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  1. First picture thread
  2. Starting area in Alsius.
  3. Alsius Blue Dragon pic (will make better one soon)
  4. Dosage's screens
  5. Hello From Syrtis
  6. déja vu
  7. We Kicked some Dragon ass =)
  8. Caliope & Cabox lvl´s 50´s
  9. promote our game!
  10. The Barbarian
  11. Fotos tomadas por Powerslave
  12. See through the walls and mountains (wireframe mode)
  13. Beautiful Alsius
  14. Look at me...I'm flying
  15. Is this game any good?
  16. Usual life in Alsius -Little pvp movie-
  17. Maps
  18. Alsiun Warriors Do It With Their Helmets On.
  19. Ortodoncia
  20. Wood elf behind the wall of Ignis
  21. mis vacaciones
  22. THuGsters Rock Regnum !!
  23. What do you do after level 50?
  24. The Alsiun Army 1 dwarf = 3 elves.
  25. Ignis!!!!
  26. my friend of alsius...thenax
  27. pics from the one and only stn gotta love ignis
  28. As if.!!!
  29. Graphics Error
  30. Hunter in Syrtis
  31. the finest weapon of syrtis
  32. Demon Monger at Samal
  33. ignis graduations!
  34. #1 warlock in all of ignis!
  35. Proof that Alsius is not all covered in Snow
  36. [screenshots] My newbies screenshots [screenshots]
  37. Look what i stole from a conji
  38. Night
  39. Map of ALsius (spanish version)
  40. New Picture Album
  41. ignis last pictures
  42. The final PvP videos
  43. Series of Unfortunate Screenshots (Syrtis)
  44. Regnum Homepage in Linux
  45. Aid of Screens
  46. Congratulations to Alegra - LVL 50 now!
  47. Drawings
  48. Some nice screenshots
  49. The Traitor Guard
  50. Massive Syrtis pary in Ignis
  51. The End of Known World
  52. icon
  53. Screenshots
  54. Not "living" up to his name ;)
  55. The best skill bar in regnum! 15 skills!
  56. Me and my horse
  57. Bugs
  58. Element Altars
  59. stn warm up for the big fight:)
  60. Not so Ussual day of grind
  61. A Good Chase Video
  62. Say when will that new video be up?
  63. funny side of regmun
  64. Comic!!!
  65. R E F E T A N - lvl 50!
  66. B O G E R - Graduation !!
  67. Owned
  68. antoher pozo video - another strategy :D
  69. Slim: lvl 50 =)
  70. Graduations: Flak, Domino Harvey, Tormenta Blanca, Lanac'toor, Ravion Xartes
  71. Ignis Hunting Fun
  72. Exploration, Discovery, Etc.
  73. A sketch,
  74. new alliance?
  75. :-)
  76. Extremely high view distance
  77. Please enable screenshots IN forum.
  78. Haha i hope no one forgot me congratz Maltazar! myself xD
  79. Hmmm. Why merchant don't have underwear?
  80. Regnum Online - The Elvenpath (Video)
  81. A video
  82. Fanart
  83. Why you don't jump in the hole at pozo
  84. Lycan VS Lycan
  85. Congratz Dormino Harvey level 53 :D
  86. Aquantis Drowning
  87. pics of me that have been gathering up over the months
  88. mage gloves!
  89. New special items
  90. Active buff/spell glitch
  91. Gratz Zord y Asurmen Natak!!
  92. Avatars
  93. 15 minutes of terror!
  94. old béta movie
  95. Outer Body experience!!!
  96. "its mine" "no its mine"
  97. My third and last character reaches 50!!
  98. Alsius and Syrtis kill Ignis Dragon - COOL
  99. Game Bugs Thread !
  100. Alsiun Dwarf Hunter Height Problem Fixed
  101. Inter Species Love
  102. The German Guardians - Clan video
  103. Flag of Alsius
  104. I am invisible.. and im still seen by enemy...
  105. the regnum xmas tree :P
  106. Save Campers
  107. ¿Leggolas?
  108. RegnumOnline - Lemmings Edition- Level Pozo
  109. My gaming past
  110. AWD at it again
  111. They're coming...
  112. Paige finally gets 50!!!!
  113. Fashion after crash, special edition
  114. AWD vs GoS
  115. my closest win :D
  116. Infinate range bug...
  117. Rock climbing
  118. Strange guard behaviour
  119. Devilzgirl Grad!!!
  120. What could it be?
  121. Have You Seen This Man?!!?!!?!?!?
  122. Giant Cyclops destroying House in Birka ;)
  123. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
  124. Demon mongers (talent)
  125. My album !
  126. Ladies and Gentlemen, I Present to You...
  127. Byteme's graduation
  128. New Merchant in Syrtis
  129. Sadistic servants bug on experimental
  130. Immortality
  131. LOL best crash ever
  132. Gallery of Drowning
  133. I Love It
  134. hola queria sugerir algo al juego
  135. taken from spanish screenshot section(hilarious)
  136. The new aggro system is so bad that...
  137. Maybe you had to be there?
  138. A quiz
  139. First succsessfull recapture and a great fight :)
  140. Into Ignis
  141. Bug Abuse! Some Serious Ones
  142. Help! I can't connect the server
  143. Ohmygodtheguywithnoface
  144. this mornings war! ignis vs syritis
  145. Demon Monger's Child camping save [Funny]
  146. The GOD Bow... i just wish it was range 25
  147. Mobs Attack !!!
  148. German Guardians and Inquisition camping Alsius gate
  149. Ignis Inner Realm Photos
  150. New class
  151. the new mobs!!
  152. A Battle at pinos
  153. Whats up with this?
  154. Superb monster AI - new tactics revealed ;)
  155. New player record!
  156. Waitin' for Syrtis...
  157. Record of missed and avoided hits!
  158. I'm my own worst enemy
  159. Once again...
  160. treehumpers
  161. Selens Graduation :o)
  162. gigo owns shaanarid (ull never know the secret of the bugged door haha)
  163. OMG, He plays For Reds now?
  164. I killed myself.
  165. Cool Screen SHot (double weapon)
  166. Here is a question
  167. Bug monster
  168. Aries, Skit, and taker
  169. MAD: Mutually Assured Destruction
  170. Knight with a staff !!!
  171. Marksman is overpowered afterall... xD
  172. Drowning lesson !
  173. New Year Event in Pozo
  174. Got myself a zarkit
  175. Flying Bear!
  176. Zen RO
  177. The new Sathilda xD
  178. The NGD Team
  179. Guards lockout?
  180. Three rings at Soulkeeper
  181. Cabras with Premium
  182. Stop Cheating
  183. My Luckiest Moment
  184. Ignis/Alsius alliance at Samal
  185. Inter relam chat possible (!?)
  186. Interesting visual bugs...
  187. 'til death do THEM apart... (?)
  188. Wudy, Compoundious, and Ignis AFK'r
  189. Eli is Green :P
  190. You have been defeated by $name
  191. Knight abillity
  192. Server ping
  193. I don't like my levelling group XD
  194. best of the best
  195. You know you have lag when...
  196. barbarian/archer trainer?
  197. did it again o_O
  198. New Emote!
  199. Next bad hunter ;]
  200. Character screenshots
  201. wall crosing
  202. be careful
  203. worst hunt ever
  204. Dual shoot
  205. 100% block chance my ass
  206. Aquilla&Jesper graduation!!!
  207. Who said that guards don't cancel caputer? huh?
  208. For Those Who Think King Of Syrits Quest Is Not Listed!!!
  209. you damn l33t haxx0r spammerz
  210. My screenshots
  211. So we go and try to kill Alasthor...
  212. New Overlay for regnum
  213. I'm jesus
  214. Xdddddddddddddd
  215. Frenzy wiiii
  216. wtf is in ignis
  217. New Nick xD
  218. Syrtis pvp movie
  219. Good player and desperate pts
  220. Yo Molok So skilled!
  221. space elf
  222. owie owie
  223. Found a picture of Wudy
  224. war photos!!
  225. Dragon on a walk in WZ
  226. Arkenion's graduation! wiii
  227. Spread this picture:
  228. Marksman / Tirador
  229. awsome knight defence!
  230. Alsius secret
  231. Bad wall, get back in place!
  232. Something is lurking... ;]
  233. Killing Tenax
  234. Froste's graduation
  235. Ignis New Supermove?
  236. Congratulations Ole Einar - level 50 ! :D
  237. Getting lucky
  238. Who needs ya lame conjus?
  239. Syrtis stole secret weapon from Ignis.
  240. Someone pwned my Buddylist
  241. For AWD and MANY MANY MANY thanks to Piz
  242. Samal save is in syrtis hands
  243. New Piz-God
  244. The lag is so bad that...
  245. Overpowerd or what!
  246. familiar?
  247. Wow.
  248. messed up screens
  249. Introducing My New Kitties!!!! XD
  250. Conju army ftw