View Full Version : Questions to the Community

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  1. Where do I begin?
  2. Description of classes?
  3. Adult Goblin (Rookie Business Quest)
  4. Where is Eldanar?
  5. Barrel?
  6. Warrior Training Question
  7. Crystal Island Quest
  8. Skill tree? (English prefably)
  9. Suicidal Fiancé Quest
  10. Fyrkat Port - Aquantis Leader
  11. Conjurer Pets
  12. craft
  13. Starters Guide
  14. Help me
  15. help plz
  16. help, everything is in spanish >.<
  17. Halaura (Fort between Cities)
  18. Healer?
  19. [Syrtis] Fisgael City
  20. Character Skill Questions
  21. just wondering
  22. Brilliant
  23. HELP please =)
  24. [Syrtis]Ilreah & Ulren Asir Villages
  25. Birka
  26. Train me
  27. Getting Started
  28. Quests List
  29. Help Please
  30. Starting Weapon broken
  31. Guide to Disciplines and Powers
  32. Which Realm to join?
  33. Can't get into game?
  34. Easy Lag Fixes
  35. Birka, lvl 22, no more quests?
  36. how to solve the "hidden booty" quest ?
  37. Hi, i have a problem
  38. Warlock spell list translation
  39. ALsius Citizens
  40. rahelia doesn't want to give me my new staff
  41. more maps?
  42. Cant Change to English!!!
  43. Help...how to repair weapon?
  44. NPCs list
  45. Conjurer vs. Warlock
  46. What will i do after initiaton island?
  47. What are the different sizes?
  48. I am searching Olbross Rainmace
  49. Different kind of healers
  50. Why my pc restarts?
  51. A few questions?
  52. healers runic stones
  53. not all character info
  54. Uh need help with quest
  55. Family Zoo Quest
  56. Lost Apprentice
  57. Game issue (ubuntu Linux)
  58. mage level 10 - can't become a conjurer?
  59. level up after ressurection
  60. Fisgael quests done, what's next?
  61. reset_powers question
  62. Camera/View question
  63. Where to buy more advanced turbans?
  64. how to get more quests on fisgael?
  65. Back from Korsum Town to Ulren Asir
  66. Strange question
  67. im lvl 10 and looking for the hunter trainer or marksman
  68. Korzum's people don't talk to me!
  69. Quest wondering
  70. 2 quests I'm having trouble with
  71. No quest from Lotiel
  72. - Power Books : Barbarian (V2.0)
  73. License Agreement
  74. Progress Stalled
  75. Big Problem
  76. Really really stupid question from Alsius
  77. Personal trainer
  78. What is taht every time
  79. Character creation guide
  80. Problem with summoned skeleton.
  81. Hello
  82. no activation link yet
  83. How To: Fix Sound Issue in Ubuntu
  84. help
  85. Hi
  86. Marksman discipline(1-25 lvl)
  87. What's the difference between the servers?
  88. Inquiry re: solo ability
  89. Private Chat
  90. Language problem
  91. Alrik in Monstignor? Can't seem to find...
  92. Tame Lesser Creature
  93. Needs Guide On Conjurer And More
  94. English speaking clans
  95. Complete Warlock Spell List 3-2007
  96. In which server are the most players?
  97. Restart quest?
  98. i need help?
  99. Looking for English speakers in any realm
  100. Hello!
  101. Whats Up?
  102. What is the best class to be ?
  103. shieldicons in admin control panel in the clan window
  104. Mage or Conjurer for Syrtis?
  105. Beginner question
  106. Plz read it
  107. Question about the servers
  108. console commands... some link ?
  109. Map?
  110. Is there anywhere
  111. death stance
  112. Activation Mail
  113. Tudruel's Lost Brother (Quest)
  114. Help!
  115. Tell me about the Knight-class
  116. List of significant quests
  117. Natural Weapons IV [Quest]
  118. How to make a clan?
  119. Attribute point increase
  120. Enormous Snakes - Do they exist?
  121. Savage Bears - Do they exist?
  122. Silly Question
  123. change class
  124. ???Head of the Pack???
  125. Surli
  126. clan administration
  127. Champion monsters
  128. Mage lvl 10 wants to became warlock
  129. gems
  130. regnum fight
  131. blood question
  132. regnum online LV
  133. So, why should i play this game?
  134. some info about the hunter class
  135. Char gone!?
  136. Which Realm is the Best?
  137. Polls
  138. Ok, I killed all five beetles and tarantulas ...
  139. How to change Character without restarting the game
  140. Quests after Level 15 (Syrtis)
  141. erase from Clan....?
  142. What pets, can/can't you tame.
  143. Mob Lacations ?
  144. Help for a beginner!
  145. How To Instal??
  146. How to become a Knight?
  147. Chat commands
  148. Install Help!!!!
  149. Commerce in Regnum Online
  150. Points for powers...?
  151. I would need help
  152. Oracle - Skills
  153. Okay, Where are my Bows.
  154. conjurer vs. warlock levelling
  155. Clan
  156. Equipment Warlock lvl 18-27
  157. Two different lifes
  158. Who has 3 additional quests?
  159. English help in Syrtis
  160. /leave
  161. Finding a group...
  162. lvling after 30 lvl
  163. canit play the offical sever
  164. A problem with casting...
  165. A complete manual?
  166. English realm
  167. some questions before i start ... :)
  168. Resetting powers...
  169. premium content
  170. beginner help :)
  171. Hunter Spell list!
  172. Question about "Enemy surveillance" (Hunter-Spell)
  173. English Alsius Clans?
  174. What's the difference?
  175. the 3 nations/realms
  176. ShortBows VS. LongBow
  177. English Syrtis users
  178. Just flat out need some help =/
  179. knight help
  180. Display FPS
  181. Marksmen spell combo
  182. Blunt Weapons
  183. Introduction to the leaders? (Syrtis)
  184. How to level up faster ?
  185. How Many Disciplines Can You Max?
  186. Cong's summons - Lich
  187. nOOb questions
  188. Problem with connecting
  189. Marksman Armor
  190. Small problem
  191. I nees some hep please
  192. where i find fire damage staff?
  193. Regnum Online NPC Search Utility
  194. I lost attribute points dying in the warzone..
  195. Horses and other questions
  196. Globe Icon and Overburdened
  197. Resurrection dizziness => how to get rid of it
  198. Will someone please tell me...
  199. Is there something I have to do to become a specialtist?
  200. Karma in the forum
  201. Town crier - Quest finder tool
  202. a quick simple question
  203. Taming Pets
  204. Ignis Quest - Vengeance on the Panther
  205. Cool new fansite in Engilsh
  206. A few quick questions...
  207. Conflict Zone
  208. Quick question.. help?
  209. redistributing skills
  210. disciplines
  211. Needed Spanish Translations
  212. How to Interact with Object
  213. Ignis Quests after Level 23
  214. pikes and map
  215. English Regnum IRC channels ?
  216. Chat Logs ?
  217. ???
  218. Combat Abbreviations
  219. Conjurer Gameplay Tips?
  220. Regarding Points other than XP
  221. Quest on lvl 24 - Sytris
  222. Syrtis - N help with quest :(
  223. i need some tips to lvl faster
  224. Marksman tips
  225. Lvl 10 Shouldn't I be subclassing?
  226. Ventrilo severs
  227. What the new skills do ?
  228. Archer
  229. Level gap in armor/weapons?
  230. Bows?
  231. Rapier?
  232. Hi, I am a new player, few questions
  233. IM new and very confused
  234. Wanting to find a clan
  235. Help
  236. Where do i find my screenshots
  237. Noobie here... How do I quit or camp out of the game??
  238. Healing and Health??? And a few other random questions.
  239. Class Question thingy
  240. new player and problems (of course XD)
  241. yup...another post by me already
  242. User interface guide
  243. More than one quickbar??
  244. Quest help.
  245. Help again
  246. Concepts of MMORPG
  247. spells
  248. User created guides
  249. Update - error (?)
  250. Help with a hunter