View Full Version : Dope Hunter gameplay

03-01-2014, 08:16 PM
Heyo guys,

maybe somebody remember me ?
I'm back in the game and just edited some awesome Huntergameplay!
check it out:

Champions of Regnum Ammmunation Hunter Gameplay by Alsius Heiler (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82-3NFoHk8Y)
Please rate if you like it.

have a good day! Alsi

03-01-2014, 09:50 PM
the editing is great, its a bit hard to watch/follow sometimes due to all the cuts
and its not really something i would watch for gameplay because of all the cuts

still very good editing

03-02-2014, 12:55 PM
the editing is great, its a bit hard to watch/follow sometimes due to all the cuts
and its not really something i would watch for gameplay because of all the cuts

still very good editing

Thanks for your feedback!
I know the cuts are very radical and sometimes hard to watch, the problem was i had such much stuff and tried to get it shorter and with more action^^
In Germany all players in this video are very popular (most of them with jewellery) so i only needed to show - hey i got them :D

Have a good day! Alsi

mag mage
03-02-2014, 01:01 PM
Nice vid, Alsi!

Can you translate what Baldur Axtchwinger sayed? ._., and what do you prefer play? As conjurer or as hunter?


03-02-2014, 03:18 PM
Nice vid, Alsi!

Can you translate what Baldur Axtschwinger sayed? ._., and what do you prefer play? As conjurer or as hunter?


"Severes ist ein allgemeines "Regnum Opfer" das sich ganz schön auf sich was einbildet und einen art Klatsch-Fetischismus betreibt."

"Severes is a general "Regnum Victim" He imagines to herself as he is the greatest and he fetishis some kind of clapping"

in the rough :)
At the moment i prefer Hunter - our Server isn't that much populated so if i want to hunt i really need the hunter :D
Both are amazing in my eyes.


03-03-2014, 11:14 PM
el uso abusivo del camuflaje no me gustó mucho y creo que podrías hacer mucho más si usaras más un arco largo, usar solamente un corto te limita mucho