View Full Version : Donato - gameplay preview

12-16-2013, 10:52 AM

80% gear 20% luck, enjoy.

12-16-2013, 10:59 AM
Omg dude can't wait for it, i am your biggest fan.

When will you release the Donato merchandise? I so want a Donato T-shirt!

12-16-2013, 11:01 AM
Omg dude can't wait for it, i am your biggest fan.

When will you release the Donato merchandise? I so want a Donato T-shirt!

I'm already selling my brand, go to my website.

I also sell Donato bed-sheets and coffee cups.

12-16-2013, 11:04 AM
DI pretty much guarantee that there little skill involved anyway.

12-16-2013, 11:07 AM
di pretty much guarantee that there little skill involved anyway.

herpiedaderpie i cant spam my will domain 5 n darknus 5 hurdurrrr di no skill

12-16-2013, 11:25 AM
Yeah, god forbid that you cant plow everyone down alone, like a pro.

12-16-2013, 11:28 AM
Yeah, god forbid that you cant plow everyone down alone, like a pro.

silence fgt i reick u

12-16-2013, 11:34 AM
Replace 20% luck with 20% conjurers

12-16-2013, 11:44 AM
silence fgt i reick u

Glad to hear! Truth hurts dont it!

12-16-2013, 11:45 AM
sounds like u got wrecked

12-16-2013, 12:34 PM
Yeah, god forbid that you cant plow everyone down alone, like a pro.

yea that poor noob is in a rvr game more efficient with his group than any of you could ever dream off, really sad.

12-16-2013, 12:34 PM
and 100% goat noobness jajaja

80% gear + 20% luck + 100% goat noobness. 100% mathematics fail.

12-16-2013, 02:13 PM
1 min duartion lol
I'd prefer watching Monday's 1 video 100 times which i really do
No offense Donato xD

12-16-2013, 02:14 PM
80% gear + 20% luck + 100% goat noobness. 100% mathematics fail.
+1 & also
55% physics there :3

12-16-2013, 02:30 PM
1 min duartion lol
I'd prefer watching Monday's 1 video 100 times which i really do
No offense Donato xD

Indeed. Watching a barb with good gear and a pocket Conj is like watching a bulldozer running over sheep. Monday's skill really shines in his videos. Same with Houdini and Heph.
I mean no offence to Donato either, but barb videos with full support don't really mean much.

12-16-2013, 02:34 PM
Watching a barb under DI & matwall & killing stuffs is like watching a knight trying to grind, no fun at all + boring...

12-16-2013, 02:45 PM
Watching a barb under DI & matwall & killing stuffs is like watching a knight trying to grind, no fun at all + boring...


12-16-2013, 02:57 PM
yea that poor noob is in a rvr game more efficient with his group than any of you could ever dream off, really sad.

Noob? Nah, I just don’t wet myself over his effectiveness. Its hard to fail when you hit like that and have such a level of support.

DI do however make me sick, it has nothing to do with this guy or his class. It like with beacons too much impact with too little effort, it wouldn’t hurt to change this spell and other abominations like darkness, confuse, WS and MS either. Then we could at least pretend that we have game with RvR that revolves around more than warriors and conjurers.

12-16-2013, 03:57 PM
10% gear, 5% cunning (hitting low hp fellows), 5% conjurs, 1% noobness of opponents, 79% NGD fucking other classes and over-powering barbs

12-16-2013, 04:15 PM
and 100% goat noobness jajaja

:'( this is so what i meant when i was complaining to my party after comparing goats and reds play at agg yesterday

our warriors dont drop enough OP stuff! clearly the problem..

12-16-2013, 04:36 PM
our warriors dont drop enough OP stuff!

No. We just can't out-xim Ignis unfortunately.

12-16-2013, 04:41 PM
so much butthurt goats in here, think ill upload another vid.

12-16-2013, 05:44 PM
u so hacker

12-16-2013, 07:25 PM
The only problem I see is he plays a class no one likes.

He's showed clips of RvR instances doing what barbs do, yet you bash him.

You want him to make a video like Monday? geee good thing Don is a hunter.

You guys sound more like you're fucking mad more than actually giving feed back.

And some of you talk about skill... Meh... Don't get technical cause in a pvp you're all pretty shit.

Don't hide the fact that Don is a pretty good Barb, probably the best one in Ignis because when it comes to RvR he gets the job done, but right you guys want to remove the fact that he is doing what he's meant to do by posting negativity based on what I feel is hatred towards him as a player.

What I find funny is when Don posts videos of difficult odds against him(which he has done) no one gives him credit for that. :harhar:

FYI, I wish Don had pocket conjurs, we'd probably invade more. :crying1:

12-16-2013, 07:32 PM

Im not gonna boosts don's self esteem, to many people telling some1 is good will end up making him bad
Id hate to lose the only challenge in the game :p

besides, i make a joke of almost anything serious people dont last long in RO xD

12-16-2013, 07:45 PM
So much hate in this thread...

12-16-2013, 11:59 PM
Chill man. No one is questioning Donato's skill at all. I'm sure he's a great barb. Some of us just find barb videos with conjs really, really boring. The top of my screen was cut off, but did he have DI the entire video? It looked like mages ran up tried to cast a spell, couldn't, so ran the other way. That's just not fun to watch, that's all.

12-17-2013, 06:38 PM
Gimme gear pls Don

12-17-2013, 06:44 PM
why is saero here?

12-17-2013, 06:45 PM
Why is skit here?

12-17-2013, 07:53 PM
Why am I here?

12-17-2013, 09:13 PM
Why am I here?

Shhh play hon

12-17-2013, 11:05 PM
Noob? Nah, I just don’t wet myself over his effectiveness. Its hard to fail when you hit like that and have such a level of support.

DI do however make me sick, it has nothing to do with this guy or his class. It like with beacons too much impact with too little effort, it wouldn’t hurt to change this spell and other abominations like darkness, confuse, WS and MS either. Then we could at least pretend that we have game with RvR that revolves around more than warriors and conjurers.

But but, MS, WS and FS are the counters to DI/Barbness.... Darkness and confuse is Lock and Hunter powers last time i checked. There is a part for everyone to play really ;o)

Ofc there might be room to tune some powers but as a all class generalist i think the class balance really is close to perfect, the rvr balance is perfect as all realms have access to all classes.

PS. It do goes bananas if you have full set of boss gear, at least pvp/small fight scenarios

12-18-2013, 12:15 AM
at least he makes good use of the gear
still, crappy video since I'm not in it, one day you'll get there bro

12-18-2013, 08:47 AM
i think the class balance really is close to perfect

I had to read that line multiple times. You don't hear it very often on these forums.

12-18-2013, 10:00 AM
But but, MS, WS and FS are the counters to DI/Barbness.... Darkness and confuse is Lock and Hunter powers last time i checked. There is a part for everyone to play really ;o)

Ofc there might be room to tune some powers but as a all class generalist i think the class balance really is close to perfect, the rvr balance is perfect as all realms have access to all classes.

PS. It do goes bananas if you have full set of boss gear, at least pvp/small fight scenarios

Counters? MS maybe the other just postpone the more or less inevitable.

Hmm yeah, I know what skills belong to what class. But I dont think you can change DI without also changing some other “bad-ass” skills.

DI is by far the most impacting spell on game play. I don’t find it proportional, bring a conjurer of almost any level and make 2 otherwise good players super OP.

Barbarians should smack people around, but they should do it because they and their allies play well, not because of their buff status or their rather ridicules 10 sec DI+UM combo.

Barbarians is the worst case of DIs impact, but I really dont think it proportional on any other class either, not even conjurers.

At the very least they should make the buff visible, but I would love to see NGD take it one step further.

Imagine DI changed "gone" (of course some other spells too), then you have a whole new level of game. Mages and archer would have to actively aid warriors and eachother more to succeed, it would bring nothing more than enjoyment and meaning to more classes game experience. It will be RvR in its true sense, instead of having 2-3 barbs running back and forth creating havoc during their 10 sec of fame.

12-18-2013, 10:11 AM
At the very least they should make the buff visible, but I would love to see NGD take it one step further.

Absolutely. I wouldn't mind DI so much if it were visible. Great idea.

12-18-2013, 11:29 AM
Absolutely. I wouldn't mind DI so much if it were visible. Great idea.

DI+UM puts barb in god mode against mages, locks especially. While conju can cast sanct and get a chance to save himself, lock is deadly gone, unless UM fails (which is pretty rare) and lock casts FS or twister. All other immobilization spells are blocked from cast by DI since.

Since DI animation is not constantly shown, lock will lose his precious time by trying to cast freeze or will domain. Why not try to cast FS or twister first? Both are very expensive spells. FS cooldown is 120s and twister cast time is nominal 3s.

12-18-2013, 11:34 AM
This is why I would like to see DI have an animation present on the player. If you see a barb running at you armed with UM and DI you will have the option to flee instead of wasting time trying to cast spells that won't work through their DI. It will give you the chance to slow him then run in the other direction, instead of an inevitable demise.

12-18-2013, 11:38 AM
It will give you the chance to slow him then run in the other direction, instead of an inevitable demise.

No slowing down DI-ed barb. Mind push and slow are blocked by DI.

12-18-2013, 11:50 AM
No slowing down DI-ed barb. Mind push and slow are blocked by DI.

Hah, that would explain why mind push always failed. Would be nice if slow spells would work on DI players, though. There doesn't seem to be much you can do against it as it stands :-/

12-18-2013, 12:14 PM
Hey NGD can you give my lock the means to keep a barbarian with conjurer support under crowd control at all times?

Would also be nice if you gave my lock a bit more defense and maybe something equal to spring since were really slow.

And perhaps we could have some more mana drain spells to, I feel like mana burn, sadistic servants and energy borrow isnt enough.

12-18-2013, 01:52 PM
Hey NGD can you give my lock the means to keep a barbarian with conjurer support under crowd control at all times?

Would also be nice if you gave my lock a bit more defense and maybe something equal to spring since were really slow.

And perhaps we could have some more mana drain spells to, I feel like mana burn, sadistic servants and energy borrow isnt enough.


sometimes i wonder how much people play this game
if i give a barb DI it wont help him that much.. its a barb he GETS FOCUSSED
hes usually dead before he reaches something.
so to stop that, the conjurer has to heal him too, at that point you have to be able
to outdamage the barb, outdamaging conju heals is a piece of cake anyway
usually heals in such a fight give that barb 1 second longer to live..

the reason some barbs live so long are obviously auras combined with heals and inability to cast darkness (due to DI on them)
dont blabla over DI blocking slows, a conju has 2 dispels (mass and single) and is on full support on that barb
I know I dispel every slow cast on a barb i notice and there are people with scary reaction speed
MP/slow wont save you vs supported barb even w/o DI

and for the record slarti, sanctuary = certain death after 14/17/20 seconds for goatconjus (maybe gelfs too?)
SS cant block damage enough to stay alive either
its a big joke how people call on OP defence of conjus.. the only real OP defence conjus could have are their teammates
this is all RvR based ofc, because you know.. this game is RvR not 1v1

12-18-2013, 05:13 PM
Hey NGD can you give my lock the means to keep a barbarian with conjurer support under crowd control at all times?

Would also be nice if you gave my lock a bit more defense and maybe something equal to spring since were really slow.

And perhaps we could have some more mana drain spells to, I feel like mana burn, sadistic servants and energy borrow isnt enough.

I dont want to be stuck on my warlock forever, id love to play other classes but I don’t find them fun or challenging in most situations.

DI is what 5-6 year old buff effect? From a time when base movement speed was slow as hell, most barbs had worse DPS than knights have now.
You still wonder why a warlock, that now cast equal or slower (depending on if you consider the cast speed era or the time before), we still have pretty much the same CCs and reach as always, why would we question its existence?

Support is something you do actively and constantly, giving/receiving the most OP buff in game every 1 1/2 min is not support or team work.

Warlocks shouldnt be able darkness + ivy some poor barb and dump all they got on him and barbs should be able to reach a warlock with ease either.

Last night you plowed me down near our CS/OC area, excellently supported by WI-FI with confuse in the exact right moment (regardless if you had DI also, I will never know). This is how things are supposed to work in my book.

To kill a warlock in open field, either jump them when they are preoccupied, beat them with roar, get support from ranged classes or gank them with an other warrior. You do after all whack us down in 2-4 hits at any given time, I really dont see the issue if you would have to struggle a bit more to reach us.

At the very least we shouldnt have to guess if this or that player is major threat with DI or a regular opponent, if what is rushing up against us is a warrior on steroids or not.

As for mana drains, they are close to useless compared to what they did before warriors and archer had super powered mana regeneration.
I rather knock up some CCs level then invest in SS now, heck I rather get fireball.
Main use of man drains in RvR is now for mages and maybe to annoy some of the other classes a bit.

As for Conjurers, DI? Common you dont need it if wasnt for darkness and possibly MoD. Mind blank, dispel and team work is plenty of protection, especially in world without DIed warriors.

12-18-2013, 06:50 PM
Hah, that would explain why mind push always failed. Would be nice if slow spells would work on DI players, though. There doesn't seem to be much you can do against it as it stands :-/

there is ensnaring and lightning arrow actually :lighten:

12-19-2013, 03:36 PM
What amazes me is when a barb has no DI he is rather useless against warlocks, and with the influx of these warlocks all using high lvl CC's lately, it's rather annoying.

I'd say 80% of the warlocks on our server use manaburn/sadistic/energy borrow either lvl 4 and above. With mental skills 3 and above.

Guys, this isn't a video of him with a conjur and him soloing grinders or low levels. These are scrimmages in rvr, I guess don should make a video of how retarded it is to fight against odds when we aren't doing so good. How most of the time barbs have no mana, or how as soon as they rush they get darkness'd.

Since most of these replies are mostly goats I'd just say this. We have our puppet conjurs and you guys have your train of ms and darkness 3+. :harhar:

12-19-2013, 08:17 PM
What amazes me is when a barb has no DI he is rather useless against warlocks, and with the influx of these warlocks all using high lvl CC's lately, it's rather annoying.

I'd say 80% of the warlocks on our server use manaburn/sadistic/energy borrow either lvl 4 and above. With mental skills 3 and above.

Guys, this isn't a video of him with a conjur and him soloing grinders or low levels. These are scrimmages in rvr, I guess don should make a video of how retarded it is to fight against odds when we aren't doing so good. How most of the time barbs have no mana, or how as soon as they rush they get darkness'd.

Since most of these replies are mostly goats I'd just say this. We have our puppet conjurs and you guys have your train of ms and darkness 3+. :harhar:

Usless? You mean that he cant just run them down easily on his own. That's heart breaking!

12-19-2013, 10:59 PM
Usless? You mean that he cant just run them down easily on his own. That's heart breaking!

Explain to me how a barb is going to reach a warlock on his own. I'll wait for a response Einstein.

12-20-2013, 12:50 AM
Explain to me how a barb is going to reach a warlock on his own. I'll wait for a response Einstein.

Do you have a hard time reading or don't even remember what you wrote?

FYI, you said barbs are pretty much useless without DI against warlocks, nothing about fighting them alone.
I said that it was heart breaking that barbs couldnt run us down easily alone.
Care to explain how your question make any sense at all? I don't get it and im Einstein.

The deal for barbs is pretty much the same as the deal warlock have with archers, They either let you close to try and secure the kill or by simply not being bitches. Otherwise you set em up for a mistake, take to a tree and lure them a bit too close or simply get lucky.

Warlocks have to go through their dots twice to kill a lvl 60 barb, quite abit of ccs / drains etc to pass the time. Barbs will likely have a decent chance to run away or charge the lock at some point during the fight depending a bit on how the warlocks acts and how lame he likes to be.

To think it should be any other way is just laughable, two to five hits at the very most is all it takes.

I think im a terrible fucking barb these days, but spent like a week on mine and still victimized several of ignis best warlocks alone, they had the upper hand at least at some point during the fight. It happens all the time, dont delude yourself.

12-20-2013, 02:16 AM
Warlocks have to go through their dots twice to kill a lvl 60 barb, quite abit of ccs / drains etc to pass the time.

Exactly. When barb is in the range, I need to cast my spellbook twice to kill him. All the time with pinning / slowing spells. On the other hand, when barb reach to me, he need 3-4 hits to kill me.

12-20-2013, 03:47 AM
Do you have a hard time reading or don't even remember what you wrote?

FYI, you said barbs are pretty much useless without DI against warlocks, nothing about fighting them alone.
I said that it was heart breaking that barbs couldnt run us down easily alone.
Care to explain how your question make any sense at all? I don't get it and im Einstein.

The deal for barbs is pretty much the same as the deal warlock have with archers, They either let you close to try and secure the kill or by simply not being bitches. Otherwise you set em up for a mistake, take to a tree and lure them a bit too close or simply get lucky.

Warlocks have to go through their dots twice to kill a lvl 60 barb, quite abit of ccs / drains etc to pass the time. Barbs will likely have a decent chance to run away or charge the lock at some point during the fight depending a bit on how the warlocks acts and how lame he likes to be.

To think it should be any other way is just laughable, two to five hits at the very most is all it takes.

I think im a terrible fucking barb these days, but spent like a week on mine and still victimized several of ignis best warlocks alone, they had the upper hand at least at some point during the fight. It happens all the time, dont delude yourself.

My point is you're bashing him cause he's a barbarian doing what he is meant to do, yet when I point the disadvantages we have against warlocks(the primary people crying in this thread) you want me to explain it better.

To cut the story short, this is an RvR video and he is doing what he is supposed to do, but you guys want him to go solo in warzone where he is disadvantaged to the bone because at least people like you "have a chance" you know, he needs to be a little more like Monday.

12-20-2013, 08:36 AM
My point is you're bashing him cause he's a barbarian doing what he is meant to do, yet when I point the disadvantages we have against warlocks(the primary people crying in this thread) you want me to explain it better.
I cant remember seeing anyone really bash him, I know I havent. That didnt stop Donato from quickly taunting my post and warlocks and even resort to some abuse.
I would likely have said the exact same thing if it was any other class or player who showed a video/preview with DI on their person the entire clip.

To cut the story short, this is an RvR video and he is doing what he is supposed to do, but you guys want him to go solo in warzone where he is disadvantaged to the bone because at least people like you "have a chance" you know, he needs to be a little more like Monday.
Last time I checked everyone who solo the war zone is disadvantaged, except maybe for hunters.
I dont know about others, but I dont care much what people put in their gameplay videos, its either fun to watch or it isnt. I played this game for so long so it usually the later regardless of the content.

12-20-2013, 09:04 AM
No one is bashing anyone (or shouldn't be if they are!). Truth is, Barb RvR videos suck because they are just running around bashing things. It's what they do. I have a barb and I know this.
I think people would rather see a barb videos in PvP, or even out hunting in a small party or something.
And let's be honest, a barb and Warlock in a field fight, the Warlock should always win, if they know what they are doing. Barbs won't even have time to run to the nearest rock or tree with Mind Push + Slow. While I'm at it, take Mana burn away from locks and keep it with Conjs. A lock can suck all your mana, and I mean all of it, before Slow and mind push are even over.
I played barb for the first time in a while last night and it's not easy. They need to kill quick because when you're barb, the best defence is a good offence if you want to stay alive. I guess that's why they are "OP" in terms of DPS.
Don't believe me? Play barb for yourself. I guess people, including myself, complain about them because it is frustrating being killed in two hits when you have to chain a hundred different spells just to kill a barb running at you, when all they have to do is get close enough to fuck your skull with their death inducing weapons.

12-20-2013, 01:11 PM
Honestly, I dont know why you all bother watching the video and commenting on here since you all know I regularly post barb videos, you knew this would be the same shit again.

Sorry if I hurt your feelings, none of this was intended.

Have a good day.

12-20-2013, 02:55 PM
Honestly, I d........Have a good day.
It's all ok mate. People say what they have in their minds & thats it. Its just a game imo aka meant for fun :-)
Thread got lot of attraction tho xD

12-20-2013, 04:08 PM
It's an RvR game

12-21-2013, 03:09 AM
It's an RvR game

Ur face is a rvr game

#burned #TookAllNightToThinkOf #RektBeyondRecognition #Ohthisisnttwitter

12-21-2013, 04:06 AM
Exactly. When barb is in the range, I need to cast my spellbook twice to kill him. All the time with pinning / slowing spells. On the other hand, when barb reach to me, he need 3-4 hits to kill me.

I agree. there is just not enough dmg to kill a barb fast enough before he treehugs again. most barbs would just treehug when they become low in hp or when their UM is about to end. they will hide til "slow" effect is gone and then charge with spring+um if the warlock is still within 25 range of the tree, knowing that "slow" cd is 30 sec and UM's cd is shorter or if warlock grows impatient and comes close to the tree.

once your mindpush/slow fails, all it take is roar and warlock is fucked. note that roar has longer reach than mindpush. barb times their roar right after warlock cast mindpush :)

so basically in a war vs multiple barbs, warlock is fucked and im not even talking about the ones that have DI on...in which case all warlock can do is RUN...cuz DI block both mindpush and slow...

I know all your fucking tricks, u sneaky barbs lol

but hey everyone in this game is trying to exploit opponent weakness and fully take advantage of their strength. we do what we have to do to survive, to kill. I would do the same thing donato does if I am a barb because that's how barbs kill. why do you not ever see barb hunting alone ? cuz they are not meant to be by design just like knights. why do you always see warlock hunting alone? cuz their design dictates it and kinda force them to play in a certain way...because nobody wants to play their weak spot against enemy's strength and get raped over and over again :) why marks are so popular right now? well, high defence, high dmg output, long range, long range cc spells, point and shoot, "plug in and play" kind of character so who doesn't want to play it... ofc it gets boring quick but we all love an easy mode class.

12-21-2013, 09:42 AM
Hey NGD can you give my lock his DoTs 1k damage per tick? I cant kill him before he gets to a tree.

12-21-2013, 10:11 AM

dat was funni

Perhaps you should stop finding a reason to complain for each time you lose, and get better at your class..

12-21-2013, 01:10 PM

dat was funni

Perhaps you should stop finding a reason to complain for each time you lose, and get better at your class..

Vroek haven't done anything wrong in this fight except he didn't count on silly resists and got too close to you. You resisted WD and killed him in 4 hits.

12-21-2013, 01:36 PM
One should always expect silly resists, this is Regnum afterall..

And why on earth would you get so close to a barb as lock, do you really expect to win a close combat fight?

Last, why do I see so many locks spray their full arsenal of CC's when a warrior is already knocked, immobilised or slowed.

12-21-2013, 01:58 PM

dat was funni

Perhaps you should stop finding a reason to complain for each time you lose, and get better at your class..

You got to love this guy!

Yeah ill get better I promise, still only about 2.5 week since my 6 months break and I have already made lots of friends. :p

So now you shown everyone that you actually can kill someone without DI, maybe your ego will let you sleep better now?

Or should I tell about our other encounter when you rest too long so roar duration expired? Haha, sorry but you deserved that one.

12-21-2013, 02:25 PM
One should always expect silly resists, this is Regnum afterall..

And why on earth would you get so close to a barb as lock, do you really expect to win a close combat fight?

Last, why do I see so many locks spray their full arsenal of CC's when a warrior is already knocked, immobilised or slowed.

I do expect resist, WD was safe since you were dizzy, but it let you reach the tree, shit happens...

I don't expect to win near trees, but I don't pussy out either, from my point of view fight just got interesting until you hit me with roar that is. :D
Im not gonna run back to range 25-30 as many other locks would and play the waiting game. It may work with you, you get to rest and then we fight again, but most barbs would dick around a tree forever. So fucking boring!

I only cast slow because I dismounted you so damn close, it not that effective on it own, because of trees, spring etc, I think I had to use MP as well to keep you away. But yeah you are right maybe I could have saved ivy for abit, don't know what it would have changed, slow duration lasted right up to tree anyway despite ivy and what not. :)

Besides since I normally dont use slow 1v1 it comes natural to cast immobilize spells with certain intervals.

12-21-2013, 02:27 PM
So shall I post all our encounters from now on? :)

12-21-2013, 02:29 PM

dat was funni

Perhaps you should stop finding a reason to complain for each time you lose, and get better at your class..

Hahahaha. I want that song.

12-21-2013, 02:31 PM
So shall I post all our encounters from now on? :)

Yeah awesome!
Could be fun, if we had our own thread here. :)

12-21-2013, 05:39 PM
lululululululul lvl 5 everything wont save u from a barb on tree js

12-21-2013, 05:56 PM
lululululululul lvl 5 everything wont save u from a barb on tree js

Maybe next time!

12-21-2013, 10:08 PM
Why am i seeing donatello arguing with a lock like vroek? He's near of slarti's gameplay level.

12-21-2013, 11:23 PM
Why am i seeing donatello arguing with a lock like vroek? He's near of slarti's gameplay level.

You judge that as a knight? I hope for your sake that you play some real class as well.

12-21-2013, 11:32 PM
You judge that as a knight? I hope for your sake that you play some real class as well.

What does being a knight have to do with anything? Lol

12-21-2013, 11:39 PM
What does being a knight have to do with anything? Lol

game play wise wtf is knight going to judge by?

all i do is ignore them anyway, possibly cast a slow, mana drain or freeze at them

should i ever fight one im likely so bored that hurts

12-22-2013, 01:58 AM
game play wise wtf is knight going to judge by?

all i do is ignore them anyway, possibly cast a slow, mana drain or freeze at them

should i ever fight one im likely so bored that hurts

I couldnt hear you over your level 5 mentals

12-22-2013, 02:30 AM
I couldnt hear you over your level 5 mentals

Cry, pro-runner!

12-22-2013, 08:57 AM
Cry, pro-runner!

Since u know you have that shit at that level, it's either burst you down or die myself. Let's face it, darkness then beetle swarm 5? Can't do shit

12-22-2013, 10:18 AM
Since u know you have that shit at that level, it's either burst you down or die myself. Let's face it, darkness then beetle swarm 5? Can't do shit

BS is lvl 3 btw. I used to have lvl 5 a long time ago mainly because of the decent DoT damage.

Darkness is something I dont pride myself with, but I use it in rvr, against obvious bosswhore archers, sometimes when in bad mode ¨¨ and against people with annoying habits like sotw + stun then vanish or archer that make the simple task of softening up a lock from range into a marathon.

I never use it be able to disable you longer, even if that is one effect it can have. Easiest way to avoid darkness 100% of the time is to start the fight from range, move in with sotw, use possibly confuse to avoid some CCs and EB recast. Then do you stun+knock+stun and likely win the fight somehow. Hard? I guess so.

You should try it sometime instead of putting DS on cooldown the first thing you do form camo. :p

I know sotw fails a lot now, shit happens it always have. I always feel for you when it does happen, but it also will show who is able to fight well and who is all about their easy win combos that not only warlocks have btw.

12-22-2013, 02:50 PM
I know sotw fails...it also will show who is able to fight well and who is all about their easy win combos that not only warlocks have btw.

Surely having 0 mana right after sadistic servants, mana burn and energy borrow all make that possible.

I don't want to start shit, I think you have made some decent points, so have others (even if it all looks like a giant penis length contest), so now perhaps I would like to just mention how mana is a big problem, even for warlocks who have 3 spells that give them mana, even for archers, who don't have such high mana costs in spells, even for barbs, who just rely on normal hits, even for knights who can just tank until they get their mana back. Mana can be a problem, and those 3 spells, at least mana burn, don't serve any purpose to fights.

It's obvious that a barb who can't buff his most important spells (berserk, spring, UM) is shattered glass. A marks who won't be able to have RA on or enough mana for a quick freeze to gain more, becomes even worse than a hunter (mana regen on marks was nerfed, not on hunters). The same goes for other subclasses.

Mana in fights is crucial and important, even if you're a barb or marks who really just rely on normal hits, because in order to do so, you need certain buffs. A warlock, who can manipulate so much mana is just far out of balance and the point isn't to nerf energy borrow (again) or sadistic servants, because warlocks need more mana than any other class. Moreover, taking away mana burn, which most locks use to complete their DoT chains, would cripple their damage output. So the problem is really layered, and mostly lies within the faulty design of mages.

I also love how this thread has evolved and how it isn't closed yet. I would apologize for the off-topic, but the thread has gone so far, what difference will my post make if we all know it's bound to get closed/forgotten about sooner or later. ;)

12-22-2013, 03:31 PM
This thread is getting a little out of hand.. flex your muscles on the field, not on a forum, guys.

12-22-2013, 11:20 PM
Surely having 0 mana right after sadistic servants, mana burn and energy borrow all make that possible.

I don't want to start shit, I think you have made some decent points, so have others (even if it all looks like a giant penis length contest), so now perhaps I would like to just mention how mana is a big problem, even for warlocks who have 3 spells that give them mana, even for archers, who don't have such high mana costs in spells, even for barbs, who just rely on normal hits, even for knights who can just tank until they get their mana back. Mana can be a problem, and those 3 spells, at least mana burn, don't serve any purpose to fights.

It's obvious that a barb who can't buff his most important spells (berserk, spring, UM) is shattered glass. A marks who won't be able to have RA on or enough mana for a quick freeze to gain more, becomes even worse than a hunter (mana regen on marks was nerfed, not on hunters). The same goes for other subclasses.

Mana in fights is crucial and important, even if you're a barb or marks who really just rely on normal hits, because in order to do so, you need certain buffs. A warlock, who can manipulate so much mana is just far out of balance and the point isn't to nerf energy borrow (again) or sadistic servants, because warlocks need more mana than any other class. Moreover, taking away mana burn, which most locks use to complete their DoT chains, would cripple their damage output. So the problem is really layered, and mostly lies within the faulty design of mages.

I also love how this thread has evolved and how it isn't closed yet. I would apologize for the off-topic, but the thread has gone so far, what difference will my post make if we all know it's bound to get closed/forgotten about sooner or later. ;)

Yeah well, I don't disagree. Even if I think the issue with mana drainage is nothing compared to what it used to be.

Maybe I should sacrifice some levels of wd, ivy and silence and go skill SS 5 just to make certain people happy. ;)

12-29-2013, 04:28 PM
You judge that as a knight? I hope for your sake that you play some real class as well.

I judge it as a random player lol. Oh forgot knight isnt a real class, not even playing the full support knight im more useful than your gameplay in rvr haha.

And knight isnt the only class i play jaja

12-29-2013, 04:59 PM
I judge it as a random player lol. Oh forgot knight isnt a real class, not even playing the full support knight im more useful than your gameplay in rvr haha.

And knight isnt the only class i play jaja

Ok good for you, to be that awesome. :clapping5365:

12-29-2013, 05:07 PM
Ok good for you, to be that awesome. :clapping5365:

Im awesome of course, but what i said wasnt for that, was trying to say what you are lol, because i still cannot believe what you said on this thread against donato and others, being vroek lel.

12-29-2013, 05:41 PM
Im awesome of course, but what i said wasnt for that, was trying to say what you are lol, because i still cannot believe what you said on this thread against donato and others, being vroek lel.

Then read again. I called Ichigo a runner after he moaned about lvl 5 mentals. Besides that I still havent said shit about donato or anyone else.

If I wanted to be zerg monkey, i would have adopted that kind of play style by now. I do more than well enough anyway, but thanks for your concern.