View Full Version : Trees and the battle of the best ping
12-15-2013, 02:15 PM
Does tree hugging give an advantage to the person with the better ping?
I am constantly unable to fire or cast during these encounters.
My ping is at best 200ish and goes up quick from there, often times bouncing about and having downloads appear mid fight, like my game is saying ....hmmm he's fighting again ......lets dump some info and re-download now!!!
I am positive this is happening to others because I see some acas completely froze up like me at time in a fight and I just leave after a SF or DS.
but this is particularly bad when you bring an obstacle in to the equation.
It's like every failed attack due to using the obstacle causes a ghost global cooldown that compounds with each failed attack. Could this be the case, does anyone else think this happens to them?
I've seen these youtube videos with guys and their 20-90 ping and I'd like to say the advantage to them around obstacles seems massive.
My suggestion is to decrease the actual obstacle width by 1/2 of all trees because it takes away all skill and becomes a battle of the best ping.
I would like to offer another option drop a Server in the US for Haven.
Let the JAJAs and those in Europe enjoy the lag a bit and see what fighting is like with 200+ ping and resources constantly downloading is like.
12-15-2013, 02:58 PM
i run around with 70 ping usually, i notice a big difference when i get 200 ping (issue from our side)
reaction is slower, when i cast a spell it takes about half a second/second before my char starts casting time
and I notice this because usually its almost instant, click 1 cast time of 1 begins
so when ur hugging a tree and its all done on reaction speed, that slight delay will make sure
your opponent is safe behind the tree again.
Still I find RO still playable at 200 ping, i start getting trouble and being frustrated when i get 500-1k
although at that time im prolly losing connection
(this game actually isnt all that ping sensitive.. just look at LoL..
whenever Im upset about ping I play or remember what LoL does with the same shift in ping :p )
And when the server is located in US other people will have bad ping so there is no perfect solution
Im sure you know it could be far worse, be happy with what you got
12-15-2013, 03:24 PM
I haven't tested this enough to know whether ping is an issue in such matters. On the other hand, weapon speed seems to be. Paddy/Penguin on his red archer could stand behind cover (a tree), move out, shoot me once, then move back, rinse & repeat .... the entire time I had him targetted, was directly facing him, didn't move at all, yet never fire off even one shot in return. I think the reason was that I was using a med. LB & he was using fast SB, but idk 4 sure. You'll have to ask him if so, but also, he being in Ireland, & me in rural'murika, his 'peng' has to be lower than mine. Does ping really make a difference in archer targetting & pre-fire delay like it does in position error for melee that warriors exploit by using spears? :confused:
12-16-2013, 08:40 AM
It's whoever has the fastest cs. While tree hugging, you generally try and slow or knock down your foe, but this requires firing off a spell. My lock stood no chance against another lock, but one with WM (15% cs passive?), and good cs gear. Funnily enough we were casting the SAME spells at the exact same time but his would always hit first. Usually beginning with meteor, of course. He managed to get soulkeeper and meteor in before I could slip around the other side of the tree.
I have watched some lock videos on these forums where they had over 300 ping and still managed to kill rock huggers, so I don't think the ping is that much of an issue. Unless it's really bad, then I must ask: Why do you play MMORPGs? :-D
12-16-2013, 08:42 AM
Well, lower ping is better in all forms of gameplay, so yeah it comes into play when a tree is involved. Most oftenly than not, when I am tree-hugging, the player sees me first before I see him (350ms normal ping for me), so even though I am moving behind cover of the tree, I'm still open for the one attacking me and so I still get hit with things even though I am behind the tree in my viewpoint. It sucks yeah, well but you still like to play the game, so no pain no gain. Don't think NGD have the resources to put a server everywhere.
12-16-2013, 09:59 AM
You get downloads despite having "update all resources at once" checked?
My take on it that technique and mind set of player matters at least as much, for example Zeph seeming laggy at times, seem to resist more than average, but he is quite defensive and have always excelled around trees, where Hepa not noticeably laggy but a little more offensive never was very successful tree hugging.
Personally i always go for broke, it seem to be possible to exploit with very high success rate despite my low ping and good fps.
It seem to me a mage that stand still and cast will have an advantage over a mage that is more offensive around a tree.
As for Archer shooting, there is smaller delay for moving and obvious delays for bow release, small movements and faster weapon, preferably with AS buffs would seem like the logical way to exploit it around a tree.
Also there are often faster cast if you shot first and "piggyback" the cast.
Seem like some old function have not been properly removed, despite that GCD system should have made them obsolete.
Small trees is imo better for game play, on the other hand it would gain huge advantage to archers over mages making stunning fist much more viable not to mention deadly. A mix of tree sizes would seem to be the best solution, alsius is cluttered with mainly huge trees now, which is damn shame.
Also less perfectly round trees would be a good way to add more randomness to tree hugging, make some roots stick out so just cant run round and round without getting caught.
US server would be cool, so we can enjoy your ridicules high ping resist rates.
This is just how i feel, may or may not be anything to it. :biggrin:
12-16-2013, 10:51 AM
I dont play archers anymore but i also like to remember the angles matter a lot for shooting quickly around trees, you can actually find an angle where you bow is basically "cocked" and do small movement to release and shot quicker than your opponent if he is static and dont have the same kind of sweet spot.
Maybe some Archer could confirm, explain it better or take the piss out of me if im completely wrong. :biggrin:
12-16-2013, 02:02 PM
I dont play archers anymore but i also like to remember the angles matter a lot for shooting quickly around trees, you can actually find an angle where you bow is basically "cocked" and do small movement to release and shot quicker than your opponent if he is static and dont have the same kind of sweet spot.
Maybe some Archer could confirm, explain it better or take the piss out of me if im completely wrong. :biggrin:
Yes it is possible to move around a tree and shoot, it works better especially with rapid shot because of the increased attack speed
12-16-2013, 02:29 PM
yes ping plays a huge part.
i play with 450 ping.i can tell you now that it effects every aspect of the game especially when obsitcles are entered into the equation.
incase you havnt noticed yet ping effects everything you do,each time you move your ping gets added to the time it takes to make a normal hit.
heres some of the things i experience when playing that im sure you do not with 200 ping.
1.i will be hit with winter stroke,have barbs surrounding me ready to kick.they can kick or feint me before i can cast an instant spell even when i am spamming it some cases locks can cast frozen storm before i can cast sotw.this is because the serves dictate what we can do not my game client.the server tells thier pc's im free to hit long before it tells mine due to distance from server etc.
2.when hunting if i make an ambush attack and then move,my attack speed go's right out the ping get added to the delay between hits and i get less hits in.i must stand still in a fight to maintain my attack/cast move and it slows right down.we all know what happens to hunters who stand still right.but i get by,im used to getting killed easily lolz.
3.cast speeds in my locks are very slow compared to everyone else i see around is added to the time it takes and it dosnt matter if i have the max cast speed,the 450 milliseconds is just too great.
4.high ping also causes more resists.this im sure is a result of when the game was plagued by lag cheats.its ngd's answer to the problem as my resists were never that high.its not uncommon for me to cast 10 dist shots on unsuspecting targets from camou and have 7-8 resisted.ive noticed damage spells dont get resisted as often,but knocks and stuns do.spells like stunning fist are proof to me its a game change.if i use lvl 4 stunning fist with 90% chance to stun,it hits aprox 80% of the time but only stuns maybe 20% yet if i use lvl 5 stunning fist with 100% chance to stun,i get resists aprox 80% of the seems the damage spells will hit but stuns and knocks wont hit as often.nobody else can understand unless they have a ping like mine.i suggest you try playing with a proxy and see the difference first hand before you start saying im making it all up.
5.spells like break apart take aprox 2.7 seconds to cast,the stats say its a 1.5 second spell.even ensnare arrow is close to 1 second to my marks which relies on spells as i dont have great gear to hit normal hits,winter stroke is so slow to cast i dont use it unless the target is really close.
6.i avoid trees and rocks for the very reasons you describe.i have tried fighting hunters around trees.the ping difference is such an unfair advantage when fighting some people.for instance,morfik or elva can pop around the side of a tree,cast tear apart then pop bk again and ive been sitting spamming ambush and it never even gets to 50% cast lolz.if i dont try to cast spells and only make normal hits they can still cast and hide before my game gets to fire a shot using fast 25 sb.there is just no way to compete with them.
the sad part is,before this game engine we have now,ping never used to be an issue.players with high ping could still compete we attacked what was on our screen not what the servers had,because right now i might see a barb behind a tree but in reality he could be 10m away from it because the servers havnt told my pc yet..ive always wanted some kind of game leveller where it adjusted spell cast speeds and attack speeds according to the players would be a revolutionary change to mmo's and would make them so even that it would allow games to be more global.
high ping is why i dont hunt alone,im unable to due to resists and lucky i have friends to play along side.its annoying at times when i catch someone and i know i cant kill them because they have better ping,so i have to let them go.
12-16-2013, 05:23 PM
yes ping plays a huge part...Thank you D, I thought it did too, but wasn't sure. It stands to reason tho; if a warrior can briefly slip into melee range, hit once, then quickly move away before your pc ever recognizes that this warrior was 'in-range' in the first place, so that you never even attack them, even tho they were targetted & faced, etc., then this same 'limitation' would also apply to all other classes as well when they are using cover. Done correctly, this target-recognition-expoit allows someone to hit you with absolutely no danger at all of being hit in return, & there's not one gd thing you can do about it either ... except cheat by ping-dialing at exactly the right moment to exploit the ping-compensator built into CoR (a definite no-no) or by moving all the way to Sweden where the server is. :crying1: Really wish I could, those Scandanavian countries actually rock. :rolleyes2:
12-16-2013, 05:31 PM
IMO treehuging batles are, more than nothing, a class-disbalanced game.
try fighting a marx in a treehuging fight...
but yes, ping is also very decisive
12-16-2013, 07:29 PM
I should have mentioned that I tried all my AS along with my FST 25 w/+5% AS.
The game has been very unstable, I often don't see my chat window ..then it pops up out of nowhere, I have my keys remap while i'm playing causing me to open random windows or clear my screen of all displays
or sit down mid fight ...thats my fav move XD
I'll have resist show as successful attacks in my log...this is most prevalent with CC's
I have tracked in the middle of a wide open field to be attacked from behind by a barb that I just ran past who wasn't rendered on my screen and never registered in the track.....I can only figure I'm losing massive amount of packets while playing and I have a call into my ISP to run some tests.
12-17-2013, 05:51 AM
Thank you D, I thought it did too, but wasn't sure. It stands to reason tho; if a warrior can briefly slip into melee range, hit once, then quickly move away before your pc ever recognizes that this warrior was 'in-range' in the first place, so that you never even attack them, even tho they were targetted & faced, etc., then this same 'limitation' would also apply to all other classes as well when they are using cover. Done correctly, this target-recognition-expoit allows someone to hit you with absolutely no danger at all of being hit in return, & there's not one gd thing you can do about it either ... except cheat by ping-dialing at exactly the right moment to exploit the ping-compensator built into CoR (a definite no-no) or by moving all the way to Sweden where the server is. :crying1: Really wish I could, those Scandanavian countries actually rock. :rolleyes2:
ive had this happen alot recently.when i was carrying the gem out of syrtis last 2 times and today again when i had a barb tree hugging cuz i surprised him from not going to name names thats not allowed,but this guy has made many new toons because hes been banned in the past for cheating.leopards never change thier spots.
its always such bad luck(people say) but ive always known this happens and is caused by players.i hope NGD do something about it because it piss's people off to see this happen.
12-17-2013, 08:30 AM
lol. How do you guys play with such high pings?? If mine reaches 90 I nearly rage quit
12-17-2013, 01:29 PM
lol. How do you guys play with such high pings?? If mine reaches 90 I nearly rage quit
Lmaoo !!
You rage at 90 xD try playing with 700-800 you gonna love that :8
When someone told me his ping was 30, i asked him if his pc was near the server room, he said yes ! :S
12-17-2013, 01:48 PM
Lmaoo !!
You rage at 90 xD try playing with 700-800 you gonna love that :8
When someone told me his ping was 30, i asked him if his pc was near the server room, he said yes ! :S
Ouch! Generally mine is around 60. 78mb fibre optic, plus I shut off ANYTHING that could be using the bandwidth while I play (raspberry pi, web browser, torrents, email, etc), even go so far to turn off my phone as that shares the wifi. Haha. I setup the QoS in the router to ensure CoR has primary focus and picked an ISP that increases speeds in gaming and youtube, but throttles p2p.
12-17-2013, 02:42 PM
250-400 ping ftw:punk:
12-17-2013, 07:15 PM
250-400 ping ftw:punk:
400-1k forever :eguitar:
12-20-2013, 03:14 AM
Paddy/Penguin on his red archer could stand behind cover (a tree), move out, shoot me once, then move back, rinse & repeat .... the entire time I had him targetted, was directly facing him, didn't move at all, yet never fire off even one shot in return. I think the reason was that I was using a med. LB & he was using fast SB, but idk 4 sure.
My red archer? :o I haven't had a red archer since Raven lol. I can help expand the discussion though
* Attack speed of bow will play a difference. You'll find it almost impossible to hit someone who pops out from behind a tree and pops back in if they're using a fast sb and you're using a longbow.
* Ping depends, it's all in relation to where you are on the other person screen and where they are on yours.. sometimes players will look like you can hit them, but you really can't lol. For casting spells, though, ping will make a difference, but I think only major differences, such as 100+ ms difference. This would give the ability for the player moving out to cast a greater disadvantage to the player waiting to cast. (I'd explain this, but it's a bit wordy and I don't want to go into it - just basics of waiting for the cast).
* Global cooldown of normal attacks/cast times of skills - When I pop out from a tree, after my bow string has come back, your bow string will be held back, if that makes sense. So there's like a global cooldown triggered by Line of Sight (I think, honestly), so the game is derping, whereas I don't have that trigger because I moved and just stopped. I don't know how much sense that makes, but in practice it makes more.
12-24-2013, 02:46 AM
lol. How do you guys play with such high pings?? If mine reaches 90 I nearly rage quit
Must.. not... stab...
12-29-2013, 02:25 AM
morfik or elva can pop around the side of a tree,cast tear apart ...
That cannot be truth because I don't have tear apart, at least for a year or year and half now.
love you tho <3
Move to Europe :D
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