup is good for ganking, in fort wars you are next to useless but you demand constant support. Why is that? Can't you cope with "noobs" anymore? Are they too high level?
Besides, I turned chat off to get a better visual of my surrounding and to better select targets that are on the edge of the screen.
ur the one that's missing the fucking point. I bet your lvl 60 warlock NICE MAN can't even kill a lvl 40...casting spells like a grandma and still moves like a fucking noob.
Lol, my lock isn't even 60, maybe you should turn on vital elements of interface, so you know what is going around you. I'm sure you can kill lvl
40 as they are your primary targets. But wait, why are you whinning all the time, are "noobs" to hard to kill? NGD this is not fair!!
09-22-2013, 12:05 AM
just filling in your video, showing true hepha.
So what?
Becuse? Cause im not dot idiot? Cause i'm not spending whole day pissing off grinders?
Like sucker as always, your setup is good for ganking, in fort wars you are next to useless but you demand constant support. Why is that? Can't you cope with "noobs" anymore? Are they too high level?
Lol, my lock isn't even 60, maybe you should turn on vital elements of interface, so you know what is going around you. I'm sure you can kill lvl
40 as they are your primary targets. But wait, why are you whinning all the time, are "noobs" to hard to kill? Ngd this is not fair!!
09-22-2013, 02:40 AM
Bloody ndg.
09-22-2013, 03:52 AM
NICE MAN's comments:
"Like sucker as always, your setup is good for ganking, in fort wars you are next to useless but you demand constant support. Why is that? Can't you cope with "noobs" anymore? Are they too high level?
Lol, my lock isn't even 60, maybe you should turn on vital elements of interface, so you know what is going around you. I'm sure you can kill lvl
40 as they are your primary targets. But wait, why are you whinning all the time, are "noobs" to hard to kill? Ngd this is not fair!!"
My response:
I play long enough to know how frustrated it is to play a warlock these days. Simply count the number of warlock in any given war group. Very few still play warlock. My setup is next to useless in fort war? exactly what spell would a "fort war" warlock equip that I don't have? fort war is difficult for warlock because there is only so much you can do when enemy got divine intervention and are constantly being dispelled. DOTS are the primary dmg for warlock so what else would u use? debuff that can also be dispelled? lack of range is also a huge issue for warlock in fort war...
I don't really need a chat to know my surroundings well and I certain don't need to see the combat log because I'm very familiar with the spells enemy cast on me. Constant ganking irritates me and hence all the whining and it's not because noobs are too hard to kill lmao.
you are just too dumb to understand the way of warlock and I feel sorry for you. As for the effectiveness of my warlock setup in fort war, its up for the goats and gelf to judge and I'm pretty sure I make a bigger difference in fort war than your warlock NICE MAN...
09-22-2013, 07:30 AM
My response:
Ever tried to use tags for formatting your message ot is it too hard to learn for such a pr0 like you?
I play long enough to know how frustrated it is to play a warlock these days. Simply count the number of warlock in any given war group. Very few still play warlock.
Lol, In Ignis we have plenty of active locks compared to alsius and syrtis, You would know it if you'd look around sometimes.
My setup is next to useless in fort war? exactly what spell would a "fort war" warlock equip that I don't have? fort war is difficult for warlock because there is only so much you can do when enemy got divine intervention and are constantly being dispelled.
Having something in setup i different from using this in proper or useful way.
You are selfish bastard so no wonder you will never try more cooperative setup and gameplay style. I would feel wasting my time trying explain that to you.
DOTS are the primary dmg for warlock so what else would u use? debuff that can also be dispelled? lack of range is also a huge issue for warlock in fort war...
Oh you poor thing, maybe you should try to play a marksman or barbarian. That would go more in par with your abilities and your urge to deal damage. How about setting up to be more helpful to OTHERS?
I don't really need a chat to know my surroundings well and I certain don't need to see the combat log because I'm very familiar with the spells enemy cast on me.
You, you, you. Exactly like I say. Genetically determined sefish bastard. Blasphemy is nobody compared to you.
Constant ganking irritates me and hence all the whining and it's not because noobs are too hard to kill lmao.
So why is that? Why do you think anybody is interested in your problems and whining and bitching to be expressed on the REALM chat?
you are just too dumb to understand the way of warlock and I feel sorry for you. As for the effectiveness of my warlock setup in fort war, its up for the goats and gelf to judge and I'm pretty sure I make a bigger difference in fort war than your warlock NICE MAN...
I hardly give a shit what Greens and Goats say, mainly becuase I see how many of them playing. Helping good realmie is more priority to me than casting shitty DoT or other spell of this kind that will be dispelled a second later by any conscious conjurer, or supportive lock, like me. I really enjoy seeing likes you, combo casters, whos' spells are damn easy to dispell, avoid, anticipate, counteract. You will never comprehend that wars require battlefield overlook, adaptabilty and sometimes helping your fellow realm mate is more beneficial that casting damaging spell.
09-22-2013, 02:47 PM
I hardly give a shit what Greens and Goats say, mainly becuase I see how many of them playing. Helping good realmie is more priority to me than casting shitty DoT or other spell of this kind that will be dispelled a second later by any conscious conjurer, or supportive lock, like me. I really enjoy seeing likes you, combo casters, whos' spells are damn easy to dispell, avoid, anticipate, counteract. You will never comprehend that wars require battlefield overlook, adaptabilty and sometimes helping your fellow realm mate is more beneficial that casting damaging spell.
All im saying is that warlock's dots can easily be dispelled in war and for a offensive class, dps is shit...It's not like I don't cast dispell, frozen storm, twister and other ccs to help teammate when needed. u know what im done talking to noob warlock like you who's not even lvl 60 fact why don't you make a video to show me exactly how you would support your teammates in a war? I'm eager to learn from a support warlock lol or give me your setup
09-22-2013, 05:51 PM
All im saying is that warlock's dots can easily be dispelled in war and for a offensive class, dps is shit...It's not like I don't cast dispell, frozen storm, twister and other ccs to help teammate when needed. u know what im done talking to noob warlock like you who's not even lvl 60 fact why don't you make a video to show me exactly how you would support your teammates in a war? I'm eager to learn from a support warlock lol or give me your setup
You don't have to be a level 60 warlock to be good. Lower levels can just as easily support in war and be good at pvp.
09-22-2013, 05:51 PM
All im saying is that warlock's dots can easily be dispelled in war and for a offensive class, dps is shit...
Yes, yes, I know, you just want to be kind of barbarian or marks, but you want to wear fancy tunic in the same time. You know, why don't you make new thread in suggestions or balance subforums, "Make lightning do 100dmg per tick".
It's not like I don't cast dispell, frozen storm, twister and other ccs to help teammate when needed.
Ye, you cast frozen storm right in the moment when our barbs are starting bashing enemy.
u know what im done talking to noob warlock like you who's not even lvl 60 fact why don't you make a video to show me exactly how you would support your teammates in a war? I'm eager to learn from a support warlock lol or give me your setup
You could spot it in your log even two days ago. Now it is too late cause I noticed that giving you a dispell, for example, is a waste of mana cause 5 seconds later you need another dispell.
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