View Full Version : Warlock Art the Easy Mode

09-30-2013, 01:50 AM
Well, I have recently added Master of Doom into my built and it really gave warlock a chance to fight back...below are some of the MoD footages I managed to capture today.


09-30-2013, 03:34 AM
[COLOR="Navy"]cool!!!, the great warlock

09-30-2013, 06:40 AM
[COLOR="Navy"]cool!!!, the great warlock

Dat fail :3

OT: you shouldn't use MoD when it's 3v2 and you have a conju

09-30-2013, 09:08 AM
if you're serious about making vids again, dont use MoD
if you want to hoard rps go ahead and keep using it, but dont bother to record it plz
any noob can kill people who are dizzied and its not worth watching

09-30-2013, 12:36 PM
Do this counts for hunters with confuse and barbs with mind squasher?

09-30-2013, 02:18 PM
Do this counts for hunters with confuse and barbs with mind squasher?

Sorry, I didn't realise MS and confuse are area spells.

09-30-2013, 02:35 PM
Imho, MoD is justifiable only in certain situations. I have nothing against warlocks using it at fortwars, or rvr action.

However, in PvP or GvG action I dislike its use. It has too long duration, and too high efect. Especially on other mages.
Can't there be a requirement of having a certain number of enemies nearby to cast it? Similar to hotw?

09-30-2013, 02:49 PM
No need to bite me Ichi. I perfectly know what MoD is and how it works. Point is in small group fights or hunts any kind of dizzy or dispell are lethal. No matter area or not.

MoD can be escaped if you have some chance to leave the area - well as locks are control freaks they will not give you a chance to do it.

This restriction on MoD can work, but you will need enemies to cast it which makes you a dead meat especially in fort wars. Maybe you can if you freeze them and then approach and cast it. This can work.

09-30-2013, 03:17 PM
No need to bite me Ichi. I perfectly know what MoD is and how it works. Point is in small group fights or hunts any kind of dizzy or dispell are lethal. No matter area or not.

MoD can be escaped if you have some chance to leave the area - well as locks are control freaks they will not give you a chance to do it.

This restriction on MoD can work, but you will need enemies to cast it which makes you a dead meat especially in fort wars. Maybe you can if you freeze them and then approach and cast it. This can work.

They've already nerfed MoD in the past. You need to spend 5 discipline points to make it 100% hit chance something not all warlocks can afford, and don't forget you're a big target more than a relic holder at times.

There's nothing wrong with MoD. Start making balance suggestions based on pvp and you'll send this game to hell.

09-30-2013, 04:15 PM
Amazing gameplay, I loved ... Why? that you got a style that surely You forged over your use of the warlock.

I mean the way in kill and dizzy ... Sadics servants use excellently and darkness to ...

Congratulations, with your char you do art, and i respect that :)

sorry for my english

09-30-2013, 04:48 PM
if you're serious about making vids again, dont use MoD
if you want to hoard rps go ahead and keep using it, but dont bother to record it plz
any noob can kill people who are dizzied and its not worth watching

Lol, MoD is the only chance to catch marksman, cause he can ALWAYS outcast you with WS or BoW, and move beyond warlock range or knock down and bang during single Ambush. Let's talk how lame is to have high level tricks on marksman.

09-30-2013, 04:57 PM
Nothing wrong with MoD.

It requires a significant investment in points and the effect is appropriate.
Yes, it will dizzy mages but then they are rangers. If you are at point blank range as a mage (and not SM build) you are already in trouble anyway. Melee can still do heavy normals and archers ,specifically Marksmen can stay well out of range.

Yes, it is powerful in PvP but, the game should have a slight RvR bias in terms of balancing and MoD is fairly well balanced there.

In addition, locks (mages) have quite a number of point blank spells, several of which they cannot use simply because approaching melee range is usually fatal. As such , common spells of old times like crystal blast and Blaze are never used. MoD, while dangerous, provides a lock a window of opportunity to try such point blank spells in their build while having to worry about normals in the main.

I say, leave this one just as it is. The balance is reasonable enough to justify the current design.
In the end , it may not be MoD but the impact of "dizzy" and the amount of spells that that control prevents you casting.

09-30-2013, 11:57 PM
MoD is retarded because it's either way too OP or completely useless in any given situation.

Wasted breath here, but here's how I would go about changing MoD.
-Change the dizzy effect to "cannot cast damaging spells" (like with knight's offensive stance) and make it 100% chance all levels.
-Replace the constitution debuff with a movement debuff (say, 10% / level)

This (should) make it easier to use (because people can't escape so easily) but also less difficult to counter (because they can still cast some cc's and buffs). Additionally, with this change it can be useful even at level 1, but it's still worth getting level 5.

(Insert closing statement here)

10-01-2013, 01:27 AM
MoD gives warlock an extra option in combat if you have it skilled so why go for the hard way when you have this option available to you? I mean you have sacrificed 550 hp (19 wm tree) and extra mana for it. Having MoD incorporated actually give u a chance to fight archers with sotw who are trying to gank you. Now would you say SOTW is a god-mode spell for archers when it comes to fighting mages. I don't really get the logic of having a spell there available to you and yet not use it because it is overpowered in certain situations?

Nowadays ppl are always demanding great fights on youtube videos, ones preferably without MoD. But warlock is no longer a class that can take on multiples with ease like it used to be due to repeated nerfing over the past few years. While in some cases, MoD gives warlock an easy way out, it is unfortunately warlock's last resort in desperate situations especially vs marksmen when their spells are way faster and with longer range. Hell, using terrains as cover have become a necessity for warlock now in the current situation...

Lastly sorry for the shitty fights I put on youtube simply because 1. I suck 2. There isn't much to show for when everybody is playing the easy way, gank.

10-01-2013, 07:19 AM
MoD isn't always as OP as people think. Casting MoD while an enemy is frozen or knocked will give your opponent a second before the dizzy effect takes place. This gives the opponent a chance to land a quick freeze, knock or SoTW. When a marksman freezes a warlock in MoD, its too easy for him to just kite him for 30 seconds.

For once I actually agree with Hepha about MoD. Its a big sacrifice to get it and its more of a clutch victory spell then anything. Some warlocks abuse it but that's just the way the game is. All classes do this is some way or the other. Nobody has every complained about archers using SoTW in a 1vs1 or barbarians using UM etc. Also most of the time MoD is suicide, especially when there are guards around.

10-01-2013, 04:32 PM
I am not too sure I like Immune's second suggestion.

1. There is static field. 10 to 30 % movement reduction already. Area is 6m.

If a level 1 MoD can do this at 10m and "cannot cast damaging spells" this would make static field totally redundant. Not like it is already useless right now.

Besides, there are already too many movement speed reduction spells in the game. We need to have a bit more imagination.

One can go for something else like spell focus reduction and hit chance reduction. Spell resistance or even swap the constitution malus with a strength malus ( swap on summon lightning.) Even stuff like weapon damage reduction ( like laziness). There are lots more options than the seemingly popular slow condition.

10-01-2013, 04:53 PM
MoD should just be instant death aura. Then we can remove dizzy effect, and there'd be no need to add movement speed malus.

10-02-2013, 03:58 PM
MoD is retarded because it's either way too OP or completely useless in any given situation.

Wasted breath here, but here's how I would go about changing MoD.
-Change the dizzy effect to "cannot cast damaging spells" (like with knight's offensive stance) and make it 100% chance all levels.
-Replace the constitution debuff with a movement debuff (say, 10% / level)


This (should) make it easier to use (because people can't escape so easily)

MoD + proper Mind Push already does it perfectly.

but also less difficult to counter (because they can still cast some cc's and buffs).

It is so damn to counter cause warlocks are SO hard taget. Such MoD would preffer Marksmen with BoW and Barbarians with high normals Roar and Howl, that are both already OP to locks.

Additionally, with this change it can be useful even at level 1, but it's still worth getting level 5.

Already metioned MP.

MoD proposed by you would be more annoying to everybody, as it would have less power to warlocks, and turn other classes into state of crawling while under influence.

MoD is fine as it is.

10-02-2013, 09:36 PM
Gotta agree with dupa and others, MoD is fine as it is. Conjus have mind blank and knights have defensive support. The number of times I resist the dizzy effect of MoD with defensive support on knight is surprisingly high, try it sometimes.

The only thing that needs changing with MoD is the fact that there is a 1 second delay before the dizzy effect takes effect or leaves the target player once they are outside the MoD area. But that's a bug fix, don't see that happening any time soon.

There are much more important changes needed in this game than to change a spell that doesn't need it.

10-03-2013, 12:30 AM

The difference between MoD and SF would be mana costs, and that SF dur/cd is 40/60 while MoD is 30/180. I was considering cast speed malus rather than movement speed, which was just for example (because, as you said, movement speed is the popular item on the menu).

Things like spell resistance buffs/debuffs are worthless to debate because we still don't know exactly how they work. And attributes besides const don't have a high enough effect on all classes (unless you count conc, lol).


I don't agree that MoD is fine. Compared to other things, sure, it's "less" in need of change... but still, far from balanced imo. Besides, the "there are other more important things" card has no bearing, considering when the last balance update was.

As for CC-resistance skills, this argument implies that MoD is OP unless the dizzy is resisted (in which case, you're relying on luck... but that's another discussion entirely). My point is, skills shouldn't be OP or UP... they should be useful, but parriable (but not to the point of uselessness). And that goes for everything, not just MoD. (I can dream)

10-03-2013, 12:56 AM
I don't see what's wrong with MoD, especially after all the Warlock/Mage nerves over the past few years.

Of course it might overkill in PvP scenarios, but again this game isn't balanced for it, and anyways many other spells from other classes are overkill/unbalanced for PvP. Call that all you want : unfair/OP/imbalanced... but that's no reason for a nerf, else make all areas/auras work only in RvR then...
Now in the RvR case, MoD isn't only a big skill/discipline points sink but is also a huge "KILL ME!!!" sign for enemies, which is quite bad knowing that the Warlock is the most fragile class of the game and that the dizzy won't stop the enemies from hitting the warlock, not counting that there's always some DI ones in the pack.

Rare are MoD Warlocks surviving long enough in RvR without tremendous amounts of support. Stop calling for nerves for a class that is already almost useless in RvR.

10-03-2013, 01:15 AM
I think its a good spell it can have some drastic effects and it can get u killed in no time. (suits my warlock playstyle ;o)

I dont find dotting very intresting so i usally keep my lock full area, if i end up in pvp situations i will use the spells i got including mod. ;o)

Best regards


10-03-2013, 01:57 AM
Obviously if you consider overall balance, there's a lot more that would need to be changed in order for MoD to be properly balanced. That said, MoD could still use changing... but then, so could a lot of things.

I find it strange how people still take these debates so seriously. Until NGD actually starts balancing again (if ever), it's simply discussion for its own sake afaic.

10-03-2013, 01:28 PM
Yes, a comprehensive balance update is required.

That said, MoD would be regarded as one of the low priority spells on any list.

1. Point investment is high.
2. A death sentence to cast it in fort war especially with guards around. It is like painting a target on your back.
3. In open field, unless you catch your melee target unbuffed, you can still be normed to death.
4. VS max range marks in open field with no cover is a death sentence.
5. You can be CCed or slowed till the effect ends.
6. Resist boosting spells can overcome the dizzy effect.

Based on all these benefits and risks, I don't see it as a priority spell for change. Definitely not for change as a movement reduction spell. Considering it is a point blank effect spell, Cast speed is not going to be all that effective.
An attack speed or hit chance debuff may be more useful instead of a constitution debuff. But then , dizzy + reduced normal hit efficiency may be too much. this is why I suggested a weapon damage debuff instead.

10-04-2013, 03:57 PM
Lol, MoD is the only chance to catch marksman, cause he can ALWAYS outcast you with WS or BoW, and move beyond warlock range or knock down and bang during single Ambush. Let's talk how lame is to have high level tricks on marksman.

Im not telling you locks dont need MoD

I didnt say anything about locks vs marksman because I know its near impossible

No, Im telling you its no fun to watch a vid where you know the opponent wont be able
to do anything but run around a circle hoping to be better at treehugging than you are so the MoD will run out
so to make you're next vid more enjoyable to watch for other people than urself I was suggesting to keep MoD out of it

So yeah I didnt make my comment in a very nice way which prolly is made to look worse
because you dont know the first thing about me.. Ill try to make the next respond
to one of ur vids less offending
But I cant help but find your defending argument a bit lacking

10-05-2013, 02:56 AM
Want to really nerf MoD & totally end all it's negative effects on the battlefield? Answer: overly-OP-in-RvR DIed barb springs toward & hits lock 3, maybe 4 times .... no more lock, no more MoD, no more problem .... & solved in less than 5 seconds.

:bangin: I don't & won't skill it anymore.

Been my experience that MoD in a losing RvR fight just turns my lock into the center of a big purple bullseye (with a quick death as the inevitable result), & MoD in a winning RvR fight just compounds the futility of my opponents' fight & gets it all over with more quickly.