View Full Version : International server

02-25-2014, 01:13 PM
Hey everyone,

Where can I find the international server?

The one I'm playing on discriminates the Europians/Australians, by locking the relics during our time of the day.


02-25-2014, 01:21 PM
Do what I do & have done (for whatever it is & was worth): ask NGD in any & every conceivable way to PLEASE TURN OFF RELIC LOCKS! ... & to leave them turned off. Will it EVER work? IDK....:dumbofme:

02-25-2014, 02:40 PM
...for Haven only

02-25-2014, 03:01 PM
Hey everyone,

Where can I find the international server?

The one I'm playing on discriminates the Europians/Australians, by locking the relics during our time of the day.


Buy more xim!

02-25-2014, 04:06 PM
Three easy steps to your problem solving:

1) By moving to Argentina you can enjoy a European lifestyle at one-fifth of the price. Find out more (http://internationalliving.com/countries/argentina/move/)

2) By moving to Syrtis you can enjoy a European lifestyle at one-fifth of the effort with unlocked relics at your convenience and round the clock zerg support to strike fear in your enemies and win the server. Find out more (https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/q71/s720x720/564148_709970892357169_1070961845_n.jpg)

3) By moving to unlimited buyers list you can enjoy a Utopian lifestyle as established playerbase of the game's inner circle. Find out more (http://whiskeywonka.com/2013/05/09/money-talks-and-bullshit-walks/)

You are welcome.

02-25-2014, 04:16 PM
Find out more (https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/q71/s720x720/564148_709970892357169_1070961845_n.jpg)
Dem gelf beacons, lel.Epic.

WAT DO?Skill MS 5 Donub, let's make the game MS 5 spam zone before the update with 40s cd comes online ajajajajaja.

02-25-2014, 04:57 PM
The one I'm playing on discriminates the Europians/Australians, by locking the relics during our time of the day.


What? Relics?...Never heard about.....

03-01-2014, 10:52 AM
They should not wait so long with the removal / rework of the the relic lock, they see and know it doesn't work on Haven at all.

Even removing it completely now would help, because at least the Europeans had a chance to steal back the gems, while it's not possible at all at the moment. When we have the upper hand and could do something we cannot, relics are locked...

Wakey wakey dear NGD!

03-01-2014, 10:01 PM
how about real time relic locks which activate anytime one realm's logged in population is 20% larger than the next smallest realm?

would this work i wonder...

03-01-2014, 10:49 PM
how about real time relic locks which activate anytime one realm's logged in population is 20% larger than the next smallest realm?

would this work i wonder...

this would make invasions imposible to happen xD

03-04-2014, 12:13 PM
this would make invasions imposible to happen xD

i guess because populations are often 20% or more over the next smallest realm? Maybe we can adjust the 20% figure....

yea, what it does do is force players to try shifting to another realm and playing or making a new character. and it still has the odd problems of :-

1) relic locks happening in the middle of an active attempt at capping forts and relics. in the middle of a fort possession, the relics could lock.

2) when the relics are locked, the realm with the greatest number of logged-in players could voluntarily log out until the relics unlock, they then take the relics and then all log in again.

so still some thought to go into some version of a solution. most of these solutions involve benefits and costs. but i guess, depending on how seriously the problem of realm numbers imbalance is thought to be, the solution should be one with the greatest marginal benefit.

03-06-2014, 05:47 AM
i guess because populations are often 20% or more over the next smallest realm? Maybe we can adjust the 20% figure....

yea, what it does do is force players to try shifting to another realm and playing or making a new character. and it still has the odd problems of :-

1) relic locks happening in the middle of an active attempt at capping forts and relics. in the middle of a fort possession, the relics could lock.

2) when the relics are locked, the realm with the greatest number of logged-in players could voluntarily log out until the relics unlock, they then take the relics and then all log in again.

so still some thought to go into some version of a solution. most of these solutions involve benefits and costs. but i guess, depending on how seriously the problem of realm numbers imbalance is thought to be, the solution should be one with the greatest marginal benefit.

i just meant that 20% difference usualy means a fail invasion. By the time i used to play RO, the invasions usualy only succeed when invading realm had like 2x the numbers of defenders. Not sure about now, but got the feeling that its still the same shit.

IMO biggest problems in terms of population imbalance is like a realm outnumbering the enemy for multiple times in same day.

03-06-2014, 03:30 PM
...the invasions usualy only succeed when invading realm had like 2x the numbers of defenders. Not sure about now, but got the feeling that its still the same shit...Due to having a lower base population in which npc's & constructs usually count for more here than on RA, & also due to new invasion mechanic that makes invading realm have to capture & hold enemies' gatehouse in order to get the gem pedestals to release the realm-gems, I'd wager those "2 to 1 odds" as actually being more like 3, 4 or 5 to 1 in order to have an excellent chance to invade successfully now on Haven. CoR has slowly & systematically become more of a zerg-rules game now than ever, so ofc., only the zerg rules. Sadly, errei is entirely right; implement this 20% idea & successful invasions will entirely cease; only the current zerg realm atm can soundly pull one off now anyway. Invasion system needs a thorough review & rework by the devs imho, or perhaps Bois is right & it needs to simply be removed, idk.

03-06-2014, 06:31 PM
Unfortunately NGD locked they own invasion system.

WTF is doing lock system on a international server ?

Anyway ,NGD is very addicted to they creed ,they won't change it.

03-10-2014, 01:11 AM
.... I'd wager those "2 to 1 odds" as actually being more like 3, 4 or 5 to 1 in order to have an excellent chance to invade successfully now on Haven. CoR has slowly & systematically become more of a zerg-rules game now than ever, ....

not strictly correct. i have seen instances where gelf 15-2x zerg has failed versus ignis at ignis gates (several times) and against blues at imperia. it's quite hard to get a zerg functioning as a single unit.

we need some hard real time statistics at the time of each invasion on this so people can see the facts.

that said, while I feel the game is less zergy than what Lebeau describes, i still feel zergyness is a problem which should be uppermost, until the playerbase and devs are fully comfortable and the facts all fully disclosed.

03-10-2014, 04:38 AM
...that said, while I feel the game is less zergy than what Lebeau describes, i still feel zergyness is a problem which should be uppermost, until the playerbase and devs are fully comfortable and the facts all fully disclosed.I'm NOT saying that the game is 5-to-1-zergy in favor of a single realm. What I AM saying is that the combination of the current invasion mechanics alongside a smaller server population (any but RA, basically) tend to require 3, 4, 5 or higher to one odds in order to have a great chance of success during invasion (get noble & all gems, open portal). This is by design, thus CoR has become a zerg-rules game. Only the current zerg realm has any real chance at all to invade successfully. At those times when this imbalance is severe enough, only the current zerg realm can invade at all. The other two realms cannot even acquire the three enemy relics of the current zerg realm. Something is fundamentally broken in CoR rvr; game needs scalability, just sayin'....

03-17-2014, 10:07 AM
We have just had another nice case of 5 alsians against the whole server invading, once again. But, oh look, we have relic locks, thankfully.

This system is not working because it doesn't do a thing to remedy the imbalanced population in realms, it only shuts certain timezones out creating further frustration to the players. NGD, its time to stop beating around the bush and address the problem directly.

03-17-2014, 12:55 PM
NGD is still pretending they don't read all our rant on relic lock. Not a single response on this subject except Adrians few months ago who wrote that they will "think about it".

Still nothing...

03-17-2014, 05:05 PM
NGD is still pretending they don't read all our rant on relic lock. Not a single response on this subject except Adrians few months ago who wrote that they will "think about it".

Still nothing...

Fatal was talking about it in chat (among other things), saying that its been reported and that they looking into it. Still no answers from anyone though, and Fatal wouldn't be allowed to speculate I don't think.

03-18-2014, 12:28 AM
gruffy told me he spent a lot of time collecting data on online numbers and peak times for haven server,then gave that info to NGD who then proceeded to place the relic lock at a time they made up totally disregarding his info.

had they followed his lead maybe you wouldnt have this problem now.

relic locks were needed,the way they were implemented was wrong thats all.